Hello, new member here. I am mike.
I have been on T for about 4 years. I was doing a twice weekly injection into belly fat of cypionate at 100mg a week split into 2 injections.
Before I started T my T level was around 200. I think my T levels dropped in a big way in my early 20s as I suffered a drop in libido. I am now 49 and have been enjoying a healthy libido for 4 years, I’ve also been in a much better mood. I sleep much better, and overall, it’s been a nice change.
My doctor recently left the practice and I have a new doctor. After my most recent appointment, she said I am starting to show the first hint of man boobs. My estradiol level is usually between 50 and 60, and T level is usually about 800. She said estradiol is too high.
So, two weeks ago, she switched me to androgel, 2 pumps, 40.5 at 1.62. The last 4 days my energy has been dropping and today, it culminated with no energy at all. I am talking no energy, where everything is a chore.
My girlfriend is worried it will get on her and no longer sleeps in the bed and my dog is also always trying to lick it off. This is all super irritating.
I sent her a message and she said to let her know in a couple weeks how I’m feeling as androgel takes at least 3 weeks to build up in your system.
Has anyone every switched from cypionate to androgel and experienced a major drop in energy.
Thanks in advance!