CPAP without Sleep Study or Prescription??


I'm pretty sure I have sleep apnea. I snore pretty bad, have stopped breathing a few times in my sleep, also have severe nighttime allergies. I cannot sleep on my back with my snoring. I have GER and several times while sleeping on my stomach I have had acid re-flux that has come up my esophagus and into my lungs causing violent coughing attacks. I have all the typical symptoms with a family history of apnea. I have plans to have a sinuplasty surgery to clean up my whole sinus system and a deviated septom. Last year I went to my ENT doc and he prescribed a sleep study so I scheduled it. Sleep center called me to verify insurance and inform me my fee was $2,800. About that time my wife tore her rotator cuff and labrum and we were in for a big insurance deductible so I canceled the sleep study. I can afford the sleep study a few months down the road but at present it is pushed back. I have seen where you can buy CPAP machine in parts without a prescription. I am thinking about doing it this way. My insurance deductible is $5k so I am willing to try the DIY method if its even possible?

I understand that a sleep study is important and I will be getting one this year. I would like to get a jump start on the CPAP if it is possible??!! Is there a cheaper way to get into a CPAP?
I'd recommend you try the forum or the forum, or probably both. I haven't been on those boards in a while, but back when I was there were several helpful people over there.
I know two people that use CPAP, they rented to start. You're not supposed to buy one , until you know you are comfortable with it. They both continue using them and now can sleep through the night.
I've seen a few people, endure, the sleep studie's and liong adjustment periods to CPAP and I would avoid the whole routine if at all possible.

For your reflux/GERD I would like to recommend that you look in to low stomach acid...its so confused with too mcuh stomach acid. This is what has helped me: Betaine-HCL, and a pre/pro-biotic. I've got A LOT of relief with those two before a meal. Also, PLEASE avoid PPIs like Prilosec...they will destroy what's left of your stomach acid and really affect your nitric oxide (required for erections)...they're notorious for ED side effects.
CPAP has to be set for what the user needs. The settings are probably determined in the sleep study I would guess. You can do your own study with a recording pulse/oximeter to see what's happening when you sleep. It's not going tell you how to set a CPAP but you will know if your not breathing.
I've seen a few people, endure, the sleep studie's and liong adjustment periods to CPAP and I would avoid the whole routine if at all possible.

For your reflux/GERD I would like to recommend that you look in to low stomach acid...its so confused with too mcuh stomach acid. This is what has helped me: Betaine-HCL, and a pre/pro-biotic. I've got A LOT of relief with those two before a meal. Also, PLEASE avoid PPIs like Prilosec...they will destroy what's left of your stomach acid and really affect your nitric oxide (required for erections)...they're notorious for ED side effects.

I disagree with my good friend Vince Carter on the worth of a sleep study, though I acknowledge the points he raises, there is no disagreement when it comes to the question of PPIs. Be wary of them, very wary.

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