Newbe- are my Dr's response to side effects correct


New Member
Hi Everyone. Thank you for this awesome site. I'm 57, former hard core weight lifter, never used steroids. Testosterone was 325 & doctor recommended TRT. I've been on androjel 1.62 for 10 weeks.
At week 2 my nipples got sore and puffy. Dr said reduce to 1 pump one day, 1 1/2 other. It continued. reduced dosage to 1 pump a day. Nipples still burning and now have purple outlines plus puffiness. My dr didn't return my calls, so i saw the physicans assistant. She said to stop the TRT and wait for the side effects to go away, then re-start at a lower level. She also said I should not need it all my life, only used for a while.
Is this correct? Everything I've read indicates no. Any suggestions?
It sounds like your estrogen levels are high. That is very strange as the low dosage of T he has you on should not have such a high conversion to estrogen.

I have two pieces of advice for you:

1) Run blood work (free + total T, estrogen, prolactin, etc - but make sure it's atleast those three)
2) Find a new doctor that will return your calls. Fast.

Your physician's assistant gave you shitty advice. This isn't headache medication. This is hormone therapy. It's the repeated consistent exposure to the hormones that will have an effect on you (good or bad). You don't just start for a few days and then stop for a few days. If you are experiencing negative symptoms the very first thing you do is run blood tests, then adjust dosage and/or add in AIs if needed (in your case it seems as if you might need them). You can't just stop hormone therapy, unless you are interested in lethargic mood swings. I am not saying that you should go right back on a you were despite the soreness and tenderness in your nipples, it's just that her advice is not exactly what a seasoned doctor in hormone therapy would have likely answered you.

I cannot answer as to why you experienced such symptoms so fast on 1 pump a day (my best guess would be that your body converts it very easily to E), but you definitely need a new doctor. Soreness and tenderness in the breast region can be the start of gyno, and you don't want that. Get a new doctor who knows what he's doing and will return your calls. I know I'm repeating myself here, but I'm sure that any one here on this forum reading your post would say the same.
Oh and by the way, if you are medically justified to be on TRT, it is for life, not "just a while". There is no cure for hypogonadism, only treatments.
Hi Everyone. Thank you for this awesome site. I'm 57, former hard core weight lifter, never used steroids. Testosterone was 325 & doctor recommended TRT. I've been on androjel 1.62 for 10 weeks.
At week 2 my nipples got sore and puffy. Dr said reduce to 1 pump one day, 1 1/2 other. It continued. reduced dosage to 1 pump a day. Nipples still burning and now have purple outlines plus puffiness. My dr didn't return my calls, so i saw the physicans assistant. She said to stop the TRT and wait for the side effects to go away, then re-start at a lower level. She also said I should not need it all my life, only used for a while.
Is this correct? Everything I've read indicates no. Any suggestions?
sounds like you need a new doctor, someone who specializes in TRT
Joining the chorus here, you're not getting good advice or care. Many, probably most, of us had the same experience when we started TRT. A new doctor, one who understands TRT will bring you peace of mind and better health.
Let me say this again; for men who start up on TRT it is NOT uncommon for them to get nipple sensitivity and soreness.

This is because the drug is working and the receptors in the nipples are reacting to the sex drug; this is not uncommon to when a boy enters puberty...same thing.

Gyno is rare and it takes a long time for it to develop.

To stop TRT for just this reason makes no sense at all as the symptoms would have subsided on their own over time.

Sometimes when a man starts up a TRT protocol that will get some neg sides that aren't the best but they will go away in time....think of it like one step back then two forward.

You shouldn't have stopped your protocol.
Bro. You need to get a new doctor.....TRT treatment by docs that are not experts is a road to ruin. Based upon your related expirence I would immediately find a new doc

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