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  1. H

    Zero Waste Syringes?
  2. H

    T3 & Total Testosterone

    Curious how you feel with thyroid levels that high. Do you have hyperthyroid symptoms?
  3. H

    Free T increased from 9.9 to 15.6 naturally. Total t 577. Estradiol 36.1. DHEA 541.3. Feel like crap

    Regarding the IBS symptoms. My wife suffered from IBS like symptoms for 20 years before finally being diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). She was prescribed Gastrocrom and that has been a big help.
  4. H

    Free T increased from 9.9 to 15.6 naturally. Total t 577. Estradiol 36.1. DHEA 541.3. Feel like crap

    Ever have a SIBO breath test? or testing for Lyme disease?
  5. H

    Any studies or data on the number of men that fail to achieve success with topical testosterone?

    This study that Nelson posted seems to show that Androgel just doesn't do it for most guys: Most Men on Androgel and Testim Stop Using Them
  6. H

    Insulin syringe - air bubbles

    I always get a tiny bubble as well, no matter how much I flick it the bubble stays put, for whatever reason (I'm sure a physicist could explain it) the bubble doesn't move to the center where the needle is so I can't push it out. It's so small I don't worry about it and inject anyway.
  7. H

    Erectile Dysfunction Explained - Why testosterone is sometimes not enough to correct

    Here is a thread with a link to a study that talks about this: From the study referenced in that thread: "However, in view of our results, the largenumber of...
  8. H

    Erectile Dysfunction Explained - Why testosterone is sometimes not enough to correct

    It has certainly been true in my case. Clear cut drop in libido and increase in ED after starting TRT, despite ideal labs and consulting the top TRT doctors in the US. It's rare, but it happens.
  9. H

    Tracking T and E2 Levels Over an Injection Cycle

    What I'm really after is how much time there is between the low of 679 on the right and the starting level of 931 on the left.
  10. H

    Tracking T and E2 Levels Over an Injection Cycle

    So does this mean that the levels on the right hand side will rise to the levels on the left hand side in the next 24 hours? I'm trying to understand how the levels change over a complete injection cycle.
  11. H

    Second test confirmed my E2 is extremely low... not on any AI. HELP!

    You pulled the second set of labs just before your injection, like the first set of labs, and your total T is half of what it was before? Something is wrong with that. You should not have that much variability.
  12. H

    When to start clomid after Pellets to target consistent 600-800 range; 54 yrs old

    I just dropped the Clomid and quit cold turkey, the hot flashes stopped after a few days. Eventually I decided to give TRT another try so I am back on it right now.
  13. H

    When to start clomid after Pellets to target consistent 600-800 range; 54 yrs old

    Clomid gave me horrible hot flashes when I used it to try to come off TRT, but the Doc I was seeing at the time had me taking 50mg 3 times a week, which is too much.
  14. H

    Tired , iritable , sleep problem on TRT

    HCG at 250IU's twice a week wrecks my sleep. I skipped an HCG injection one day and that night (4 days from my last HCG injection) and the following nights I slept better. I may try doing something like 100IUs daily and see if that works better. Couldn't hurt to skip one or 2 HCG injections...
  15. H

    DEFY INJECTION DOSING: Running Out of Test too Soon

    This is why I always pull a little less than prescribed when I inject. Better to have my T level a little lower than run out too soon.
  16. H

    CPAP without Sleep Study or Prescription??

    I'd recommend you try the forum or the forum, or probably both. I haven't been on those boards in a while, but back when I was there were several helpful people over there.
  17. H

    $2900 Blood Test???

    Are you saying that you will need to pay $2900, or just $180? Almost nobody pays the list price for lab tests. No need to thank Obamacare, this has been going on for at least the 30 years I've been getting lab work done.
  18. H

    HCG Anxiety/Insomnia

    I've been there, knowing that I needed to stick with a protocol for 6 weeks in order to do labs, but just feeling so awful and unable to function that I had to make changes before getting there. Good luck getting your protocol sorted out.
  19. H

    Empower or other Pharmacy prices?

    Seems strange that the FDA would come down on APS that way, but still allow Hallandale, Empower, and others to ship straight test. cyp. Typical government bureaucrats.
  20. H

    Testosterone. Thyroid

    Same thing happens to me. I fell like I'm hyperthyroid and have cut back my thyroid dose some, but that doesn't seem to help. My cortisol is a little low but shows a decent circadian rhythm. I've found that supplementing pregnenolone and cutting down on my testosterone dose has helped some...
  21. H

    Clomid, HCG and Testosterone together changes in body composition

    None taken. I just thought it interesting. Maybe there are a few unicorns out there that would respond to clomid while on TRT, but it certainly isn't the norm.
  22. H

    Clomid, HCG and Testosterone together changes in body composition

    There has been a very limited study published on the use of Clomid with TRT: Clinical Practice Guidance for the use of Clomiphene Citrate in Male Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Male patients in andropause who obtain HRT treatment will generally find that endogenous production of...
  23. H

    Empower or other Pharmacy prices?

    Any idea what the time frame is for this? I assume once it goes into effect we'll be seeing huge price increases due to lack of competition? Just wondering if I'll be able to afford TRT once this happens.
  24. H

    New guy from Ohio

    You have a couple of options. First see this page from STTM: It discusses looking into iron and cortisol levels as possible reasons why NDT may not work. For some people there just seems to be too high a ratio of T3 to T4 in NDT so...
  25. H

    Grrrr Labs/Journal

    This is not true. There have been several studies published on subQ and there is even a pharmaceutical company that is in the process of getting a subQ auto-injector approved by the FDA, they have published the results of their trials as well.
  26. H

    Is less more?

    If it were me and I had to chose between the 2 levels and how you feel at each of those levels, it would be a no brainer, I'd pick 450-500. TRT is not perfect and sometimes compromises need to be made.
  27. H

    1 week into treatment. Night sweats and extreme thirst. Cant sleep.

    I agree with everyone that your anastrozole dose is high. So look into that. But I have found the only thing that really helps my sleep on TRT is supplementing pregnenolone. The thing with pregnenolone though is that everyone reacts to it differently and it might have a stimulating effect for...
  28. H

    Omega-3 is a real libido inhibitor

    I wouldn't go that far, just google "fish oil and libido" and you'll see the internet is littered with stories of guys whose libido was made worse by taking fish oil.
  29. H

    Divorce and Oral contraception are inherently linked?

    He makes it sound like it's a bad thing that women can get out of crappy marriages before having kids.
  30. H

    Omega-3 is a real libido inhibitor

    I've been reading more anecdotal stories stating that as well. I suppose anything is possible, but if this was a significant side effect, fish oil sales would have tanked long ago.
  31. H

    TRT and saturation of dopamine receptors

    Probably not enough variance and randomness for some.