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  1. J

    Low Testosterone Increases Cancer Risk

    Low testosterone is a marker that one is more likely to develop cancer. The study abstract says: This study assessed prospective associations of serum T, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2) with overall cancer (excluding skin cancer), prostate, colorectal and lung cancer risk in 1574...
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    Testosterone Levels and Health Markers in Young Men

    This study found that higher testosterone levels were associated with health markers in young men. It's hard to say which way the causation runs, possibly both ways. The purpose of the study was to describe the relationship of serum basal endogenous steroid hormones (testosterone, TES...
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    Extracting Testosterone from Woolly Mammoth Hair

    I just found this interesting. Some researchers extracted testosterone from woolly mammoth hair. The article says: The presence of testosterone in a pooled mammoth hair extract was confirmed with LC‐MS/MS using a similar sample preparation method as a recent study of cortisol in muskox. The...
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    Two Studies of Testosterone and Fitness

    Two recent studies found that testosterone levels are associated with strength and cardiovascular fitness. This is not surprising, but confirmation of "common sense" is still helpful. The first study found that lower testosterone levels are associated with frailty in older men: Serum free...
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    Bacteriostatic Water 30ml - SHORTAGE???

    Nothing better illustrates how the American medical system is broken than the shortage of basic medical supplies like bacteriostatic water. Last year it was sodium bicarbonate. It's like Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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    Carnivore Diet-Dr. Baker Blood Test

    First, athletes often have lower testosterone levels as a result of over training. Second, we should consider the possibility that since weight lifting is his chosen sport, he may have taken steroids in the past, which has depressed his testosterone levels. Finally, anyone who considers eating...
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    Sildenafil Increases Muscle Mass

    This is an older study (2013) but I haven't seen this result mentioned before. This extract is taken from the text of the study: Two groups of men were studied over 15 days, including a baseline period (the week preceding the treatment period.) In the subsequent treatment period (days 1–8) they...
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    Sun Pharma Recalls Testosterone

    The US arm of the Indian drug manufacturer Sun Pharmaceutical is recalling over 5.2 thousand units of testosterone cypionate from the American market. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Inc is recalling 5,215 units of 10 mL vials testosterone cypionate injections in the strength of 200 mg/mL, on...
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    Sarcopenic Obesity in Older Adults

    The prevalence of obesity in combination with sarcopenia (the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength or physical function) is increasing in adults aged 65 years and older. A major subset of adults over the age of 65 is now classified as having sarcopenic obesity, a high-risk geriatric...
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    Effect of Testosterone on Men's Honesty

    Testosterone, what can't it do? Not only does it improve your health, give you bigger muscles and more confidence, it also makes you more honest. That's what a recent study shows, although the effect fell below statistical significance. The abstract says: The impact of testosterone on...
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    Vasper, a breakthrough in Fitness?

    Am I missing something here? Why not: Buy an exercise bike and resistance bands Tie the bands around your arms and legs Crank up the air conditioner Jump on the bike and pedal for 21 minutes Your low tech Vasper.
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    Oregon Doctor Suspended for TRT

    Pretty soon the only doctors who treat low testosterone will practice in Florida or Mexico. According to the latest news: A Salem doctor is under investigation by the Oregon Medical Board for allegedly performing medical procedures that were not clinically supported, placing her patients at...
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    Soy vs. Whey Protein

    A recent small scale study put college students on a resistance training program and gave them a soy protein supplement, whey protein supplement, or placebo. Testosterone levels did not change in the students given soy protein, but increased in the students given whey protein. However, the...
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    Insufficient Evidence that TRT Increases Risk of Thrombo-embolism

    A yet unpublished meta-analysis showed that there is insufficient evidence to say that TRT increases the risk of thrombo-embolism. However, because of the poor quality of the evidence, the risk cannot be ruled out. A news report of the study says:
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    TRT improves depressive symptoms

    A meta-analysis of existing clinical trials found that TRT reduces depression in hypogonadal men with mild depression, but not in men with major depression. The full text of the article is online.
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    TRT improves symptoms of men with type 2 diabetes

    A small study found that hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes saw improved blood sugar levels and arterial function after starting testosterone replacement therapy. These results are not surprising, but it's good to see a blinded study confirming them. The abstract says:
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    Boys' Club

    This Texas clinic advertises that they have an "all male staff" (bottom of web page, right column.) Just in case you're embarrassed to tell a woman about your sexual problems.
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    Testosterone Prescriptions Declined after FDA Warning

    A plot of TRT users from the article.
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    Court Upholds Bayer Patent on Aveed

    Bayer has a patent in the United States on testosterone undecanoate, which it sells under the brand name Aveed. Because it's under patent it charges a high price and Test U is not much used in the US. Custopharm, a generic pharmaceutical manufacturer challenged the patent for obviousness, but...
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    ED More then Doubles the Risk of Heart Attack

    It's important that men be aware that erectile dysfunction is often a warning sign of cardiovascular disease (CVD). An article on the International Society for Sexual Medicine website says:
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    Testosterone Prescriptions Declined after FDA Warning

    A new study published in JAMA found that testosterone prescriptions fell sharply after the FDA issued a warning that testosterone increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. A news article says: The decline is celebrated by a doctor: Except that in this case the science was wrong and...
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    Testosterone is Heart Healthy

    Another review of the literature concludes that testosterone therapy has heart benefits. The abstract says:
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    AbbieVie to Pay Millions in Fines over AndroGel

    AbbieVie has been ordered by a federal judge to pay $448 million dollars for filing phony lawsuits to delay the introduction of generic equivalents of AndroGel to the market, thus illegally maintaining its monopoly. The FTC press release says:
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    TRT Can Lead to Remission of Diabetes

    Farid Saad, a representative of Bayer Pharmaceutical gave a presentation and reported that after long term testosterone treatment some men no longer suffered from Type 2 Diabetes. Bayer manufactures testosterone undecanoate. The news report says:
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    Men with Migraines Have Higher Estrogen Levels

    A small study found that men who suffer from migraines have higher estrogen levels than those who don't. There was no difference in testosterone levels. The news article says:
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    Sugar Sweetened Beverages Lower Testosterone Levels

    A new study finds that young men (20- 39 years old) who drank sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) had lower testosterone levels. The full text of the study is online.
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    Men's Testosterone Levels Largely Detewrmined by Childhood Environment

    A new study finds that men who spent their childhood in harsher, more poverty sticken environments have lower levels of testosterone. Here is a link to the news release and study abstract.
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    Low Protein in Puberty Lowers Testosterone Levels in Adults

    The study was conducted on lab rats, not men, but still is interesting. Lab rats were either fed a low protein diet (4% of calories) during puberty only or a normal protein diet (20% of calories) throughout life. The lower protein group had lower testosterone levels and suffered from metabolic...
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    Kentucky HRT Doctor Faces Medical Board

    Protests are unlikely to sway the medical board. Probably the most effective tactic is lobby the legislature to get the law changed so that a doctor can't be disciplined unless there's evidence of patient harm.
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    Kentucky HRT Doctor Faces Medical Board

    I'd be a little bit careful here. "Normal levels"could just mean above the absurdly low level that's the current standard. By that standard 300 ng/dl is normal.
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    Kentucky HRT Doctor Faces Medical Board

    According to this news article, a Kentuky doctor who runs a chain of HRT clinics called "25 Again" faces discipline by the Kentucky Medical Board for overuse of hormone replacement therapy.
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