Natesto for me is the least likely to cause side effects is really useful for mood.
However, I am looking for something more convenient. I tend to not tolerate injections very well, but for some reason, I have tolerated Xyosted in the past. So, I am currently trying that again. The Xyosted upsides are that it’s simple, painless and easy to do. It is covered by my insurance, so it’s not expensive. I think I tolerate it better because it doesn’t have alcohol or preservatives. The downside is that it is in a self-contained auto injector pen and only comes in three specific doses to be given once a week. Not much flexibility there, but so far it seems to be going reasonably well.
Again, if you have a lot of side effects, I would absolutely give Natesto a try. It has been demonstrated to minimize shut down of your own production. It does not tend to raise DHT or estrogen levels abnormally. It does not tend to cause polycythemia.
The biggest knock on it is that you have to put it up the nose, and it’s three times a day. However, it is super quick and discreet and easy to do. You can throw it in your pocket and bring it with you to the office or when you are traveling. You kinda have to periodically clear your nose to get some of the buildup out. I think the petroleum jelly up the nose conversation is overblown in my opinion, though.
All things being equal, if you tolerate some other form of TRT better, then there’s no question you should do what is most convenient. But, if you are running out of options, I would for sure give this a try.