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  1. FunkOdyssey

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    The individual vendors post their test results in the respective places where they advertise and interact with customers. I can link you to a more general thread about readalot's efforts to encourage more comprehensive testing: Readalots Enhanced Testing
  2. FunkOdyssey

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    I have some peak levels from an overdosed pharmacom prop (I was running 25 mg a day of something labeled 50 mg/mL but I think it was actually 100 mg/mL based on labs) and some peak levels from 30 mg daily of a correctly dosed prop. I'm not going to get into the details at this time, except to...
  3. FunkOdyssey

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    Various UGL sources. Readalot has been doing a remarkable job encouraging some of them to improve their testing. Between purity, metals, sterility, and now endotoxin, there's more documentation available for some of these UGL products than you can get from Empower or other pharmacies. They also...
  4. FunkOdyssey

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    What's the longest you've stayed on propionate? I experienced overstimulation followed by an evening crash in early days with prop, but it eventually went away. IME, the fully-adapted-to-propionate state is superior to the same point in an enanthate protocol, but I know everyone reacts...
  5. FunkOdyssey

    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    You have concocted quite an elaborate narrative here. In practice, when people stop enclomiphene, their levels quickly revert back to their original baseline. Any receptor sensitivity changes that may have been caused by enclomiphene do not endure.
  6. FunkOdyssey

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    Fair points on high dose TP still being strongly suppressive of HPTA. The fact remains that it feels better for most people at any given dose than similar dose of long esters (even when doses/levels are "absurdly" high). What do you think the mechanisms are for that?
  7. FunkOdyssey

    Results: SubQ vs IM @ 70mg/week

    It is certainly this - the only doubt surrounds the exact mechanisms, whether it be effects on dopamine receptor sensitivity, less HPTA suppression near the trough, giving tissues a break from constant high levels, etc. There is no doubt though that greater fluctuation is what causes "better...
  8. FunkOdyssey

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    I try to use it at least a couple hours before "activity". It starts working quickly though, certainly within an hour, and probably peaks at around 3 hours. It isn't a game changer, but it can be a significant boost to libido and probably more so erectile function and orgasm intensity.
  9. FunkOdyssey

    HCG change from USP to Pregnyl sudden side effects

    Pregnyl is renowned for being the strongest available hCG, so yes, it being stronger than USP is my guess to explain your reaction.
  10. FunkOdyssey

    Let's Settle This: Subcutaneous vs. Intramuscular Testosterone Injections

    There is no settling it, because people have unique and unpredictable reactions to IM vs SC injection, in terms of absorption, aromatization, and symptoms. Every individual will need to try both methods to determine which is preferable for them. There is no other way. Like MegaTurd above...
  11. FunkOdyssey

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    How have you been using it? How much, applied where, and how many times per day? I have the alphagels 20% DHT gel also. Currently, I've just been using it on an as-needed basis for sexual enhancement, 1 ml on my abdomen, a couple hours ahead of time.
  12. FunkOdyssey

    Is this a cause for concern

    My to-try list if I were you would include everything I mentioned above that you haven't messed with yet: prop, cream, pregnenolone, lower frequency on long ester (try once weekly).
  13. FunkOdyssey

    Cialis Lowered Libido?

    Actually, I started on Vitamin D recently and paid closer attention this time, and yeah, I think it does reduce libido. Wtf? Many people on reddit complaining of the same. Some theorize it relates to increased serotonin activity - ChatGPT also proposed serotonin modulation as a possible...
  14. FunkOdyssey

    Cialis Lowered Libido?

    Do you mind sharing which indian pharm source has it this cheap? I'm seeing more like $4 per 200 mg tablet at alldaychemist.
  15. FunkOdyssey

    Is this a cause for concern

    How is your metabolic health? Fasting glucose, hba1c, fasting insulin (most important)? Body fat %, blood pressure?
  16. FunkOdyssey

    Is this a cause for concern

    Prolactin is barely out of range, and this is pretty common in men on TRT who are often functioning well sexually. If you want to prove or disprove that prolactin is a problem here, you can try p5p and see if it helps. Progesterone, when it isn't the LC/MS version of the test, picks up random...
  17. FunkOdyssey

    Is this a cause for concern

    Can you give us some background on how and why you arrived at this protocol? What else have you tried and what were the results? More important than the lab values you've shared, which are not a cause for concern IMO.
  18. FunkOdyssey

    I'm in my early 40s and my calcium score came back 200 with most of it in the LAD. How did this happen?

    Not really - I have just about a year of 140 - 210 mg test weekly. I ate the worst form of processed crap SAD diet from childhood until age 25, and I've had some off-and-on positive autoimmune antibodies like ANA, rheumatoid factor, and anti phospholipid antibodies, which would be expected to...
  19. FunkOdyssey

    I'm in my early 40s and my calcium score came back 200 with most of it in the LAD. How did this happen?

    Yes, I think this is the clearest evidence that there is more to the story than cholesterol. On the same theme, with the PSCK9 inhibitors, researchers are debating whether there is a small reduction or an increase in mortality associated with these drugs which obliterate LDL levels. There would...
  20. FunkOdyssey

    I'm in my early 40s and my calcium score came back 200 with most of it in the LAD. How did this happen?

    Wow this is a good book so far! I'm about one third through. Thank you for the recommendation. I'm in kind of a similar boat as Stoak, with an 18.9 calcium score at age 44, which puts me in the 78th percentile. Of course, my PCP says that's great and didn't recommend I do anything about it. I...
  21. FunkOdyssey

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    Yes, I also know this guy you speak of. Lol. Good advice on testing.
  22. FunkOdyssey

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    Rational decision for those who are comfortable managing their own protocols.
  23. FunkOdyssey

    Cialis Lowered Libido?

    Same libido crushing with the curcumin and zinc. I don't think I noticed anything with vitamin D though. Impressive awareness of the NMDA antagonism angle on this. Not many people know anything about it. I think this is how magnesium also interferes with libido.
  24. FunkOdyssey

    When To Take An AI?

    In theory, yes. Try it though, assuming you are susceptible to acne, and see what happens.
  25. FunkOdyssey

    When To Take An AI?

    I have no idea. Studies report estradiol suppresses sebum production by countering androgenic activity in sebaceous glands. On paper, it should prevent acne.
  26. FunkOdyssey

    Understanding Androgens and Acne

    In some men on TRT, yes.
  27. FunkOdyssey

    When To Take An AI?

    There are independent contributions to water retention from both testosterone and estradiol. The rhetoric that only one or the other is responsible is false. Reducing E2 is a legitimate and effective way to reduce at least some of the water retention. This is blatantly obvious to anyone that...
  28. FunkOdyssey

    Estradiol opinion!!!!

    Yes, it certainly is. It's fine. It seems like you don't know what you're doing with these questions, which makes me wonder if you have any business running the cycle you're on.
  29. FunkOdyssey

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Over a 15 year period, your skin would naturally be expected to look much older. I don't know how you would be able to accurately attribute skin aging to high DHT, unless you had a twin who kept his DHT low. Even then, maybe you had more sun exposure than your twin, drank more alcohol, etc.
  30. FunkOdyssey

    When To Take An AI?

    Ok, you do have elevated E2 to match your symptoms, although it is not terribly high. I would not take the AI at that level. The easiest thing to try is switch from SC to IM injection. This is not certain to lower your E2, but in many people it will. Try the delts and ventroglutes - these are...
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