Not trying to derail the thread and make it all about diet, like I have a tendency to do lol, but this is a great vid, imo, for anyone struggling with psychiatric issues, including depression/ anxiety. It’s an interview where a psychiatrist, after many years of practicing, found that she can actually do more good for her patients by helping them with their diets, vs medication. She still prescribes medications, if absolutely needed, but uses them more as a last resort, compared to using them as the go to method of treatment, like she did throughout most of her career.
As far as medications go, SSRI’s just don’t seem like an optimal long term solution. I know they can help, and possibly be life saving, for some people, but the mechanism of action just doesn’t make a ton of sense. But I can see how they can have their place, at the same time. Obv this might not be everyone’s experience with increasing seratonin levels, to a moderate/ high degree, but it seems like increasing seratonin too much leads most people to feel somewhat emotionally flat/ numb. I actually experienced something like this personally one time. It was back before I knew that all SSRI studies are either flawed or corrupt, and that increasing serotonin levels have actually never been proven to improve mood to any significant degree. At the time, I genuinely believe that increasing serotonin levels were one of the best ways to improve mood. So I started taking a few supplements that are known to increase serotonin levels. I started taking tryptophan and 5-htp. I don’t remember exactly how many days it took to feel this way, but I just remember feeling very emotionally flat/ numb. Like I wasn’t really happy, but I wasn’t sad either. It was very weird. I kind of felt like a walking zombie emotionally. So I stopped taking them both after realizing the effects they were having on me. And obv that’s just an N of 1 experience, but from everything I’ve read over the years, it seems like it’s actually very common for people on SSRI’s to experience something similar. Again, I can see the benefit in this tho. For instance, if a person is suicidal, due to their depression, I can see kind of feeling nothing/ being emotionally numb/ flat, being better than feeling so depressed that u want to kill urself. So I can see this being a very viable short term solution, in situations like that. Or just if a person is experiencing very bad depression/ anxiety, on a regular basis, I can see feeling emotionally flat/ numb, being better than feeling those ways on a day to day basis. Again tho, based on the way high serotonin levels make most people feel, SSRI’s seem like a poor option, imo, if improved mood/ well being is the ultimate goal. But obv if some people experience this on them, and feel better than they do without taking them, I definitely think they should just continue taking them.
What makes a bit more sense to me, as far as medications and mood go, is medications that increase dopamine. If u look at the symptoms of increased dopamine, and what most people experience when increasing their dopamine levels, it just seems like these meds would give a person a better chance at success, if improved mood was the ultimate goal. Medications that increase dopamine also have the added benefit of improving sexual function, in a lot of males that take them, vs SSRI’s that have the reputation of hurting things in the bedroom. Obv not all males experience this, but it does have that reputation for a reason. Not sure about medications that increase dopamine and anxiety tho. Not sure if they would help or hurt someone that already has some level of anxiety regularly. Based on what I know about meds that increase dopamine, my assumption is that they would probably not be ideal for people that struggle with anxiety regularly. I could totally be wrong about that tho
At the end of the day, I fully believe food equals mood tho. I experience it within myself, and have seen hundreds, if not thousands at this point, of anecdotes where people reported having life long/ treatment resistant depression, and ended up completely resolving it through diet. Again, don’t want to make this all about diet, cuz I know that can be very annoying for some people lol, but I’ll just link a few good examples of what I’m referencing above.
(psychiatrist that helps her patients by assisting them with their diets, mainly)
(38 mins to 38:30 into it guy talks about being on every SSRI known to man throughout his life, but then having zero depression while doing carnivore)
(16 mins to 18 mins guy talks about thinking he just got dealt a bad genetic hand and was just destined to be on pills for his depression and anxiety the rest of his life, until he found carnivore)
And just so people don’t think I’m like this carnivore diet zealot lol, and aren’t open minded, here’s a vid where from 3:50 to 4:50 a woman that’s now on a high fruit raw vegan diet, talks about how food equals mood, and that she now wakes up as happy as can be, and prior to doing this diet, she was so depressed that she would sometimes contemplate suicide.