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  1. JWSimpkins

    Began an experiment with Ipamorelin and CJC-1295 w/o dac

    Keep us up to date, I'm interested in your progress!
  2. JWSimpkins

    Sad News from WWE

    One of my childhood heroes, The Ultimate Warrior, passed away at the age of 54 from a heart attack.
  3. JWSimpkins

    ECA Stack to Lose Fat

    Is anyone using the old ECA stack (ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin) for fat loss?
  4. JWSimpkins

    Peptide Usage

    Hey guys, Are peptides such as Sermorelin and Ipamorelin meant to be cycled, or can you take them continuously?
  5. JWSimpkins

    Home Steroid Detection Kit

    Yeah, I thought the same Nelson. But at least you would be able to know if what you bought was the real deal. I've read that some guys who buy UGL gear use this test and then put the product through some kind of filter to eliminate bacteria before injecting.
  6. JWSimpkins

    Home Steroid Detection Kit

    Has anyone used this lab kit before to test UGL gear?
  7. JWSimpkins

    Saw Palmetto question

    I only recommend herbs that are in tincture form. Dry herbal formulas in capsules are harder to absorb and often times have additives to increase the bulk of the product (i.e. grinding up the whole plant rather than just the active portion of say the root). The alcohol in the tinctures also...
  8. JWSimpkins

    High Estradiol Boosts Libido in Men on Testosterone Therapy

    Yeah, I'm thinking it has more to do with the T to E ratio rather than just an increase in E2 alone.
  9. JWSimpkins

    K2 and D3

    Paco check out this link:
  10. JWSimpkins

    K2 and D3

    Yes, and so is vitamin A and magnesium.
  11. JWSimpkins

    Is Cholesterol Really the Cause of Heart Disease?

    Makes sense. Are you now on TRT and did it help your cholesterol?
  12. JWSimpkins

    Is Cholesterol Really the Cause of Heart Disease?

    Thanks man! You were lucky to have such a forward thinking doctor.
  13. JWSimpkins

    Is Cholesterol Really the Cause of Heart Disease?

    We all know that cholesterol is bad for us, right? At least that's the story we've all been told by conventional medicine and government health agencies for decades now. But what would you say if I told you that cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease and that it's actually essential to your...
  14. JWSimpkins

    Arimidex Timing

    Great, thanks again guys!
  15. JWSimpkins

    Arimidex Timing

    Thanks Bass!
  16. JWSimpkins

    Arimidex Timing

    If I'm injecting testosterone twice a week (Monday morning and Thursday evening), when is the best time to take Arimidex - the same day as the T shot or the day after?
  17. JWSimpkins

    HCG: Spinal Cord and Neuronal Regeneration

    I found this interesting article on HCG and nerve regeneration:
  18. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    Cool, thanks brother!
  19. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    In this video from Defy Medical, he injects 11ml of water into a 11,000iu vial of HCG (go to the 5:20 mark in the video). Now I'm really confused. :confused:
  20. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    So according to your above calculations, I am correctly dosing 250iu by drawing to the 25ml mark on the syringe.
  21. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    So Bass you're saying next time I should only add 4ml of water for a 10,000iu vial? Why do you recommended this instead of 10ml of water?
  22. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    My bad - it was 10ml of water.
  23. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    It was 30ml in total.
  24. JWSimpkins

    HCG Dosage Measurment

    Hey guys, I just want to verify that I am correctly dosing my hCG. I am using a 30G 1ml/cc syringe, drawing from a 10,000IU vial at a 250IU dose. I am drawing the syringe back to the 25 ml/cc mark on the syringe. Is this correct for 250IU?
  25. JWSimpkins

    Liquid Cialis

    True Gene - it just would be nice to have a full listing of the ingredients before I put something into my body.
  26. JWSimpkins

    Liquid Cialis

    So, are these domestic "chemists" that are synthesizing Tadalafil in liquid form, and if so what are other additives might be in it?
  27. JWSimpkins

    Liquid Cialis

    Recently I was perusing a website that sells peptides and I came across a product that claims to be liquid Cialis. Has anyone heard of or tried this product and is it legit?
  28. JWSimpkins

    Cialis Dilemma

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most massage therapists are trained for such an eventuality.
  29. JWSimpkins

    Blueberries have an antiestrogenic effect

    The phenols in blueberries make cells less sensitive to the detrimental effects of estradiol, but leave the desirable effects of the hormone intact. It's possible to draw this conclusion from an animal study done by oncologists at the University of Louisville in the US, which will soon be...
  30. JWSimpkins

    Pfizer to sell real Viagra online to combat sales of fake versions

    If you are a man suffering from erectile dysfunction, you can now purchase Viagra pills from the comfort of your own home by simply ordering them online.
  31. JWSimpkins

    Could Getting Sunlight Improve Sexual Function in Men?

    I've read that exposing your genitals to the sun can increase testosterone levels and that this is the reason that ancient Greek athletes exercised nude.
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