5 months on trt with Universal Men's Clinic


Im 40 years old, no drugs or alcohol use let alone abuse or prior "steriods" before June 17th 2017 when had my first visit. I do exercise regularly, however, didn't before August 2013 since about 1995 or so.
Ok, two parts to this post. 1st is quick and simple, any future person looking to go here (universal men's clinic) don't, that's right don't.

Anyways, part 2:
I had been having issues/symptoms of low T for over a year and thought I'd go get checked out) prior test in January (that I ordered following links here) showed 464 total and I believe 9.8 free t and 14.7 estradiol (again lab corp), and another testosterone test done back in 2014 showed total t 330 or so, curiously, I was slightly anemic and Dr mentioned low t as possible cause for how I was feeling (low t symptoms back then but not as bad as the last year prior to my visit here). Low energy, not recovering from gym or strenuous activity, lowered libido and ed say 2-3 out of 5.

Originally (June 17th)was put on 200mg testosterone cypionate and 1mg of anastrozole per week. (First blood test showed about 330 total t and 14.8 estradiol (they use lab corp)) first dose was at Dr office and it was 2 weeks until 2nd then a week thereafter. Felt great at first and then things slid from there. Started having headaches and generally felt like crap. Sex drive went away and ability for erections disappeared, drive to go to gym and deal with everything got extremely hard to keep going. Called Dr office and was told was not symptoms of trt (headache and nausea was why I called. Later I would find thanks to others here it was)

August 12th went for follow up blood work. About 1.5 weeks later got results and estradiol was < 5 (test only goes to 5) total t was 468 (7 days since last injection), and hematocrit was 48. 7 (beginning was 43.7) .

Dr recommend blood donation to make me feel better. I gave blood but at same time Dr wanted me to take a full injection every 5 days instead of 7. (200 mg of testosterone and 1mg of anastrozole per 1 mil syringe every 5 days) however, because donation didn't make me feel better in couple days finally got Dr to drop anastrozole, but only dropped to. 25mg per injection, still every 5 days. Still felt like crap and on September 30th went for yet another follow up blood tests. 1.5 weeks later got results hematocrit were at 49.3 and estradiol was 30 (funny felt no different from when it was below 5), total t was now 630 (8 days since last injection, I held out using injections so there would be at least 5 days without before blood work and ended up at 8 actually felt better without). Total t 600 + and honestly I felt better before I started trt, better than month of August but not that good.

Dr recommendation? To give blood again and switch to cream instead of injections.

Recieved my meds October 13th or so, compounded cream with 300mg of testosterone and .137 mg of anastrozole per mil/1 pump (dynamic rx is pharmacy) every day and 1mg tablet of anastrozole per week.

4 weeks or so, feel better than before but still not 100%. Unable to get an erection 5 out of 5, 2 out of 5 would be great at this point!! Still get headaches and at times feel I can't get enough water but better recovery and maybe slight performance improvement. Though wish I never went here or even thought of trt! I'd take way I was feeling before trt ANY day of the week.

Results given here are what I was told, that and everything else was supposed to be normal, back in January when I ordered blood tests, I also got the thyroid panel, my results they were all in normal range.
Personally I favor injections. I think a good starting protocol of 70mg of T cyp and 500iu of HCG every 3 1/2 days and no AI is a good starting protocol. To many TRT doctors overprescribing AIs, with out properly testing estradiol levels. Men do worse with low levels of E2 then higher levels.
Stop taking the 1mg of anastrozole, sounds like your Estrodial level may be too low/crashed.

estradiol was < 5" you mentioned the range only went to 5? The Estradiol test needs to be the "sensitive" test, with a range that stops at 5, I dont believe this is the correct test.

stop the AI, retest in 6 weeks, add back SOME of the AI if needed.
anastrozole is powerful and 1mg is a lot too take for TRT. most of us who use AI take .25mg twice a week, taken on the day of or on the day after the injection. most inject every 3.5 days. your cream/gel looks like it has AI compounded into it? this is prob enough and will not even need to take a pill AI on the side.

in short, your Dr is a idiot!
man your doc is an idiot.. he crashed your estrogen in the beginning.. thats when you started to feel like crap.. you said then when he lowered your AI your estrogen went up to 30 but you felt no different.. that is because once you crash your estrogen you will feel like crap for long time even if your e2 will go up on bloodwork.. basically you would respond very different and much better to trt if he wouldnt use AI from the beginning.. now its too late you have to wait and you will feel bad during this time. now you will feel much worse then you felt without any trt with low natural T levels. basically he ****ed you up.
Yep like these guys said its the anastrozole, should have never been started on it in the first place. And i would never take it again, there are some guys who can absolutely not tolerate this drug. It is an "endocrine disruptor."
imo you should find a better doctor there is defy medical if you tell them your protocol history im sure they can help you to put your body on right track again but it still will take time. this universal men clinic is destroying your health brother
Sounds just like the crappy T-mill I started out with. The only thing good I can say about them is their radio commercials got my attention and I decided to be tested. Total T was 217. Glad to be away from those folks now though.
You said you were slightly anemic, yet your MD told you to donate blood twice while your HCT was still in range. This is wrong. You cannot donate blood if your anemic it'll drive down your iron and that shuts down your thyroid receptors and leaves you hypothyroid. Google hypothyroid symptoms. Your symptoms are consistent with hypothyroidism. You need to get a better MD. Try Defy our site sponsor, they are very good and it can all be done over the phone! Not only will they get your TRT balanced, they will verify your other hormones as well.
This doctor can't even pretend to know what he's doing, a lot of doctors start their practice and have no clue what they're doing and leaves those who come in for treatment guinea pigs. This doctor did everything wrong!
You said you were slightly anemic, yet your MD told you to donate blood twice while your HCT was still in range. This is wrong. You cannot donate blood if your anemic it'll drive down your iron and that shuts down your thyroid receptors and leaves you hypothyroid. Google hypothyroid symptoms. Your symptoms are consistent with hypothyroidism. You need to get a better MD. Try Defy our site sponsor, they are very good and it can all be done over the phone! Not only will they get your TRT balanced, they will verify your other hormones as well.

Sorry for confusion, I was not on trt in 2014 when I had test done and was told I was slightly anemic and if iron supplementation didn't help with fatigue that I was experiencing then low t would have to be looked at. I started trt June 17th 2017 when I went to universal men's clinic for first time. August my hematocrit was 48.7 and gave blood then in October it was 49.3 or something like that and was told to give blood again and he switched me to cream, because he said shouldn't raise hematocrit.

Low thyroid I'm not sure about but here is my results from blood test I got done in January of this year.

Thyroxine (T-4) Free, Direct, S 1.14 ng/DL .82-1.77
TSH 1.800 uIU/ML .450-4.500
Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum 3.8 pg/ml 2-4.4

Again this was before trt and as you say any low e2 causing low thyroid.
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Stop taking the 1mg of anastrozole, sounds like your Estrodial level may be too low/crashed.

estradiol was < 5" you mentioned the range only went to 5? The Estradiol test needs to be the "sensitive" test, with a range that stops at 5, I dont believe this is the correct test.

stop the AI, retest in 6 weeks, add back SOME of the AI if needed.
anastrozole is powerful and 1mg is a lot too take for TRT. most of us who use AI take .25mg twice a week, taken on the day of or on the day after the injection. most inject every 3.5 days. your cream/gel looks like it has AI compounded into it? this is prob enough and will not even need to take a pill AI on the side.

in short, your Dr is a idiot!

I have to agree with you here, Dr is an idiot, I feel like an idiot for falling for them to begin with.

I will stop taking pill weekly. Yes, .137mg adds up to 1mg per week.

Thanks for reply
There is a universal men's clinic in my city. I spoke to them years ago and did not walk but RUN away. They are not only clueless, but arrogantly clueless. They start everybody out on a cookie cutter protocol and then double down on the stupid choices after that.

Seriously - call Defy Medical or Prime Body ASAP. They are a lot less $$$ than universal men's clinic as well.
There is a universal men's clinic in my city. I spoke to them years ago and did not walk but RUN away. They are not only clueless, but arrogantly clueless. They start everybody out on a cookie cutter protocol and then double down on the stupid choices after that.

Seriously - call Defy Medical or Prime Body ASAP. They are a lot less $$$ than universal men's clinic as well.

Your local clinic sounds like the one that started me out on 260 mg of Propionate (or a custom compound depending on which nurse I spoke to) once per week, then switch me over to 100 Propionate (or quicker acting ester depending on the nurse)/160 Enanthate every other week while taking 1mg Anastrozole every Monday. Thanks to me feeling like crap and it taking over 10 weeks to meet with the doctor, I reached out to Defy to see if they could give me a better protocol than spike, crash, repeat. I'll know more in the up and coming weeks and wouldn't be shocked to see if my current switch in protocol crashed my Estradiol.

I plan on updating my own thread when the lab results from today come back and again after my consult with Defy.

OTOH, I am in shock at how these anti-aging places get away with cookie cutter protocols that make people feel worse than before they started.
There is a universal men's clinic in my city. I spoke to them years ago and did not walk but RUN away. They are not only clueless, but arrogantly clueless. They start everybody out on a cookie cutter protocol and then double down on the stupid choices after that.

Seriously - call Defy Medical or Prime Body ASAP. They are a lot less $$$ than universal men's clinic as well.

Yes, $300 down payment + $173 a month for 16 months. ($3,000 +) my issue here is I can't afford Defy right now. They (universal men's clinic) put you in contract, to which I can get out of, just not for free. Defy I believe (I emailed them) $200 to start plus. I will as soon as I can. In the mean time I'm not going to take weekly anastrozole pill.

I do feel better now than all of August and September, but some days is worse. I don't have issue with injections, but if cream will work I'll ride it as long as i can.

Ok. Side note: if you try to edit your post here it instead gets deleted. (Using mobile site on android)

Anyways, have not took any extra anastrozole since last post and went last Saturday for labs, blood draw was ~1 hour and 20 mins after applying cream. Got results yesterday.

Total t 472, estradiol was 5.5, PSA 1.0, hematocrit 48 (lab corp is lab they use). Dr wants me to donate blood AGAIN (3rd time since started TRT 6-17-17/6 months) and is changing my protocol again. Now instead of 1 pump of 300mg test per pump a day it is 2 pumps of 250mg per pump. No extra anastrozole. If they fill same way as before then every pump with have .143 mg per pump, works out to just over 2mg of anastrozole a week. But don't know don't have prescription yet.
Last time I took 1mg anastrozole pill was Saturday 11-18-2017 and my estradiol is 5.5? Seems crazy to me, don't really feel good, thought I wasn't flushing water out of my system as bad as a couple months ago but apparently was just in my head.
And another thing. I was told switching to cream would stop issues with hematocrit rising. When they checked after my last donation it was not this high. Ugh
Man, really sorry you have a bad protocol. I did too when I started, but was put on compunded cream with chrysin (an AI) and my estradiol also crashed.

These docs that prescribe and AI on initial protocol are hurting a LOT of men.


Recovery from low E takes a LONG time, like months or more. Do no expect immediate results.

I agree with others, you should run far from this doc and clinic. Get someone who knows WTF they are doing!

Oh, and Hematocrit of 47-48 is just fine. Plus if you have any tendency towards anemia, it is ludicrous to bleed you at that HCT level.

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