Low dosage clomid for long term use ? 21 year old


New Member
Hey guys I'm 21 year old and I need some and information regarding Long term clomid use.

to cut the long story short at the age of 18 I was prescribed (Lexapo later changed to paxil) for Anxiety and Panic attacks .. I was on it for a total of 10 months and it really resolved the anxiety and panic attack... from the 1st day of taking the Pill my sexual function(which was normal) libido sensation went away and it was hard to get an erection so I decided to go cold turkey at may 2013.... I never had any withdrawal syndrome but unfortunetely my libido was still 0 although erections were normal .

Later in january 2014 my libido was still low ..I dont know if It was antidepressant induced or some hevoc they caused in my system.. from jan 2014 I started having some problems in my life that made me Extremely stressful and my anxiety started to return. i decided to try paxil again but this time I took 1 pill and masturbated straight 3 times in a row despite having 0 libido I just wanted to feel something... the 3rd time I orgasmed It caused a havoc in my system(some kind of over simulation of hormonal and I was extremely ill for 2 months down with severe depression/anxiety/apathy brain fog memory loss , burning sensation all over body etc etc ..

Over time a lot of symptom subsided

fast forwarding 2.5 years later today .. What remains is Anhedonia/Apathy that was masturbation induced and ofcourse No libido and erection got weaker ..

Tried a lot of meds ssri's, wellbutrin, other supplements but nothing ever helped the anhedonia or the libido..

So I thought maybe it could be a hormonal problem so I got my self tested 6 months ago and here were the results -

(december 2015)

ACTH - 29.5 pg/ml --- normal range --> 7 - 69 pg/ml
Evening Cortisol - 8.50 normal range ---- 2.3 - 11 ug/dl

SHBG - 7.0 nmol/l Normal levels - 15 - 48.4 nmol/l

Morning Cortisol - 7.54 ug/dl Normal levels - 6.2 - 19.4 ug/dl

Estrodiol (E2) /Oestrogen - 32.00 pg/ml Normal level - (Adult male - 0 - 32 pg/ml)

Testosterone 304 ng/dl Normal level - 350 ng/dl - 1200 ng/dl

free testosterone - 5.00 pg/ml Normal level - 7.30 - 32 pg/ml ( Isn't mine Low as Hell)

Prolactin - 18.56 ng/ml Normal level - 2.1 - 15 ng/ml (For men )

TSH = 0.92 IU/ml Normal = 0.30 - 5.50

T3 = 92ng/dl Normal = 60 - 200

T4 = 6.1 ug/dl Normal = 4.5 - 13.0

Evening Cortisol - 8.50 normal = 2.3 - 11 ug/dl

Cholesterol - 199 Normal = below 200

I know things were bad but man I thought If I tried to eat healthy excercise all would resolve But I was wrong . things weren't improving ... so i had another hormone test in march 2016 and here are the results --

ACTH - 33.5 pg/ml --- normal range --> 7 - 69 pg/ml
Evening Cortisol - 9.1 normal range ---- 2.3 - 11 ug/dl

SHBG - 6.2 nmol/l Normal levels - 15 - 48.4 nmol/l

Morning Cortisol - 7.2 ug/dl Normal levels - 6.2 - 19.4 ug/dl

Estrodiol (E2) /Oestrogen - 30.00 pg/ml Normal level - (Adult male - 0 - 32 pg/ml)

Testosterone 246 ng/dl Normal level - 350 ng/dl - 1200 ng/dl

free testosterone - 4.1 pg/ml Normal level - 7.30 - 32 pg/ml

Prolactin - 19.51 ng/ml Normal level - 2.1 - 15 ng/ml (For men )

TSH = 0.88 IU/ml Normal = 0.30 - 5.50

T3 = 105 ng/dl Normal = 60 - 200

T4 = 6.1 ug/dl Normal = 4.5 - 13.0

Evening Cortisol - 9.80 normal = 2.3 - 11 ug/dl

Cholesterol - 204 Normal = below 200

for a 21 year old I think the reports are extremely messed up
I think paxil was the culprit in causing my low TT... I don't know if this is what is causing some problems with anhedonia, libido,erection,memory and low quality sleep and other problems but i think fixing it should help
I was wondering can I use clomid 12.5 mg two or three times a week for a couple of years ? to reset The low TT ..

I was worried about my estrogen that is already in the maximum accepted level and my high Prolactin and extremely low SHBG ??
Welcome to Excelmale. Those are levels that make no sense in a 21 year old. Have you ever used anabolic steroids? Had a head injury? Extended use of opiates?

What, at this point, have you been told regarding these tests? Do you have faith in your doctor? What course of action has been proposed? And - why was your LH and FSH not measured if you are considering Clomid?
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My understanding is Lexapo and paxil, can decreased your interest in sex and sexual ability. I think your doctor should have told you about any possible side effects.
Never in my life i have touched alcholol let alone anabolic steroids .. no head injury or opiates ... i was all perfectly fine guy who developed anxiety and was given ssri and typical antipsychotic to augment is ... these decreased my sexual drive .... even 2.5 years later after i quit i dont even get a morning erection.. 3 times masturbation after 1 pill of paxil killed my emotions ...

Now the sititations getting worse i cant even get proper erection and sometimes when i ejaculate the sperms doesnt come out... this happens if i masturbate everyday to keep my sexual function atleast alive... so i got these hormonal test on my own and i find my testosterone is near death both total and free on top of that prolactin is high.....

I blame all of these to ssri and antipsychotic....... somehow they screwed my hpa and testos making system in the hypothalamus.

I want clomid because i read 12.5 long term is safe and it increases both total and free test x 3 times...... so i think bringing testos to optimal level and reducing prolactin will deff resolve some issues if not all. Thank you sir
Well sir as u can see it did what it did and screwed up my hormones otherwise i see no other cause... now i want to ressurect my hormones so any advice on long term clomid will be appreciated
Perhaps I missed them, but did you run LH and FSH? Those values will help determine if Clomid is a possibility. The estradiol test was a surprising reference range - do you live outside the US? What have your doctor's said in response to this?
Perhaps I missed them, but did you run LH and FSH? Those values will help determine if Clomid is a possibility. The estradiol test was a surprising reference range - do you live outside the US? What have your doctor's said in response to this?

Yes sir I live outside US, In Asia
No Sir, as it is tests are very expensive and I know nothing about LH or FSH so never bothered to check it.. I went to an endocrinologist with my report and he well prescribed 45 minutes of excercise everyday and eating healthy ..he's unwilling to prescribe any medication because he thinks its a little lower than the reff range.. these as*hole doctors think like "well if the reference range for TT is from 4-30 and you have 4 then its completely ok"

I am going to see if I can run LH and FSH and get back to you
I do know about that and I am not trying to treat that here
I'm trying to treat my low free and total Testosterone that can itself cause lot of problems..

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