300mg Test Enanthate every 4 days

Madman, thanks again. A whole load of testing needing done rather than cowboying it like I’ve been doing. Still feeling good, mentally, physically, 5 weeks in. When would you say it would all come crashing down, continuing on this path? Not that I am, it just an enquiry?

Again the dose you are on has absolutely nothing to do with HRT/TRT.

You are not even working out which is even worse.

Those kind of blood levels achieved on such dose serve no purpose other than for some one who wants to use/abuse T for gaining muscle/increasing strength well beyond what they could ever attain naturally.

Sadly this turns out to be a life long commitment whether cycling, blasting/cruising in order to maintain that look.

These kind of doses would never be used for TRT/HRT let alone treating someone who struggles with depression/anxiety.

You need to look into lowering your dose and seeking out a doctor that specializes in TRT.

Forget dropping down to 150 mg T/week whether once weekly or split into twice weekly injections.

Sensible starting dose is 100mg T once weekly or better yet 50 mg T every 3.5 days.
Again the dose you are on has absolutely nothing to do with HRT/TRT.

You are not even working out which is even worse.

Those kind of blood levels achieved on such dose serve no purpose other than for some one who wants to use/abuse T for gaining muscle/increasing strength well beyond what they could ever attain naturally.

Sadly this turns out to be a life long commitment whether cycling, blasting/cruising in order to maintain that look.

These kind of doses would never be used for TRT/HRT let alone treating someone who struggles with depression/anxiety.

You need to look into lowering your dose and seeking out a doctor that specializes in TRT.

Forget dropping down to 150 mg T/week whether once weekly or split into twice weekly injections.

Sensible starting dose is 100mg T once weekly or better yet 50 mg T every 3.5 days.
Madman hello. So just drop immediately down to 100mg a week? Starting Monday? Taking it at 35mg x 3 over week
Hi, Drug350. Thanks for the input. Dunno if you’ve read down, but I got told to use this amount, I didn’t have a clue about any of this. I’m not weightlifting so it wasn’t for gains, it has totally took away my crippling anxiety and the depression and I’m feeling good over 40 days in. Though after all the input of the excellent people on here I’ll be reducing down to 150 ml a week Test E split into two 75mg with NPP at 50mg a week, split to two 25mg. But ultimately I’ve remained feeling awesome but I’m pretty sure not being wrecked by anxiety makes everything fluffy clouds and bunny rabbits!
Cheers brother, be well.

Forget adding in another AAS this is going to get real messy.

You clearly have no clue what you are doing.

Need to get settled on a T only protocol first off let alone get a thorough blood panel done.

Again seek out a doctor that specializes in TRT and if you are in a situation where you are stuck self treating than you need to take a step back.

Numerous threads on here when it comes to starting TRT.

Blood work is critical!
Forget adding in another AAS this is going to get real messy.

You clearly have no clue what you are doing.

Need to get settled on a T only protocol first off let alone get a thorough blood panel done.

Again seek out a doctor that specializes in TRT if you are in a situation where you are stuck self treating than you need to take a step back.

Numerous threads on here when it comes to starting TRT.

Blood work is critical!
So my doctor who won’t entertain me with prescribing Test has agreed to do blood tests every 3 months.
Madman hello. So just drop immediately down to 100mg a week? Starting Monday? Taking it at 35mg x 3 over week
Better off tapering down otherwise you will be in a world of hurt going from 500+ mg T/week--->100 off the hop.

Will be a shock to your system.

Even than you already put yourself in a shitty situation as your blood levels will be sky high from the absurd dose you have been on for the past 5 weeks.

You are most likely going to have a bumpy ride!
Better off tapering down otherwise you will be in a world of hurt going from 500+ mg T/week--->100 off the hop.

Will be a shock to your system.

Even than you already put yourself in a shitty situation as your blood levels will be sky high from the absurd dose you have been on for the past 5 weeks.

You are most likely going to have a bumpy ride!
Cool I’ll drop 100mg every week, 50mg off each 300mg and drop u till I reach 100mg a week, so long as the anxiety stays gone. I’m sorted!
ive been using nandrolone as part of my HRT protocol for years now, so not judging or anything. I personally use it because I’m vain and don’t want to go bald lol. And am hoping that the DHN it converts into competes with the DHT produced by the test I take, and minimizes DHT sides to a degree, like hair loss. I also use it because it allows me to increase my androgens, without having to take more test. So instead of say taking 300mg of test, I can take 200mg of test, and 100mg of nandrolone, and I’m able to keep my total androgens at 300mg, but my dht, E2 and prolactin are gonna be considerably lower than if I was to take 300mg of test only. Nandrolone coverts to E2 at an extremely low rate compared to test, which results in an extremely low rise in prolactin when adding it in, and it converts to DHN, instead of DHT, and DHN is 1/10 as potent at the receptor level as DHT is. I’m also big into the gym, so I like having some nandrolone in the mix for the gym/ muscle benefits. And I don’t think I have issues with joint pain really. But I like having it in the mix and knowing that it’s helping with that issue if I need it.

but nandrolone isn‘t really known as a “feel good” compound. it’s one of those compounds that seems to either have a neutral effect on men’s anxiety/ depression, or effect both negatively. Sometimes in a big way. And then very rarely will guys report that they feel better mood wise when adding nandrolone to their testosterone protocol, but I have still seen that happen a few times. Pretty rare tho. If u want a compound that unanimously makes guys feel good, I would look more towards DHT derivatives. Like primobolan or Proviron, for example. Masteron too, but idk if I would recommend using masteron long term. It’s harsher on blood markers than primo and proviron. Mainly lipids. Primo is the safest out of all the DHT derivatives. It will affect ur labs negatively the least out of all the DHT derivative options. If ur gonna implement a DHT derivative, that’s definitely the one I recommend, and take personally.

You should know better.

None of these compounds you mention other than nandrolone or oxandrolone are legal.

Drostanolone, methenolone, let alone tren posted in other threads plays not part in TRT/HRT as no doctor can prescribe such.

Such compounds need to be attained through UGL sources which we do not promote on here.

Go push this some where else.

This is a men's health/HRT forum.
Cool I’ll drop 100mg every week, 50mg off each 300mg and drop u till I reach 100mg a week, so long as the anxiety stays gone. I’m sorted!

This may very well get worse as your hormones are going to be in flux over the following weeks and your blood levels will be coming down

Unfortunately you will be going from absurdly sky high T levels.

Even then once you reach a sensible weekly therapeutic T dose and blood levels are stable it will still take the body time (few months) to fully adapt to your new set-point (norm).

Need to stay strong here as your mental state was already fragile before you hopped on this train wreck.

We are all here to help you the best we can.

I would expect the worse before things get better.

Again feel free to PM anytime and I will do my best to help you along the way!
Gman, the ship has sailed on the hair front with me, I’m most definitely follicly challenged, but embrace it by shaving it off twice a week down to as much as clippers remove.
I’ve NPP accessible. 100mg strength, keeping in mind that Test E itself has done this already and literally made me anxiety free, which certainly makes me feel good! Took my last 300mg of Test E today and was planning on a Monday, Friday’s reducing down regiment each wee dropping 100mg as not not notice any changes (hopefully)
Is NPP not sounding better than the DHT in the effects on the bloods? Since I’d be using so little of it?
Again, thanks G!
Depends on the DHT derivative. If ur looking for something to improve mood even further, I would suggest adding a low dose of either primobolan or Proviron in. For u I would recommend proviron. Proviron doesnt really offer any gym benefits, but has the best reputation out of all the DHT derivatives at unanimously improving mood and making guys feel great. Nothing has more positive reviews out there than proviron when it comes to improving mood/ well
being, as far as AAS other than test goes.

But if ur looking for some joint pain relief, or pain relief in general, low dose NPP or deca might be the way to go. And if ur looking for both, I would simply just do low dose NPP and Proviron together with ur test base
@Jamez72: As another less reticent scold I'm compelled to point out that you're averaging 54 mg of testosterone per day, which should be compared to the normal production range of 3-9 mg. Looked at another way, your dose is eight times what the typical healthy young guy makes naturally. It's a concern that you describe yourself as a "complete novice to all this." It's not clear if you were hypogonadal before this, but even if you were it would not be prudent to start with such an extreme protocol. Nonetheless, if you consider the risks and find that they are offset by the rewards then have at it. Just don't encourage other beginners to follow your lead.
I think I heard Dr Rand Mclean saying in a vid that we cant compare natural production dose of as you quote 3-9mg with TRT, cant remember if he explained why, I think I was on around 9mg per day of equivelent adrogel , got by but not optimal, kept T in mid to low range but FT way low, even at double that dose now my FT is still low.
Depends on the DHT derivative. If ur looking for something to improve mood even further, I would suggest adding a low dose of either primobolan or Proviron in. For u I would recommend proviron. Proviron doesnt really offer any gym benefits, but has the best reputation out of all the DHT derivatives at unanimously improving mood and making guys feel great. Nothing has more positive reviews out there than proviron when it comes to improving mood/ well
being, as far as AAS other than test goes.

But if ur looking for some joint pain relief, or pain relief in general, low dose NPP or deca might be the way to go. And if ur looking for both, I would simply just do low dose NPP and Proviron together with ur test base

Piss poor advice to be dishing out on here when the guy has not even settled in on a sensible T only protocol!

Adding in other compounds right now should be the last thing on his mind.
Depends on the DHT derivative. If ur looking for something to improve mood even further, I would suggest adding a low dose of either primobolan or Proviron in. For u I would recommend proviron. Proviron doesnt really offer any gym benefits, but has the best reputation out of all the DHT derivatives at unanimously improving mood and making guys feel great. Nothing has more positive reviews out there than proviron when it comes to improving mood/ well
being, as far as AAS other than test goes.

But if ur looking for some joint pain relief, or pain relief in general, low dose NPP or deca might be the way to go. And if ur looking for both, I would simply just do low dose NPP and Proviron together with ur test base

Make sure to put me back on BLOCK/IGNORE as I do not want to see this under my alerts anymore!

You and I both know what is going on.

Screenshot (25922).webp
Look up the Mojo Clinic. Affordable trt in the UK. Don't try and do this with underground labs. It's really not a long term solution. The extra expense is worth knowing that medical professionals have your back, and the testosterone you are being supplied is accurately dosed and uncontaminated.
Take it from somebody that learned the hard way in the early days of trt.
Look up the Mojo Clinic. Affordable trt in the UK. Don't try and do this with underground labs. It's really not a long term solution. The extra expense is worth knowing that medical professionals have your back, and the testosterone you are being supplied is accurately dosed and uncontaminated.
Take it from somebody that learned the hard way in the early days of trt.
Anthony, thanks. I’ve already had a quick look through the site, and will consider starting mojo.

Thanks brother!
None of these compounds you mention other than nandrolone or oxandrolone are legal.

Drostanolone, methenolone, let alone tren posted in other threads plays not part in TRT/HRT as no doctor can prescribe such.

Warning this is going to get a little weird here haha. Just so everyone has the facts...

Legality and option to Rx?

Legality vs availability at compounders is the key issue and of course US Docs willing to immediately be under serious scrutiny. With proper USP supplier, any compounder could fill Rx within this list, no? This includes "anadrol", "halotestin", and "masteron" in the FDA orange book. Oxandrolone has no better status than "halotestin" as of last month as your nice post pointed out @madman. Both discontinued.

Metenolone and tren definitely not on the list. Posed the question over at thread linked.

Funny how "primo" falls through the cracks as you look through FDA history. @Gman86
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Hi, complete novice to all this, but have started using 300mg of test Enanthate every 4 days. Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started. So let the onslaught begin? Ps thanks for access to joining site
Hi, complete novice to all this, but have started using 300mg of test Enanthate every 4 days. Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started. So let the onslaught begin? Ps thanks for access to joining site.
Just a wee follow up I’ve reduced to 70mg twice a week and also been in hospital diagnosed with heart failure (left ventricular pump) isn’t working right ( they’ve said it’s the Anabolic steroids ) I’m thinking maybe 30 years of chronic stress. Anywho anyone wanting to start 300mg every 4 days probably try 70mg every 4, before you haven’t the heart for it -boom boom- ✌️

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