Hmmm. One example in the brain just for you. Nice study exploring peripheral E2 vs brain levels. In Men, Peripheral Estradiol Levels Directly Reflect the Action of Estrogens at the Hypothalamo-Pituitary Level to Inhibit Gonadotropin Secretion What conclusions do the author’s draw? E2 may be...
Inhibition of luteinizing hormone secretion by testosterone in men requires aromatization for its pituitary but not its hypothalamic effects: evidence from the tandem study of normal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone-deficient men The demonstration in this study that circulating E2 can modify...
False as demonstrated by studies I posted above. Both studies above are interventional studies.
@Phil Goodman you are much more charitable than I. These may be of interest (the whole thread reasonably entertaining). May be useful the next time someone argues blood E2 levels are not representative of tissue levels or indicative of tissue action.
For those keeping track enackers is former F***book TOT Admin and you can guess who carma is. Aka robroy aka yeti308 aka you know who.
Dude actually thinly veiled threatened me for libel. What a medical provider. To think this guy is an MD.
@Nelson Vergel @Dr Justin Saya MD maybe you will find this post interesting:
Hey Tareload, I spoke specifically with the author of this article in Florida just two months ago. I had a very specific conversation with doctor Ramasamy after he presented this article. Guess what? His statement was that he doesn’t feel the increase in hematocrit is harmful on testosterone...
I wonder who should be worried about mentioning certain people or quoting them on the internet?
Could this really be a practicing MD in the TOT space...?
Because we know so… Dummy
Tareload I will leave you at this since you obviously have no true education or knowledge in medicine. I think Ricky Gervais describes you perfectly “when you’re dead you don’t know your dead, its only painful to others. The same applies when you are stupid”. You are no longer worth my time