300mg Test Enanthate every 4 days

Just wanted to add that I know from experience that trying to get a handle on depression and anxiety is like trying to hold on to one of those slippery water snake toys. Things may make us feel better for awhile but our bodies are constantly adjusting so it's always a bit of a roller coaster. If testosterone is responsible for your improved mental state, be aware that it may not be a permanent. I can tell you that I've seen a major improvement in depression, anxiety, and pain by adding 50mg nandrolone 2x per week to my current regimen of testosterone of 80mg 2x per week.

excelnelg, hello. I believe testosterone is responsible, going from hating life on 200mg of Setraline and 15mg of Buspirone to within 10 days of starting to feel contentment and starting to reduce antidepressants, and today I’m taking 50mg Sertraline nothing else with the goal of finishing with it next week, as to avoid the big electric ⚡️ shocks you get from sudden abstinence from them. The regiment your on seems very doable and will look into it when I’ve dropped down, should I drop from 300mg twice in 8 days to 80mg twice a week in one go?​

Again thanks! Appreciated big time
Hehe fair enough! Smart man learns from his mistakes and wise man learns from the mistakes of others ; ) When I've done blood test through OptiMale last year August I believe the range for the cFT was 0.2-0.62nmol/L so they lowered it as now the range is 0.16-0.47nmol/L as per your chart. Also they lowered TT range from 8.64-29nmol/L to 6.68-25.7nmol/L. Thats wild! The ranges are going tighter and tighter each year SMH
To be honest I was thinking Optimale was just a expensive bloodtest company, hence why I went it alone. But hey ho!
To be honest I was thinking Optimale was just a expensive bloodtest company, hence why I went it alone. But hey ho!
All the blood tests are expensive in the UK but I showed my test to GP and talked her into getting me a refferal to endo and what do ya know got an invitation to run complete hormone panel and not only pretty much exactly when I needed. Got lucky and saved a couple hundred quid. Them GPs hate those who know more then they do but with a bit of pressure they fold and do as asked hehehe
Hi, SeaDweller. Are you vaccinated? I don’t really think anything or anyone can be trusted 100% in this world we find ourselves in, but I hear you. Thus far I’ve nothing but good results, the major thing being a complete absence of debilitating anxiety that can kill you just as quick as some bad gear. I wish money wasn’t an obstacle for going legit 100% down the correct path, but here we are, but thank you for your input.
Hey man I get it, but at the very least I’d seek out a vetted UGL. With due diligence you can find UGL’s that are pharma grade as opposed to injecting some mystery oil into your body. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Hey man I get it, but at the very least I’d seek out a vetted UGL. With due diligence you can find UGL’s that are pharma grade as opposed to injecting some mystery oil into your body. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Thank you, SeaDweller! Be well my friend.
You can find some great telemedicine clinics on this forum that will be happy to work with you.

WHERE? I've searched for telemedicine clinics on this forum, and asked for recommendations without any success. I'd love a list/recommendation/method for searching. I thought there was a sort of rule to never provided a recommended clinic ?
Just wanted to add that I know from experience that trying to get a handle on depression and anxiety is like trying to hold on to one of those slippery water snake toys. Things may make us feel better for awhile but our bodies are constantly adjusting so it's always a bit of a roller coaster. If testosterone is responsible for your improved mental state, be aware that it may not be a permanent. I can tell you that I've seen a major improvement in depression, anxiety, and pain by adding 50mg nandrolone 2x per week to my current regimen of testosterone of 80mg 2x per week.
So are u using 160mg test and 100mg of nandrolone per week, or 80mg of test and 50mg of nandrolone per week?

and are u using deca or NPP?

also, have u noticed any negatives since adding the nandrolone in? Like in regards to mood or sexual function? Or just any negatives in general
To be honest I was thinking Optimale was just a expensive bloodtest company, hence why I went it alone. But hey ho!
Hi mate. Have y had your full blood panel done. On the amount u taking u should makebsure ubgettinf them done every 3 months on that amount of cycle.
Hi mate. Have y had your full blood panel done. On the amount u taking u should makebsure ubgettinf them done every 3 months on that amount of cycle.
Nippy, hello. I had a talk with my doctor on Monday, they were reluctant at first to do my bloods every three months as they weren’t the ones prescribing the T, but eventually she agreed they’d do my bloods. I’m sure they’ll regret that when they see the amount of things needing to checked. Also she had no clue about anything testosterone, but neither do I, so I can’t point elbows be well Nippy!
Nippy, hello. I had a talk with my doctor on Monday, they were reluctant at first to do my bloods every three months as they weren’t the ones prescribing the T, but eventually she agreed they’d do my bloods. I’m sure they’ll regret that when they see the amount of things needing to checked. Also she had no clue about anything testosterone, but neither do I, so I can’t point elbows be well Nippy!
Where you from. Uk?
Hi, complete novice to all this, but have started using 300mg of test Enanthate every 4 days. Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started. So let the onslaught begin? Ps thanks for access to joining site.

I bet you felt great the first month on 300 MG's every 4 days. Honestly, in all likelihood, you would've felt similar if you had taken 50, 75, 100 MG's every 4 days. Initially taking exogenous testosterone, especially if you had low, or very low testosterone levels. But after a month or so, your body will adjust, and that "testosterone honeymoon" will end. Not saying you'll feel bad or won't still see major benefits, but you most likely will not stay feeling the same way you did the first 4 weeks. Also, by the fourth week, especially on enanthate or Cypionate, you're other hormones will have been affected, including estrogen, prolactin, etc...and the higher your testosterone dose, the more these other hormones will be affected. On 300 MG's Testosterone every 4 days, almost 600 MG's weekly, your estrogen levels will undoubtedly rise and start causing you issue's if you aren't taking additional drugs, such as estrogen blockers, inhibitors. You're also going to most likely see significant lipid issues with your Cholesterol numbers. Your HDL and LDL numbers will change making you more at risk for coronary artery disease. You may also start to have issue's related to your prostate with your PSA numbers rising and your prostate growing larger possibly causing urination problems. ED and difficulty/inability to orgasm may start to arise as your other hormones get out of whack if you don't take additional medications to keep them in check. 600 MG's Testosterone weekly is definitely not considered TRT and I don't see any clinics or Urologists prescribing that high a dose, especially longterm.
I'm definitely not casting judgement as I've done what you're doing, and a shit ton more, but I am trying to let you know it's definitely "not all roses".
I bet you felt great the first month on 300 MG's every 4 days. Honestly, in all likelihood, you would've felt similar if you had taken 50, 75, 100 MG's every 4 days. Initially taking exogenous testosterone, especially if you had low, or very low testosterone levels. But after a month or so, your body will adjust, and that "testosterone honeymoon" will end. Not saying you'll feel bad or won't still see major benefits, but you most likely will not stay feeling the same way you did the first 4 weeks. Also, by the fourth week, especially on enanthate or Cypionate, you're other hormones will have been affected, including estrogen, prolactin, etc...and the higher your testosterone dose, the more these other hormones will be affected. On 300 MG's Testosterone every 4 days, almost 600 MG's weekly, your estrogen levels will undoubtedly rise and start causing you issue's if you aren't taking additional drugs, such as estrogen blockers, inhibitors. You're also going to most likely see significant lipid issues with your Cholesterol numbers. Your HDL and LDL numbers will change making you more at risk for coronary artery disease. You may also start to have issue's related to your prostate with your PSA numbers rising and your prostate growing larger possibly causing urination problems. ED and difficulty/inability to orgasm may start to arise as your other hormones get out of whack if you don't take additional medications to keep them in check. 600 MG's Testosterone weekly is definitely not considered TRT and I don't see any clinics or Urologists prescribing that high a dose, especially longterm.
I'm definitely not casting judgement as I've done what you're doing, and a shit ton more, but I am trying to let you know it's definitely "not all roses".
Hi, Drug350. Thanks for the input. Dunno if you’ve read down, but I got told to use this amount, I didn’t have a clue about any of this. I’m not weightlifting so it wasn’t for gains, it has totally took away my crippling anxiety and the depression and I’m feeling good over 40 days in. Though after all the input of the excellent people on here I’ll be reducing down to 150 ml a week Test E split into two 75mg with NPP at 50mg a week, split to two 25mg. But ultimately I’ve remained feeling awesome but I’m pretty sure not being wrecked by anxiety makes everything fluffy clouds and bunny rabbits!
Cheers brother, be well.
Hi, Drug350. Thanks for the input. Dunno if you’ve read down, but I got told to use this amount, I didn’t have a clue about any of this. I’m not weightlifting so it wasn’t for gains, it has totally took away my crippling anxiety and the depression and I’m feeling good over 40 days in. Though after all the input of the excellent people on here I’ll be reducing down to 150 ml a week Test E split into two 75mg with NPP at 50mg a week, split to two 25mg. But ultimately I’ve remained feeling awesome but I’m pretty sure not being wrecked by anxiety makes everything fluffy clouds and bunny rabbits!
Cheers brother, be well.
Jc, what are u adding the 50mg of NPP per week in for?
Gman, hello. Hmmmmmm The hell of it? I dunno, should I not?
ive been using nandrolone as part of my HRT protocol for years now, so not judging or anything. I personally use it because I’m vain and don’t want to go bald lol. And am hoping that the DHN it converts into competes with the DHT produced by the test I take, and minimizes DHT sides to a degree, like hair loss. I also use it because it allows me to increase my androgens, without having to take more test. So instead of say taking 300mg of test, I can take 200mg of test, and 100mg of nandrolone, and I’m able to keep my total androgens at 300mg, but my dht, E2 and prolactin are gonna be considerably lower than if I was to take 300mg of test only. Nandrolone coverts to E2 at an extremely low rate compared to test, which results in an extremely low rise in prolactin when adding it in, and it converts to DHN, instead of DHT, and DHN is 1/10 as potent at the receptor level as DHT is. I’m also big into the gym, so I like having some nandrolone in the mix for the gym/ muscle benefits. And I don’t think I have issues with joint pain really. But I like having it in the mix and knowing that it’s helping with that issue if I need it.

but nandrolone isn‘t really known as a “feel good” compound. it’s one of those compounds that seems to either have a neutral effect on men’s anxiety/ depression, or effect both negatively. Sometimes in a big way. And then very rarely will guys report that they feel better mood wise when adding nandrolone to their testosterone protocol, but I have still seen that happen a few times. Pretty rare tho. If u want a compound that unanimously makes guys feel good, I would look more towards DHT derivatives. Like primobolan or Proviron, for example. Masteron too, but idk if I would recommend using masteron long term. It’s harsher on blood markers than primo and proviron. Mainly lipids. Primo is the safest out of all the DHT derivatives. It will affect ur labs negatively the least out of all the DHT derivative options. If ur gonna implement a DHT derivative, that’s definitely the one I recommend, and take personally.
ive been using nandrolone as part of my HRT protocol for years now, so not judging or anything. I personally use it because I’m vain and don’t want to go bald lol. And am hoping that the DHN it converts into competes with the DHT produced by the test I take, and minimizes DHT sides to a degree, like hair loss. I also use it because it allows me to increase my androgens, without having to take more test. So instead of say taking 300mg of test, I can take 200mg of test, and 100mg of nandrolone, and I’m able to keep my total androgens at 300mg, but my dht, E2 and prolactin are gonna be considerably lower than if I was to take 300mg of test only. Nandrolone coverts to E2 at an extremely low rate compared to test, which results in an extremely low rise in prolactin when adding it in, and it converts to DHN, instead of DHT, and DHN is 1/10 as potent at the receptor level as DHT is. I’m also big into the gym, so I like having some nandrolone in the mix for the gym/ muscle benefits. And I don’t think I have issues with joint pain really. But I like having it in the mix and knowing that it’s helping with that issue if I need it.

but nandrolone isn‘t really known as a “feel good” compound. it’s one of those compounds that seems to either have a neutral effect on men’s anxiety/ depression, or effect both negatively. Sometimes in a big way. And then very rarely will guys report that they feel better mood wise when adding nandrolone to their testosterone protocol, but I have still seen that happen a few times. Pretty rare tho. If u want a compound that unanimously makes guys feel good, I would look more towards DHT derivatives. Like primobolan or Proviron, for example. Masteron too, but idk if I would recommend using masteron long term. It’s harsher on blood markers than primo and proviron. Mainly lipids. Primo is the safest out of all the DHT derivatives. It will effect ur labs negatively the least out of all the DHT derivative options
Gman, the ship has sailed on the hair front with me, I’m most definitely follicly challenged, but embrace it by shaving it off twice a week down to as much as clippers remove.
I’ve NPP accessible. 100mg strength, keeping in mind that Test E itself has done this already and literally made me anxiety free, which certainly makes me feel good! Took my last 300mg of Test E today and was planning on a Monday, Friday’s reducing down regiment each wee dropping 100mg as not not notice any changes (hopefully)
Is NPP not sounding better than the DHT in the effects on the bloods? Since I’d be using so little of it?
Again, thanks G!

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