I don’t want to fall into the trap that most guys here do and succumb to our caveman brains and make this an us vs them thing. Anytime people pick sides, everyone loses. But what you said Jimbo is very lucid and I’d have to agree with you. Nobody’s better than anyone here. There’s some members that are doctors that have great insight and info to share, and then there are new members that have no certifications or degrees in this field and can offer info that is just has accurate and helpful. This forum has amazing potential, but for some reason a lot of the members here can be very immature, resort to name calling, can be extremely judgmental, and can be extremely poor communicators. I’m a part of quite a few hormone fb groups, and of course you get some guys that are like this, but for some reason, it seems like there is way more men here that just don’t communicate well, get offended very easily, like to take sides, like to judge, like to attack other members, can only see things from their perspective/ experiences, and just overall lose sight of what this forum is supposed to be. Which is a place for men to learn, share their experiences, and help guide other members on their path to health and wellness. This is supposed to be a positive place to help guys out struggling. That’s why I’m here at least. If I ever offend anyone, or make them upset, or seem like I’m being judgmental, it’s not my intentions, and I apologize. I just wish this place was a more positive outlet for men/ women to come to when they need it. Unfortunately this forum has gotten off track quite a bit, imo. Which is very sad. Like I said, it has a ton of potential.