1 week into treatment. Night sweats and extreme thirst. Cant sleep.


New Member
In typing this at 3am, I got maybe 1 or 2 hours of sleep the last couple of night total and as a result feel extremely fatigued and depressed.

My 2 main symptoms are hot flashes and extreme thirst.

I had 3 injections so far, 120mg Test Cyp a week devided into 2 shots per week and .5mg anastrazole taken with each shot.

The temperature changes and thirst which doesn't go away no matter how much water I drink is keeping me awake no matter how tired I am.

Is this due to high or low E2 or is it some other hormonal imbalance?

It's too early for bloods and even if I get labs now the results will come a week and a half later and I just can't deal with this for that long. Really thinking of quitting cold turkey :(

I should mention the symptoms come only in the middle of the night not at other times.
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It MIGHT be some kind of body adaptation to TRT (I remember freaking out a bit during the first few weeks, while my body was adjusting to the treatment), but also related to your E2 levels. Why are you taking an AI in the first place? Did the previous blood tests justify that choice?
That's a large dose of anastrozole especally wth no labs to back up ts use. Maybe you crashed your E2.

Try M W F 40mg each sub q with a 27 insulin pin or 25 tuberculin, no anastrozole.

You might also check what oil it is and try another base oil. If you are still getting side effects drop down to 30mg per shot. Full labs might reveal a another underlying medical problem.
The .5mg of anastrazole is my doctor's standard protocol he starts all patients on and adjusts from there. My pre TRT bloods said my estradiol was 35.

Thing is I'm not sure if this is due to high or low E2 as I seem to have symptoms of both. Hot flashes pop up when I search for low E2 but I'm also feeling flushed and my face is puffier than usual which hint at high E2. Also I'm feeling a bit more emotional than usual which is another sign of high E2. I also don't have any joint pains as I would if I crashed my E2.

The thirst doesn't come up as a symptom of E2 at all but of cortisol changes. So yea my symptoms are all over the place which is very confusing..
The amount of testosterone you're using is not high but your AI could be too high. Like lcvl said hopefully your body is adjusting to your new levels.
It's early, very early for any conclusions to be drawn. As has been pointed out by the guys previously, your doctor is really dosing anastrozole with a heavy hand. What was your estradiol value (on the sensitive test) prior to initiating therapy? Frankly, it's always easier to add an AI if/when e2 climbs out of range than it is to recover healthy estradiol levels if they get suppressed.
I agree with everyone that your anastrozole dose is high. So look into that. But I have found the only thing that really helps my sleep on TRT is supplementing pregnenolone. The thing with pregnenolone though is that everyone reacts to it differently and it might have a stimulating effect for some. If you want to try it, start low with 10mg, see how you react and adjust from there.
Thanks a lot everyone for the helpful replies. Along with another pace I asked everyone is saying the same thing regarding the possibility of crashed E2. My plan going forward is this:

* Continue taking my shots for now
* Cease taking AI immediately
* Wait till 6 week blood draw and if E2 is high take much smaller dose of AI to combat that accordingly

I'm hoping tonight will be easier because it's been 2 days since taking my last anastrazole pill, writing this at the moment in a zombied state from work ughh.

I hope this really is a E2 issue because reducing or eliminating AI dosage is easy enough, I was really worried that this might be a fringe case with overall imbalance or something to do with cortisol. I like to think I did enough research before hopping on but didn't have any contingency plans for those things.

Extreme thirst could also be blood sugar related. Do you have any blood test results to share?

I don't have diabetes or any thyroid problems. Did bloods prior to starting TRT and those areas came back normal.

Edit: I'll update here in a few days if my problems go away after ceasing the AI use.
The thing with pregnenolone though is that everyone reacts to it differently and it might have a stimulating effect for some. If you want to try it, start low with 10mg, see how you react and adjust from there.

What was the cause of your difficulty in sleeping on TRT prior to taking pregnenolone? Was it hot flashes or something else?
Thanks a lot everyone for the helpful replies. Along with another pace I asked everyone is saying the same thing regarding the possibility of crashed E2. My plan going forward is this:

* Continue taking my shots for now
* Cease taking AI immediately
* Wait till 6 week blood draw and if E2 is high take much smaller dose of AI to combat that accordingly

I'm hoping tonight will be easier because it's been 2 days since taking my last anastrazole pill, writing this at the moment in a zombied state from work ughh.

I hope this really is a E2 issue because reducing or eliminating AI dosage is easy enough, I was really worried that this might be a fringe case with overall imbalance or something to do with cortisol. I like to think I did enough research before hopping on but didn't have any contingency plans for those things.

I don't have diabetes or any thyroid problems. Did bloods prior to starting TRT and those areas came back normal.

Edit: I'll update here in a few days if my problems go away after ceasing the AI use.

You've only just begun TRT - your serum levels are in flux. It will take at least four weeks before you have anythig approaching stability. Any change in protocol, an increase/decrease/elimination/substitution, means you wait another four weeks before testing. I hope your symptoms abate, but you also need patience. Keep us updated.
Thanks a lot everyone for the helpful replies. Along with another pace I asked everyone is saying the same thing regarding the possibility of crashed E2. My plan going forward is this:

* Continue taking my shots for now
* Cease taking AI immediately
* Wait till 6 week blood draw and if E2 is high take much smaller dose of AI to combat that accordingly

I'm hoping tonight will be easier because it's been 2 days since taking my last anastrazole pill, writing this at the moment in a zombied state from work ughh.

I hope this really is a E2 issue because reducing or eliminating AI dosage is easy enough, I was really worried that this might be a fringe case with overall imbalance or something to do with cortisol. I like to think I did enough research before hopping on but didn't have any contingency plans for those things.

That's fair enough but going forward, it's a recipe for failure to try and shotgun things and change up your therapy because you don't feel good this week, or next. Take note of Coasty's post above.
Give it some time like everyone else has said. When I switched from nasal gel to cream I noticed a drastic way in the way I felt though not sure why at this point but after 3 weeks on the cream things have leveled out and feeling better overall.

Good luck! This is not a quick or easy fix. Long road ahead.
A doctor that has a one size fits all TRT protocol is a huge red flag that indicates you need a new doctor. That is like saying ALL Type 1 diabetics need the same insulin dose.
I forgot to mention. When I first started on HCG monotherapy. It actually boosted my T to a significant level over what I had been experiencing before I started any kind of treatment. Well, a few weeks into it, I had a period of about a week where I could not sleep. I would fall asleep around 12am and be up by 1:30am...couldn't fall back to sleep. Wide awake. Then morning would roll around and I would be so fatigued. Could have something to do with your body adjusting to more testosterone. My T level has been all over the place recently and with the introduction of Exogenous T (which I hope has increased my serum T levels) I have not experienced the same sleep problems.
This site echo's what Nelson's study showed as well as listing all the symptoms. You have tanked your E2 with the high dosage of Anastrozole. I concur with ERO that you need a new doctor. If he can't start you out on a simple plan then how is he going to manage the bumps that lie ahead? I have a friend who started out with .5mg/wk and his E2 went from 35 to 14 and is experiencing the same symptoms you have.


Just thought I'd make a quick update since I said I would. You guys were on the ball when you said I crashed my E2. After writing the original post I stopped taking the anastrazole and starting the next night I started to feel symptom relief. 2 days after I stopped getting hot flashes and execcive thirst entirely and was able to sleep normally.

I'm still taking the t shots and feeling pretty great from it, more energy and better mood and libido!

Thanks again to everyone who answered! Cheers.
Just thought I'd make a quick update since I said I would. You guys were on the ball when you said I crashed my E2. After writing the original post I stopped taking the anastrazole and starting the next night I started to feel symptom relief. 2 days after I stopped getting hot flashes and execcive thirst entirely and was able to sleep normally.

I'm still taking the t shots and feeling pretty great from it, more energy and better mood and libido!

Thanks again to everyone who answered! Cheers.

I lived like that for a long time, I know your pain, good thing it's going away!

I would wait 6 weeks, get labs done, and then see how E2 is. Chances are you may not even need an AI!
I just went through 6 weeks of the same exact thing. It was nasty. Two weeks after stopping anastrozole things are slowly improving.

Thanks JasonZ for posting your results so we can all learn from your experience. Glad you're feeling much better!

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