Absorption of test oil into fat is ruining TRT

When I first started TRT I was advised to do subq which had terrible results from very high e2. For some reason, when test oil is absorbed into my body through fat cells this seems to happen. I also can't drink alcohol on TRT because it sky rockets my estrogen and I feel terrible and can't fall asleep. I suspect that I might have bad genetics for clearing estrogen, I have seen that discussed before.

After failing with subq I went to shallow IM in my delt, this worked a bit better but far from perfect. I eventually found the best thing, which was to do deep IM into a spot on the outside of my lower quad just by my knee. On my body I don't have any fat under the skin. There is a night and day difference injecting at this spot compared to anywhere else in my body. I don't get any absorption of oil into fat cells whatsoever and I feel great. However, after a couple of years of daily injections I have accumulated scar tissue at this spot. When I inject there now it feels off.

As a result I need to find another spot, but every time I inject I can feel the oil is getting absorbed into the fat. Even if I got a bit higher up on the quad which doesn't have that much fat on it, use a 1.25 inch needle, z track and hold it in there for a while, I can feel that some of the test oil is getting absorbed in the fat. It's unbelievably frustrating, I am not aware of another spot on my body. I feel pretty hopeless and have absolutely no idea what to do. Thoughts?
I feel pretty hopeless and have absolutely no idea what to do. Thoughts?
You probably need to do something else to control estrogen if you've exhausted the one spot in your body that worked. You can start with the mildest options, like calcium D-Glucarate, tadalafil, zinc, and work your way up to heavier hitting drugs if needed.

Or, you can cut down to a lower body fat % where more muscles have no fat over them, opening up additional non-aromatizing sites for injection.
The newer oral testosterone, Kyzatrex, Jatenzo and Orlando is another option to bypass your issues on injections. These options tend to have less side effects than injectable testosterone.

The PK profiles will likely get you better T:E2 ratios.
I am going to try gel to see if it helps. I would try cream but my clinic doesn't prescribe because they aren't convinced it's safe at the moment. I am wondering if anyone has opinion on whether the gel will still have the same aromatization issue in the fat. Obviously fat cells are just below the skin, so this is a bit of a concern. However, I don't know if the issue is specific to the esters in the oil. Anyone have an opinion on this? If that doesn't work I will then look to try transcrotal cream.
I am going to try gel to see if it helps. I would try cream but my clinic doesn't prescribe because they aren't convinced it's safe at the moment. I am wondering if anyone has opinion on whether the gel will still have the same aromatization issue in the fat. Obviously fat cells are just below the skin, so this is a bit of a concern. However, I don't know if the issue is specific to the esters in the oil. Anyone have an opinion on this? If that doesn't work I will then look to try transcrotal cream.
What size needle are you using? I think there is a sound-based technique to break-up scar tissue which might help. Also, I would think forearm muscle might be similar to the leg muscle you are using.

Edit: The most reliable way to deal with an issue like this is to try to figure out a way to keep doing what was working.
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I am going to try gel to see if it helps. I would try cream but my clinic doesn't prescribe because they aren't convinced it's safe at the moment. I am wondering if anyone has opinion on whether the gel will still have the same aromatization issue in the fat. ...
You're probably operating under a misconception. Research so far supports the proposition that testosterone esters, e.g. testosterone cypionate, are essentially inert until they reach the bloodstream. Only there do they make contact with enzymes that cleave the testosterone from the ester to make it bioavailable. The implication is that you do not have localized aromatization at injection sites. Though speculative, an alternative explanation is that variations in the rate of testosterone absorption affect the overall rate of aromatization. In particular, there are claims that using testosterone propionate daily leads to less aromatization than using a longer ester such as cypionate. The former results in wide excursions in serum testosterone, while the latter keeps levels relatively steady.

Topical testosterone is a different animal. In this case pure testosterone can interact with the enzymes in the skin, which include aromatase and 5α-reductase. At a given dose rate it's possible to produce more estradiol and DHT with this modality when compared to injections of testosterone esters. Anecdotally it is suggested that estrogenic activity is typically reduced in comparison to injections. The possible mechanisms include greater efficiency of DHT formation and/or the anti-estrogenic effects of DHT itself (aromatase inhibition, estrogen receptor interference).

In conclusion, you may find that using a testosterone gel helps, but if you attain decent absorption then you are likely to see supraphysiological levels of DHT. Personally I'm leery of being out-of-range, but many will dismiss such concerns — because blatant harm has not yet been demonstrated. Alternatively, you might experiment with daily subcutaneous injections of testosterone propionate, or a blend of testosterone propionate and testosterone cypionate.
I’d do what cat recommends and try topical. Some find doing both injection and topical gives them a rise and fall similar to natural test while keeping e2 in line.
What kind of oil is it? I’m not sure if that makes a difference but I had good results with subq test cyp compounded in grapeseed oil. Didn’t need an AI. Xyosted uses sesame oil and it is designed for subq specifically. Enanthate comes in sesame oil, while most commercial t cyp comes in cottonseed oil.

Gels worked well for me at higher doses, like 3-4 pumps per day, but overtime the absorption thru my skin became very inconsistent.

As others mentioned, oral test like Jatenzo might be another option. Also Natesto, a nasal gel with castor oil (though for me it didn’t raise T levels enough).
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