I tried primo for a short while and it caused significant joint pain and some prostate inflammation. I know some prefer to use DHT derivatives to control E2, but I honestly feel like microdosing anastrozole is more benign. At least, it feels healthier and more sustainable for me personally, based on my limited experience. I have yet to try another form of AI or DHT derivative. Maybe masteron or proviron would be friendlier?
I haven't felt any prostate issues or seen any on PSA test results up to 70mg/week of each Primo and Mast (separately), but that's not to say there wouldn't be any long term side effects.
I do tend to agree microdoses of Anastrozole might be healthier long term, although all of this is extremely hard to gauge with the (lack of) data we have.
Proviron is supposed to be extremely safe, I think it's the DHT derivative closest to the actual DHT mollecule.
I also wonder whether the same way Test Prop might be healthier long term by not creating sustained high levels of Test 24/7 (despite reaching higher peaks), perhaps Mast P could be healthier and less harsh on the prostate than Mast E?
I tried Anastrozole in the past and feel like I got negative side effects from even very small doses (0.0625mg) that seemed to be from the AI itself rather than purely crashed E2 levels, but to be fair I'd been so spooked by all the anti-AI hysteria that I didn't run the experiment for very long.
One of the things I'm going to try with Test P is Aromasin. I did notice that Mast and Primo had a negative impact on my lipids even with reasonable doses, and I'm not sure I feel great about that long term.
I remember you were one of the people trying to fine tune Test P at the time. What's your protocol now? Are you still on Prop? Are you happy with your current protocol and a small dose of AI?