Acne is a not uncommon side-effect of TRT. It presents in men without regard to estradiol levels. One does not manage acne with an AI. Nizoral shampoo, used as a bodywash, has helped me a great deal.
If an AI has been prescribed by your doctor for elevated estradiol, you should take it to control your E2 levels. To manage acne issues, many members here rely on Nizoral shampoo and use it as a full body/face wash. Benzoyl peroxide is also a common tool to use against it.
technically one has nothing to do with the other. Increased BP is a common side of TRT, as is acne. As said, use Nizoral and a body brush, loofa, etc.., twice per day.
Published on Mar 19, 2013
Estradiol is a primary estrogen in men. What is its role? What happens when it is too low or too high? Where do "man boobs" come from?