See this is a perfect example of what I’m referring to, no offense. But ur diet is really bad. Again, no offense lol. But I’m not even exaggerating. Ur diet isn’t even close to good. Obv not as bad as only eating fast food, all processed packaged food, and/or all fried food, but apart from eating a diet consisting of just those things, ur diet lacks everything ur body needs, and contains mostly things that interfere with it functioning properly.
A few of the worst things u can eat are gluten containing grains, like bread and pasta, and pasteurized/ homogenized dairy from grain fed cows. Chicken is also not something u want to eat on a regular basis. Chickens are mono-gastric animals. Which means if they eat crap, ur eating crap. Opposed to ruminant animals that have 4 chambers to their stomachs, and even if they eat crap, they can still turn that food into pretty healthy meat for us to eat. So unless the chickens ur eating we’re pasture raised, u don’t want to eat it on a regular basis. So as far as protein goes, u mainly want to stick to eggs from pastured chickens, and meat from ruminant animals. And I don’t see any healthy fats in ur diet (unless when u say meat ur referring to fatty ruminant animal meat), which is arguably the most important macronutrient. Ur diet sounds like it’s extremely lacking in vital micronutrients, and ur eating a bunch of things that are causing damage within the body. It’s a recipe for ur body to be in a very unhealthy and sick state.
The good thing is that u said u like meat, and ur honestly not too far off in regards to eating a healthy diet. All I need to do is base each meal around a moderate/ large portion of fatty ruminant meat, or pastured eggs with the yolks. Or if u decide to eat a leaner cut of ruminant meat, just cook it in something like grassfed ghee or grassfed butter, or organic unrefined coconut oil if that’s ur preference. I personally use grassfed ghee. Then keep ur main carb sources to something like potatoes without the skins or organic white rice, or even squash, and fruit post meal or inbetween meals for snacks, as well as giving u another delicious carb source. And then either eat organ meats, or take a desiccated organ supplement if u don’t like the taste or organs. Salt is also extremely extremely important. So make sure to salt ur foods pretty liberally. But make sure u use either Redmond’s real salt or Celtic sea salt. Those are the two best, and what salt u use makes a huge difference. And u can still eat cheese and other dairy sources. U just have to make sure the dairy is from grassfed cows, is raw and never pasteurized, and preferably organic, but the organic part isn’t extremely important. Just better obv. U can still eat other meat sources, like chicken, turkey, pork and fish/ tuna, just don’t make them daily parts of ur diet. I know totally revamping a persons diet is extremely difficult and not realistic for most, but I would just try to eat as close to the template I recommended above and just try to eat better and better overtime and make small improvements when u can.