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  1. robs2nd75

    Should You Be Injecting Testosterone Under the Skin?

    I felt like absolute garbage. Labile mood, arthritic like pain (more than normal), decreased libido...the sides are almost instantaneous when I switch. Ty kindly for your wisdom it is greatly appreciated!!!
  2. robs2nd75

    Should You Be Injecting Testosterone Under the Skin?

    TT tanked again with SC injections...really at a loss. Spoke with Endo today and she stated that she has had a few patients try SC and it never seems to work for them. Wondering if this failure could have something to do with Diabetes? Dr. Crisler have you had any patients that have not had...
  3. robs2nd75


    Does anyone have any experience with Victoza?
  4. robs2nd75

    Thoughts on shallow IM injections

    but why? If I'm injecting into muscle what difference does it make if I'm in 1" more? If SC injections are just as beneficial, I would assume as long as I'm not hitting bone, cartilage, or blood vessels I should be good, no?
  5. robs2nd75

    My labs from 12-22-13

    What are the reference ranges?
  6. robs2nd75

    Thoughts on shallow IM injections

    Why would injecting 1/2" into the muscle have a different effect than 1 1/2" deep?
  7. robs2nd75

    Buyers clubs

    This may sound like a strange question but I do not wish to be a strain on an institution/ business that helps others, I have Type II Diabetes and would be interested as I spend a fortune on supplements, would I be benefiting the buyers club by joining or would I be detracting from the services...
  8. robs2nd75

    Buyers clubs

    Could someone please explain buyers clubs to me? How do they work? What are the requirements and benefits of joining?
  9. robs2nd75

    flaming codependant needs help with boundary muscles!

    Sorry to hear that you have had to deal with so much.
  10. robs2nd75

    Factors Affecting Protocol Change

    I'm guessing I need more b/c my doc is reluctant to prescribe hcg and I'm definitely suppressed at this time. I also have severe sleep apnea and diabetes = too many variables. I will note, and this of course is anecdotal, but my A1c seems to affect the amount of T I need more than my weight/ bf...
  11. robs2nd75

    Factors Affecting Protocol Change

    In theory the leaner you become the less T you should need but we are HPTA suppressed, no? Though I am becoming leaner I have required a higher dose of T as time passes and this has elevated my e2. There are so many variables that influence our hormones I think it would be almost impossible to...
  12. robs2nd75


    Curcumin has soooo many positive effects. From cancer fighting to improved glucose control. It should be a part of everyone's daily diet/supplement regimen. I could site a thousand different articles but here's one . Great article Gene, many thanks for...
  13. robs2nd75

    Abdominal work ?

    I have read more contradictory advice on abdominal work than any other subject. From number of sets to weighted vs non-weighted movements to recovery it seems that everyone has differing opinions. I wanted to see the general thoughts of excelmale members on the ideal ab workout and recovery...
  14. robs2nd75

    Weight loss and Naltrexone

    It was on Michael Scally's FB forum....I will try to locate.
  15. robs2nd75

    Body Fat testing ?

    My understanding is that water always reads as lean tissue with bf testing. Is there any form of bf testing that isn't thrown off by water and if so what does the water weight read as?
  16. robs2nd75

    2 weeks of test cypianate

    I had a very similar response as Ty in the beginning. Based on my past health history and the issues TRT has helped to ameliorate I guesstimate that I've had low T for nearly two decades. That said, I wonder if the duration of suboptimal levels has anything to do with how drastic the response is...
  17. robs2nd75

    Weight loss and Naltrexone

    My libido has know improved as well. I read a PCT program and saw Naltrexone listed. Why would anyone use naltrexone as a part of PCT????
  18. robs2nd75

    Should You Be Injecting Testosterone Under the Skin?

    Under what circumstance/s does SC not work? My TT dropped significantly while doing SC shots? FWIW my insurance continued to cover my T Cyp. and Dr. visits even after my Dr. prescribed SC injections twice weekly and he's a GP. However, they would not cover the needles and syringes. I am going to...
  19. robs2nd75

    Consuming Whey Protein Before a Meal Lowers Post-Meal Blood Sugar

    I'm guessing casein provides an even greater benefit. One of the dieticians at my Endos office was just telling me about a study she was part of where they tested how snickers bars affected blood of the better candy bars b/c of the high fat content from the nuts. EAT fat and or...
  20. robs2nd75

    Weight loss and Naltrexone

    That's really interesting. I assumed my improved morning erections were due to a better TRT protocol but it may be due to naltrexone.
  21. robs2nd75

    Insulin and bodybuilding?

    Nelson, do you know of any follow up research on this "second type" of insulin resistance? I wonder if this same issue may take place in younger adults.
  22. robs2nd75

    Insulin and bodybuilding?

    Yes I'm on metformin and glipizide. I've been on several combinations and they greatly help but if I eat anything w/ sugar my numbers are off the chart regardless of meds.
  23. robs2nd75

    Insulin and bodybuilding?

    I am a Type II Diabetic and my physician is considering employing insulin. I have read that many bodybuilders use insulin. Does insulin help to increase muscle growth, if so why, and when should it be taken for maximum benefits?
  24. robs2nd75

    Does testosterone replacement cause primary hypogonadism?

    Paco, have you been in the 500-700 TT range and if so how was your libido? I find that in this range my libido is very healthy and depression dissipates.
  25. robs2nd75

    Weight loss plateaus

    SoCalSurfer, how did you come up with those macros? Absolutely correct about fruits and fat although we all react differently. Certain fruits drive up my blood sugar while others lower it. Blueberries and omega-3s are imperative for diabetics. Building muscle is also vital for lowering levels...
  26. robs2nd75

    Weight loss plateaus

    blacore, I disagree somewhat w/ socalsurfer. I would discuss metformin with your physician. Metformin is one of those rare medications that has very few negative sides and so many positives. Many cutting edge Endos are suggesting it's use for pre-diabetics. Many people can control it with diet...
  27. robs2nd75

    Contrave, a Weight Loss Combination Pill, Yields Good Cardiovascular Results

    Great sample size for the study. There are generics for both meds so if your physician is willing you can save a great deal of money. Did I mention it works!!!
  28. robs2nd75

    Need to burn fat and not loose muscle

    From what I have read, you should not drop more than 500 kcal below maintenance per day if you wish to maintain muscle mass while losing. Be extremely cautious when using caloric standards set for average males. We are all different; burn at different rates, maintain at different levels, respond...
  29. robs2nd75

    TT vs FT which is more important and why?

    Many physicians will test for both but some neglect to test for Free T. If FT is a measure of what our bodies actually use why are physicians (seemingly) placing more importance on TT? Should men be more concerned with their FT or TT and why?
  30. robs2nd75

    Supraphysiological Testosterone?

    It is my understanding that supraphysiologic levels of TT over a long period of time can be harmful. (Please correct me if I'm wrong). Are high levels of FT harmful when TT is in the normal range? Recent Labs: testosterone,free and total Test Low Normal...
  31. robs2nd75

    Weight loss plateaus

    Nelson, at those doses wouldn't many if not most people have issues with pancreatitis?
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