Joints are killing me!

My joints lately have been elbows, wrists, knees and hips. I was thinking it was from anastrozle but I was taking a very low dose of .125mg a week. I also checked my e2 sensitive and it was 29.....which can't be too low to cause joint pain? No sure what else it could Be? I am not sick or have the flu....maybe a little more stressed out lately. Anybody have any suggestions?
Are you working out harder in the gym? Change in type of exersizes? Add or subtract any supplements? New meds?
Has your sleep pattern changed? Any history of arthritis in your family?
Any medications like statins, antibiotics or excessive consumption of coffee or alcohol that may dehydrate you?
Any growth hormone releasing hormone or GH? Flu-like symptoms? Are you working out a lot?
I do drink coffee in the morning! I drink about a gallon of water a day. I workout 4 days a week fairly heavy....i have a laborious job too. No flu, no antibiotic, no hgh, no statins. I got rid of whey and most dairy and no wheat products for the most part.
what was his original protocol? 29 e2 looks good right? I thought between 20-30 is where you want e2. I know that numbers are not everything. Its also how you feel.
Original protocol was with no ai and my e2 sensitive was 36.9. I added. 125mg of anstrozole a week and it brought my e2 down to 29. Reason to add anastrozle was to see if the lack of morning wood was because of a higher e2. Once i started anastrozle morning wood came back but joints started to ache.....i thought 29 was perfect and wouldn't make my joints ache. I am thinking it's something else.
That is odd....i had strong morning wood and my e2 was 45.....I feel like something else is causing these issues. I think your e2 is perfect if you were treating numbers....but everyones body is different...but going off numbers a good e2 is 20-30 range.......I think its that you are over training and have a hard job....and if you are working out too hard too quick your muslces might be fine but putting that extra stress on tendons too quick is not good.....tendons do not have a good vascular supply and take a long time to catch up......thats just my two cents....but listens to the pros such as nelson and vince
Morning and overnight/nocturnal erections aren't the best way to gauge anything. I presume an erection when otherwise needed wasn't a problem? You're saying morning wood was what spurred the AI use.
I do drink coffee in the morning! I drink about a gallon of water a day. I workout 4 days a week fairly heavy....i have a laborious job too. No flu, no antibiotic, no hgh, no statins. I got rid of whey and most dairy and no wheat products for the most part.

How old are you?
Think u and Nelson are right I need a break from gym. Also been a bit stressed out anyhow....working 6 days a week and working out 4 days. It take a toll.
When I wasn't using ai and my e2 was 36.9 morning wood wasn't good or at half mass. When I added ai my morning wood was every morning and rock hard. Sexual situations were good and fine but I use daily cialis and do genes no stack.
One other item to consider, if the condition does not resolve after looking at all possibilities, is Lyme.
If you are an outdoor type person and hunt and fish you may have been bitten.
You do not need to be in the woods to get bitten, but even in large cities such as Atlanta, you can get bit from ticks that may have hitched a ride on a pet that was outside.
Even a nymph tick, the size of a pin head, can transmit Lyme.
Joint pain can be one of the symptom of Lyme.
Old wives tail that you need a red "bull's eye" to show you were bitten. BS.
Simple blood test, that you can order yourself, will assist in evaluation.
There are some Lyme post here to look at and a LOT of Lyme support groups everywhere with additional info.
Have you have your ferritin checked? If not, it is an easy and cheap blood test. My joints and muscles ached terribly due to high iron.
Here is a good thread for you to start with.
Read this article first. If you see a DR that says there is NO way you can have Lyme:
Symptoms can mimic many, many, many, many conditions and not all at the same time.
The primary issues is that it mimics other conditions and DRs are NOT looking for Lyme, but the condition that it mimics. CFS. ALS, etc. and miss it.
CDC guidelines are crap. If one is found to be positive based on the CDC guidelines you are one sick puppy and hosed up.
Look at the links in the thread.

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