Was your E2 lab the sensitive assay?
Your body is producing Testosterone. Total testosterone of 627 is not too bad...not optimal, especially for a young man like you, but I've seen a lot worse. All in all, this lab work isn't very comprehensive. No SHBG, Free Testosterone, etc.
Are there no doctors in your country that specialize in TRT? If you tell us where you live, maybe someone here might know a doctor in your city. You never know.
As for the Adex...I wouldn't take it unless I had symptoms of high E2 (sensitive nipples, etc). We really don't even know your sensitive E2 blood level yet, do we?
You have to be very careful with Adex, because it is a powerful drug. I would start out at the lowest possible dose (.15mg BIW or thereabouts) only if absolutely necessary. Plenty of guys here have tanked their E2 by taking too much Adex. Having too low of an E2 level is just as bad as having it too high...with the loss of sex drive, and generally feeling like crap as leading symptoms. Be careful.
You can't get DIM? You have a computer, which means you have access to Amazon. I buy lots of my supplements there.