34yo male, 5′10, 185lb, low(ish) bodyfat, healthy diet, weight training 3-5/week
I've read the stickies and I'm sorry I won't have all the required lab test results for you to provide. Still working this thing out with my doc who for some reason doesn't want to order too much labs so might have...
Hello everybody
I recently crashed my estradiol with a very low dose of anastrozole. My bloodword came back with 9 two weeks ago and i felt really bad with achy joints lethargy, and dry skin dry hands. I stoped anastrozole and i think i will not touch it again. I am now on a daily protocol so i...
Just curious - do estradiol levels "follow" test levels? With test, you have the half life of your supplement of choice, so you can almost draw a curve how your levels will look like.
Does E "follow" this curve in a timely manner?
So, as an example, let's say I'm on gel (short-acting) and I...
Hey guys,
Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a 27 year old, relatively active guy. Noticed low T symptoms, doctor decided to try fixing it (thankfully, given I didn't have the crazy low levels of some other guys seeking treatment). I recently started Clomid and switched my care to Defy...
I posted a thread not long ago in the introductions forum regarding my being placed on TRT.
My PCP started me out at 200mg/wk and did not give me arimidex or hcg, regardless of his experience or otherwise in the area, i think the consensus was to get me rolling and hand me off to an...
32 low T level was 206 when started TRT, first gels (that was a waist) month later started IM shots at 100mg ever 2 weeks
(felt horrible) doc bumped it up to 200mg ever 2 weeks. Blood test had my T levels at 69 on trough day. Last 6 weeks I’ve been on 200mg every week now. Feel much better but...
I go to a TRT clinic I was on 240mg test c / .5 armidex .500 HCG week. Inject just once weekly. Last labs had my total t at 982 on day 7, e2 at 47. I had the labs drawn because I lost my libido and have been suffering from ED.
The doctor reduced me to 180mg test c, 1mg armidex, .500 HCG. To...
I had not had any AI in about 2 weeks. I started to think me e2 was getting high so I had a blood test. The test was just the normal Estradiol test, not sensitive. The results showed my Estradiol was very high. I then found a place here in Oz that does the E2 sensitive test so I got a test done...
Since Clomid was giving me vision sides at just 12.5mg per day, I have switched to Torem at 60mg per day.
My total T at this dose is weighing in at 456, taken mid afternoon, but my E2 is a weak 10.1. Is this horrible low? How can I make it rise? Will I end up with bone issues or osteoporosis...
I am 33 years old and a few years back I started getting super tired and really lacked motivation. I had a lot of symptoms that mad me think my Test was low. My brothers was really low at 34 and my dads was really low so I went and had mine checked. I came in at 224 and the doctor recommended...
I've been on TRT for 3 months. My current protocol is:
100mg Test Cypionate per week, injecting EOD.
Blood test just over a month ago revealed my Estradiol was 226 (Range 50-150)
So I started on 0.25mg anastrazole E3D.
Another blood test on 10/8 showed Estradiol of 141 (Range 50-150)
So I...
This post comes as no surprise to those that saw my post that my doc put me on 1mg/day of anastrazole because my estradiol was at 64. I’m now at less than 5 and I feel horrible.
What on earth do I do now? I’m currently taking .25ml testosterone cyp. and 400iu’s HCG on M/W/F.
I have been a reader of this forum for some months now and recently got back my labs after being on trt for 3 months the results are as follows and done by Quest Labs and drawn at 8:30 am the day of an injection but before injecting;
Estradiol Ultrasensitive LC/MS/MS range < 29 pg/mL Actual...
After an injection of testosterone cypionate, serum levels of testosterone peak the next day. But when do E2 levels peak?
Since the majority of the E2 comes from aromatization of Testos into E2, I have to think this conversion process takes some time?
Another question, how long does elevated...
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