I think this is kinda in line with my “mini cycles” idea. I am high SHBG, but when I was doing every 3.5 days injections, my E2 sky rocketed and I felt like crap.
Please post up if you try it.
When I do every 3.5 days I get very elevated E2...around the 70+
When on MWF or EOD my E2 drops in half.
And I am a high SHBG guy....70+.
I am really contemplating trying the whole “cycle” idea.
I think it comes down to the individual. Some seem to do well on a steady state.
But for me it just makes me “flat” or very linear. I do feel better with an elevated T level. But the sexual side effects and the flatness caused by TRT just plain suck.
Ok...hear me out.
There seems to be a fair amount of guys on here that just do not feel good on full time TRT treatment.
But like myself, get that “honeymoon/sweet spot” after a few weeks of starting TRT and for myself I get that same feeling when I stopped about 3-4 weeks after my last...
8 weeks....just stop. No need to add other substances into your system.
I was on TRT for a year and quite cold turkey...no issues at all.
I am no Dr so my opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.
I also find Westward brand T much more effective than the Empower compounded.
Plus, I use goodRX and get it for around $50.00 for 10ml vs the $120+ that Empower charges.
I do both. One day I inject sub q the next IM, then back to sub q.
Don’t know if this does anything substantial or not. I do main,y to rotate injection areas.
My wife started on cream. Then went to injections. Never did get “dialed” in and stopped the T.
She then started thyroid med and feels MUCH better now.
I do not remember her dosing for the the cream and injections, but it was really low as well.
Same issue here. When I am not on TRT I have very large loads with lots of force and my orgasms last 20-30 sec.
Even at my current age of 50, when not on TRT I can get off twice a day.
On TRT, my loads go down to one little squirt and then it is over. And it is very hard for me to get off...
Pretty quickly. Within two weeks I started feeling better.
I have never had ED issues. Libido always high. When I am not on TRT I volume and force are VERY strong...porn star loads.
When I am on TRT I still get rock hard erections but it is very hard for me to finish. And when I do, my load...
Yes, I had my consult. We lowered my dose to 160mg broke into EOD injections.
Lowered the HCG to 500iu broke up into 250iu every 3.5 days.
We will see.
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