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I am a 65 years old man under the clomid 25 mg daily treatment, this is my last lab test

Testosterone total l: 578 ng/dl

Free testosterone : 10.8 pg/ml

DHEA-Sulfate: 177.0 ug/dl

Estradiol : 45.3 pg/ml

Prostate specific (ag) 0.6 ng/ml

However my libido is getting worse and my sexual frequency is also getting low

Any explaination?,
I do workout ( weights and some cardio) 3 days a week
Any recommendation to get any improvement?

Thank you,
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
However my libido is getting worse and my sexual frequency is also getting low

Any explaination?,
This is a common side effect of clomid and it will not get any better, in fact it’ll get worse as the synthetic estrogen builds up in your bloodstream.

You’re not likely to get any of these issues on TRT.

Why are you not on TRT?
Thank you for response, but it's not supposed that I would be good if testosterone is in range and build by myself?, what make the difference between Clomid using and TRT?, just to know, just learning
what make the difference between Clomid using and TRT?
Clomid is a drug, a toxin, a chemical and with any drug come side effects. TRT is testosterone, a bio identical hormone in every living creature on earth. When you put a drug, a chemical into your body, your body doesn’t know what it is, it doesn’t recognize it as a natural substance.

When you put testosterone in your body, your body recognizes it as a natural substance. The only way you can get side effects from testosterone is if your body can’t handle it anymore due to a medical condition or you’re in excess.

If your doctor prescribed a 65-year-old man clomid instead of testosterone, not wanting any more children, this is a red flag, and I wouldn’t trust this doctor to manage my hormones.
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Thank you, agreed, but TRT therapy inhibits the functioning of the pituitary gland and testicles forever, isn't that bad too?, again just to know and learn
Thank you, agreed, but TRT therapy inhibits the functioning of the pituitary gland and testicles forever, isn't that bad too?
I stopped TRT in 2019 for eight months, everything went back to normal and then I went back on TRT. My testicles were atrophy and then four weeks later we’re functioning again.

I feel better on TRT than I do off therapy.

What’s worse is you’ve introduced a chemical into your body that is blocking some of the effects of estrogen on your heart, liver, pancreas, and brain, all to achieve an increase in LH, you’re not worried about that?

The synthetic estrogen competes for the same receptors as estrogen, partially blocking its effects. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want fake synthetic chemicals in my body.

You’re doing all your research after you started therapy and not before.

Testosterone therapy might inhibit some downstream and upstream hormones, but for the majority of cases, it’s negligible.

If you’re pregnantalone declines a little bit, you simply supplement it.

TRT has less cons and side effects than clomid.

Our site owner has been on TRT for almost 30 years.
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Thank you, and what about enclomiphene?
It’s a little bit different, but has some of the same drawbacks as clomid. Clomid/enclomiphene aren’t long-term solutions and the majority of men that started out on them are now on TRT.
worth it to do a final try before switching to TRT?
You’re just delaying the inevitable. Your mind is hung up on your testicles, pituitary gland not functioning and once you get past this things will get better.
Thank you, I will think about, by the way, if DHEA level is increased by taking it as suplement could this help?, also, taking anastrozole to reduce Estradiol could help too?
clomid also serves as an agonist for estradiol in the brain, a lot of doctors do not prescribe it anymore

Are you worried about fertility if you take testosterone?
I rather get worried about this, TRT therapy inhibits the functioning of the pituitary gland and testicles
You have secondary hypogonadism, your pituitary gland and testicles are already inhibited prior to clomid therapy.

No way in hell are you going to come out of this with healthy youthful testosterone levels, and a fully functioning pituitary gland and testicles at 65 years old.

You need to look at your options, go back to having low testosterone with an inhibited pituitary gland and testicles, or stay on clomid therapy that doesn’t work well or go onto TRT.

It’s really that simple!
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I will think about, by the way, if DHEA level is increased by taking it as suplement could this help?
This is just wishful thinking. If DHEA increased natural testosterone in a significant number of men, there would be no need for TRT.

taking anastrozole to reduce Estradiol could help too?
You’re opening up another can of worms, anastrozole can mess with your lipids and bone density.

Here you go again wanting drugs to fix your problems. We’ve all been brainwashed by Big Pharma to think that drugs are safe, preferred and healthy. Since when are drugs healthier for you than a bio identical hormone?

TRT is the most life altering, natural treatment you could ever be on! Studies show that men on TRT show a decreased risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.

The same can’t be said for people on anastrozole.
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Hi all, nice to meet you

I am a 65 years old man under the clomid 25 mg daily treatment, this is my last lab test

Testosterone total l: 578 ng/dl

Free testosterone : 10.8 pg/ml

DHEA-Sulfate: 177.0 ug/dl

Estradiol : 45.3 pg/ml

Prostate specific (ag) 0.6 ng/ml

However my libido is getting worse and my sexual frequency is also getting low

Any explaination?,
I do workout ( weights and some cardio) 3 days a week
Any recommendation to get any improvement?

Thank you,
I'm just seeing this, so new to the thread. For what it's worth, when I was on clomid only I did 12mg every other day and had decent results. 25mg every day seems like a fairly high dose. That said, when I was experimenting and lowered my dose, I found that I had to do a several week period of no clomid in order to reset, likely since clomid (part of it) takes so long to leave the body. I can understand why you would want to preserve natural functioning for as long as possible, since there are some clinicians such as Dr. Mark Gordon who think that lack of Lutenizing hormone (which TRT shuts off) is a problem, so hopefully you can experiment and find something that works, but I would start with reducing your dose. Also, some us find that supplementing DHEA and/or PT-141 is helpful for libido, and both of those are relatively non-suppressive of natural hormone pathways as far as I know.
On some period I switched to 25 mg EOD and my testosterone went down to 456 ng/dl l, then I returned to 25 mg daily.
What dosage of DHEA would you recommend?
On some period I switched to 25 mg EOD and my testosterone went down to 456 ng/dl l, then I returned to 25 mg daily.
What dosage of DHEA would you recommend?
Regarding Clomid dosage, I would go by how you feel and perfrom, not necessarily by total T since Clomid can affect other things and more T may not neccessarily be better if it takes a counterproductive clomid dose to get it. Regarding DHEA I use 25mg per day although some other people use more or less. I think it is a matter of experimentation.
none for dhea. you are not going to raise your testosterone at gnc

btw,, the average testosterone level of an olympic athlete is high 500s low 600s. They are just a fuck of a lot younger

We need testosterone, cuz we are old/ 125mg to 150mg a week and adjust from there (I would add a few other thngs but for now you will be good)

do not worry about your estrogen levels at your age. Higher estrogen with higher testosterone is gold standard for libido and basic vitality. If libido dips take extremely modest measures to mitigate it.. extremely modest

Personally I prefer boldenone for controlling estradiol due to its synergistic effects with testosterone

also,, extremely modest doses.. 60 mg a week

or 6.25 mg a week of aromasin

stop with clomid.. Clomid is a disaster for most people which is why no one prescribes it unless they are a GP trying to humor a patient

It is known to fuck people up and lower libido, you estrogen/estradiol will be in range but your libido will be down because it is an agonist neurologically for estrogen

dumbest possilbe thing you could do
Clomid will screw you up. I am 65 and have been on TRT for 15 years. My body performs as if I were in my 40's. My work capacity is amazing. I work 10 hour days, lift weights and do cardio almost every day. You will not get the results you want with Clomid. Thats a dangerous drug. My doc gave it to me 15 years ago and its still sitting in my cabinet. Who cares if TRT shuts you down. I have been shut down for 15 years and I feel great. If you want your libido back, you will have to increase your testosterone.
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