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  1. U

    6 months into TRT, sex issues

    I personally think your E2 is fine where it's at. Maybe adding some HCG would help with libido. HCG has that effect on some people.
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    Enclomiphene Lab Results

    Why don't you just get back on TRT? It seems like an easier path.
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    Dimm usage and dose

    Dim is a supplement that I've used and I haven't noticed that it reduced my E2. And yes, you can take Cialis and Dim at the same time. THey're not going to effect each other.
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    Protocol advice. Total Test too high?

    I think your labs look pretty good to be honest. You're slightly out of range on testosterone but it's not effecting your HCT, or lipids. Your E2 looks fine to me. Is your BP OK? Your esonophils may mean you have an infection of some sort. I think your pounding heart feeling may be anxiety...
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    Very Confused - Lab Results - Advice/Insights?

    SHBG drops usually with TRT. It seems to be something that happens to many. Some will say not to worry about HCT. I think it wouldn't hurt to donate a pint....or do one of those double red blood cell donations where they put the plasma back in. I don't think your E2 is that bad honestly. I...
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    Empower licensed to compound hcg?

    I just ordered some last week so I would think they do.
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    Best TRt dosage

    When I was on testosterone pellets, my levels after 6 weeks were total T 2000, Free T around 50, and I had an SHBG of 20. I felt amazing and I had libido like never before. Just sayin...
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    Best TRt dosage

    I'm not sure about the 8 week thing either. For me, it's more like a couple weeks.....but everyone is different.
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    How long did it take you to dial in?

    I only really felt "dialed in" on testosterone pellets. Even when I would get more or less pellets, it was still more "dialed in". I think it's the slow release of T as the pellets dissolve that made them work so well for me. The first time I got them, my bloodwork showed my total T at 2000 and...
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    How many low shbg guys use A. I

    I'm in kind of the same boat. Low SHBG....tried the daily injections for about 9 months and felt OK. Just started back on twice a week injections. I also kind of go back and forth with the AI or no AI thing. I wouldn't want to go back to pre TRT days. I'll take the few little things that aren't...
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    Understanding Syringe Measurement/Dosage

    Half of the syringe will be 100mg. The whole syringe is 200mg, 1cc, 1ml
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    Effect of TRT vs hCG/FSH on upstream hormone pathways.

    I always wondered if TRT reduced cortisol. I think that's why it has such a calming effect on me and reduces anxiety so well. Also, after a hard workout before I was on TRT, I'd feel anxious and I thought it was due to the cortisol spike. It makes sense now. These days I can workout super hard...
  13. U

    Injection locations

    I've never noticed a difference between sub Q and IM. IM seems easier and I inject in my shoulder. I didn't like the lumpy feeling my stomach when I injected there. I hear the legs have more veins and you shouldn't inject there, but I have injected in my thighs with no issues.
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    How many low shbg guys use A. I

    My SHBG was 17 on the last blood work. I've gone back and forth on the AI thing. Not using an AI seems to make my libido go down as my E2 creeps up. I've also had my E2 too low at 15 which didn't feel great. I think if anyone does use an AI, use it sparingly.
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    A sad engineer trying to not be sad anymore

    Total T in the 400's with low free T explains a lot. Total T in the +800's with free T at the top will change your life. I too used to struggle with depression and testosterone pretty much cured it.
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    Mouth Pieces for Sleep Apnea

    I snored pretty bad when starting injections and my doc thinks it raised my HCT. I tried a mouth piece and it worked, but it made my teeth hurt the next morning so I wasn't a huge fan to be honest. My snoring went away and my HCT lowered on it's own so i don't need to use the mouth piece any longer.
  17. U

    Switched from E3.5D to EOD. Need to lower dose??

    Your dose isn't really that high to begin with. Not sure you'd want to lower it. My HCT lowered on it's own and I stopped giving blood a little over a year after starting....and that was on 200mg a week.
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    Switching from 2x to 3x weekly injections

    or you could prefill insulin syringes and inject every morning. I do it and it takes 30 seconds every morning. Keeps things pretty steady I think
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    TRT for life? My neighbor has questions.

    I tried anastrozle initially and it made me feel terrible as well. It was awful!!! I swithched to exemestane and felt better but it's strong stuff. I'm just taking testosterone currently and it's working pretty good. Everything is fine except I always seem to be chasing libido. It's never been...
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    Blood Pressure Spiking

    I would say no. I've not heard good things about Clomid from many people. If you're not having kids, I'd recommend dropping it. Less stuff you take the better. Maybe just try testosterone by itself for a while and see if that works. Then adjust after 4-6 weeks if that's not working for you.
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    Blood Pressure Spiking

    I think supplements, especially at a high dose could have all kinds of effects. Everyone is different so everyone reacts a little different. Who knows, maybe it is affecting your sleep. It's not that crazy to think it might.
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    Blood Pressure Spiking

    I'm not sure. I took them together so I don't know. It was like 1000mg vitamin C and I can't remember the garlic dosage but it was stout as well. Maybe vitamin C alone could do it. I'm not sure. You can stop taking it and see if it goes away...then take it again to see if the anxiety comes back.
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    Blood Pressure Spiking

    Cialis is a vasodiolator so it opens up the arteries and lowers BP.
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    Blood Pressure Spiking

    Terrible anxiety!!! I couldn't figure out what was causing the anxiety until the guy who I work with was doing the same thing with garlic and vitamin C and he told me he was getting anxiety bad. It may be the large dose of garlic? or the combination of the two together? Not sure, but I had to...
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    Blood Pressure Spiking

    I'm 42 and there are some things that I've tried that I think work to lower BP. My BP comes and goes with work stress. -Magnesium -Cialis/Tadalafil -Garlic & vitamin C (gave me bad anxiety) -Potassium (for water retention)
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    Best time to inject testosterone?

    I'm not sure you're going to feel much benefit from such a low dose. You're at total T 300 now and you system will shut down once you start so you might not end up much higher with only 10mg a day. I'm not saying go super high with the dose but 15mg a day is roughly a 100mg a week and that might...
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    Best time to inject testosterone?

    I've noticed no difference with morning or evening. Morning just seems more convenient for me. I don't think it's going to effect how you feel if you pick a different time of day since you're injecting such a small amount. It's a tiny daily dose with no huge peak or trough.
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    Ways to Deal with Depression and Anxiety

    I had some anxiety and depression in my early thirties. It was kind of always there and would be more or less at times. What I took that pretty much cured it for me was...….. Testosterone!!! I started with pellets and within 2 weeks I was a new man. It was crazy how much it helped. Now I'm on...
  29. U

    Advice on low dose daily testosterone

    I've been on 20mg a day for a while now. No HCG. I was taking a little AI(1/4 pill twice a week) but I've since stopped.
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