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    Penis smaller after TRT

    This happens to me too. Morning wood before I get up, and then everything tightens up and retracts once up and moving. It's usually only in the morning though. In the afternoon, everything hangs nicely. I always thought it had something to do with cortisol being high in the morning.
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    Acid Reflux and GERD Treatement

    I’m on week 2 of drinking apple cider vinegar daily and I haven’t had indigestion once. I used to get acid reflux everyday for last few years
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    Acid Reflux and GERD Treatement

    I take a teaspoon in the morning with water or any kind of drink I want to drink. Then I take a teaspoon again at night
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    Acid Reflux and GERD Treatement

    I've been battling GERD for a few years now. I've tried antacids but have to take them daily. The PPI's and H2 blockers made me feel weird. I've just started taking apple cider vinegar this week and wow!! What a difference. I've literally had no indigestion for 5 days. I take a teaspoon in the...
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    Omeprazole Discontinuation

    I've been battling GERD for a few years now. I've tried antacids but have to take them daily. The PPI's and H2 blockers made me feel weird. I've just started taking apple cider vinegar this week and wow!! What a difference. I've literally had no indigestion for 5 days. I take a teaspoon in the...
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    Yes, the doctor prescribed that amount. I don't think he put much thought into it. We didn't really talk about dosages at my appointment. I just was curious to try it. I looked at everyone's dosages after the fact and saw most people take 12.5 mg.
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    My enclomiphene arrived but it's in 50mg capsules. WTF? How the heck am I going to split that into a low dose?
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT it seems the blocking E2 aspect of enclomiphene is what raises T but also what depletes the benefits. What a conundrum. I'll try it out and see. What if it works? What if it's the holy grail a lot of people on TRT have been looking for....?
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    My solution for high estrogen after years of troubleshooting

    I've also messed around with dosages over the years. Less testosterone definitely made me feel better. Libido is still not the greatest but way better than on 200mg a week. I do 100 mg a week now with 1/4 pill of exemestane.
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    Thanks for the detailed reply. I should get the enclomiphene soon and I'll try out my hypothesis. Your dosage of testosterone and enclomiphene were pretty close to what I was planning on using. I planned on 25mg T twice a week (50mg total per week) & 6.25 Enclomiphene every other day(or maybe...
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    My DHT is usually pretty high on my blood work (Out of range or high end of range). I'm still stuck on my thesis that enclomiphene could raise libido by restarting the whole reproductive system. There is a lot to the system that gets shut down and I think restarting it all would have some...
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    I've tried PT-141. It caused some anxiety for me for some reason. Not sure why a peptide would do that. I've never tried DHEA. Maybe that will be something I look into in the future as well.
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    Low dose enclomiphene combined with Low dose TRT

    History.... never had great libido on injections. I've tried high doses, low doses. I've tried with and without an AI. I've tried one a week, twice a week, every day injections, etc. Nothing ever worked that great for libido to be honest. Everything else is amazing on TRT...just not the libido...
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    Omeprazole Discontinuation

    I've used melatonin every night for years. It hasn't really helped my acid reflux at all unfortunately
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    Good news!! The nandrolone finally let go of me. Over the weekend, the depression and anxiety finally went away and the D started working again. All in all, it was about 10 or 11 days in total for it to wear off. The crazy thing is, it only took two small 25mg doses of nandrolone to completely...
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I think I'll stick with my 100mg per week routine I've been on. I do take a qtr pill of exemestane once a week now so I'll keep that the same as well and just let things work themselves out.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    Would injecting more testosterone help the side effects I'm feeling from nandrolone go away? I'm on 100 mg a week of test now. Would 150mg or 200mg help decrease the side effects? I'm prescribed 200 mg a week but only take 100mg.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    So the nandrolone itself exits slowly...then you're left with high prolactin for a while? How long does it take for prolactin to decrease?And what are these metabolites you speak of?
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    So I've got a max of 33 days to feel bad before feeling better. I think I can deal with that.
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    Effect of exercise on T levels with those on TRT

    Total bro science here, but when I first started trt I was on pellets. Exercise definitely used the pellets up faster. Mine would last about 3 months and my brother's pellets would last 4 or 5. He didn't exercise at all. I actually did a blood test after 3 months and my levels were at where I...
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    Thanks, I can kind of feeling it getting less and less each day. The depression gets a little less each day and the anxiety eases a little each day which is good. Still don't feel normal but I'm hoping in a week or so I'll be back to my normal self.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I'd think twice....I'm living through the mental side effects now and it sucks
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    7 days - 50% 14 days - 25% 21 days - 12.5% 28 days - 6.25%
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I'm reading that the half life of nandrolone is 7-12 days. So after two weeks I should still have roughly 25% of this stuff left in my system right? I sure hope that makes me feel better. This sh*t is brutal. Does anything make it exit your system quicker? Exercise? Water? etc
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I'm on day 8 and still have the anxiety and depressed feeling. It's almost like nandrolone counteracts or blocks all of the good parts of TRT.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I'm also not feeling hungry at all which is very unusual for me. That could be because I'm feeling depressed and anxious though.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    Thanks for the feedback. I'm just hoping it doesn't last that long since I took such a small dose (Thankfully).
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    Be careful. I'm going on a week after my second samll dose and still feeling screwed up.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I still have this depressed feeling and some anxiety. As for the D, it's like hard to get it up and it goes limp easily. When it's hard, it's not that hard. I'm never taking it again
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I think I might be an over responder or hyper responder too. I took my second shot in the morning and that night I felt like I was super wired and anxious. It was crazy and completely unexpected.
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    Terrible Nandrolone Experience

    I used to have issues but it was due to taking too much T a few years back. I was on 200mg's a week of testerone and it was way too much I think. Once I lowered my dose to 100mg a week, I was fine. Even with only 100mg's a week, my levels are 800-900 total T. Free T around 30.
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