viagra, wait time before taking again.


I take 20mg of Viagra every evening around 6 p.m., at least until I get my T dialed in. How long do I have to wait to take it again? I was going to take another one early this morning, but didnt know if it was safe.

I find that V is more of a performance anxiety cure for me more than anything. Low T has played hell with my confidence, negative thoughts are powerful!

I am asking this because I wore out the search bar above, and did not find an answer. If you know how to find it with a search above please teach me.
20 mg of Viagra is a very low dose, you can definitely take it in the morning. Most men use 100 mg when taking Viagra.
How long have you been taking Viagra and how often does it leave you unhappy with its response? Why Viagra and not Cialis to start with?

When I had my T dialed in I didn't need it but the last year-and-a-half I've been battling doctors that have kept it low. I did Viagra over Cialis because of cost and access my local pharmacy sells it to me at $0.75 for a 20 mg pill.
I have been using it since the end of December and I love it. I am just wondering if I switch to Cialis if it will have the same results on demand. That's why I asked about spiking it with sildenafil as needed.

I have learned over the last year if you tell yourself something's not going to work in the beginning it's not going to work whether it could or not. Mid January I was in my sweet spot and it was just a nice boost to the real thing now I've shot through my sweet spot and I need it until I get it back down.
I've had the best results with taking 5mg daily Cialis in the AM, each and every day (quarter tab), and 20mg of Levitra (half tab) about an hour only as needed a couple of times a week before I need to get something going reliably with the wife. Both are from ReliableRX. The generic Viagra is just too headachy for me, and gives me what feels like heartburn. That said, I plan to switch to TriMix with Defy as soon as we get caught up, had $10k of vet bills over the summer. Thankfully the dog lived.
Thank you for you help. I would qoute you, but I just cut the crap out of my thumb from tip to first crease. Thus no good deed goes unpunished!

My wife went to the store for super glue, and she comes back with liquid skin. Do you think that goes the same way when I come back with something other than she asked for? No, just tape it a little tighter.
The dose of the combo pill from Empower is Sildenafil/Tadalafil 55/12.5.

Wow. That’s sounds like it would work for a dead man.

I have combined both cialis and viagra in various combinations and have recently settled on cialis 5 mg daily with a 20 mid afternoon when sex is planned. My wife and I are almost always every other day with both weekend days. Works great, as viagra gives me a headache and is less reliable and needs an empty stomach which is not easy mid afternoon or evening. Weekends I have been using the protocol suggested in Jay Campbell’s new book. He endorses 30 mg daily for brief periods when you’re going to be more active, weekends and vacations. Those days I take 10 mg AM and 20 mg in the afternoon.

I’m a patient ar Abraham Morgantaler’s clinic in Boston, and I asked him about dosing this and he believes that above recommended doses can be ok for someone my age, 64. Not sure how old you are, blackebob, but I’d be very careful at the higher dose. I believe that Vince Carter is over 50 and Vince is in his 60s like me? At our ages it isn’t confidence, it’s ability that gets in the way. If this is just a confidence boost like you say, I’d stick with a low dose like viagra 50 or cialis 20 and work on the relationship or the sexual techniques that you prefer. Sex is a behavioral event, hard wired in humans. Don’t make it this big test or consider it an indicator of masculinity. It’s meant to be an enjoyable way to experience the human body and mind with someone you care about. Too large a dose and you may do some damage, as in those 4 hour emergency room nightmare we all hear about. You have a wife and their are ebbs and flows in a sexual relationship. I’m married 31 years and I know what that’s like. Over the years, trying to figure out how to keep the sex exciting is fun and creates a connection with your wife, even the more difficult periods in your sex life. Think of it like an athletic event not an intellectual discussion or debate. Even bad sex is better than no sex, and if you’re marriage is good there’s always tomorrow night.

I use All Day Chemist for my ED meds. Anything from Cooper Pharma works. Their viagra is called Manly and their cialis is called Ceebis. Both work like the originals.Use a pill splitter. A few mgs either way won’t make a difference.
Vince if I switch over to 5mg tadalfil, can I spike it with 20mg of Viagra if I am feeling not confident from time to time?
I wouldn't have any concerns about using 5mg of tadalfil and adding in 20mg of Viagra, both are a very low dose. The benefits are great.
I am 50.

Low T is my enemy, and apparently high T is now also. When it is dialed in I am always ready, or at least I was a year and a half ago before the internist that knew everything put me on clomid.

The kids are raised so, I try to have sex daily. When I am dialed in, its tear her clothes off when I get home from work. The viagra helps a lot with the confidence now that I have overshot my mark. I am ordering the cialis now, and we will give it a go.

Thanks for the replies.
Wow. That's sounds like it would work for a dead man.

Actually, for me that combo would work pretty well from 6:30 AM until I ate something. Then it wouldn't really work for an erection for me, maybe only 25%, but it still would be VERY effective in giving me a pretty huge headache (from the generic Viagra), a totally stuffy nose, and make me feel like laying on the couch for the next six hours. That's why I'm headed for Tri-mix. Viagra, for me, is a fully full of side effects, Levitra quite a bit less so, and Cialis not bad at all. But Cialis doesn't get me totally hard unless I add in some generic Levitra. It's a pain in the ass, I'm sorry to say.
Actually, for me that combo would work pretty well from 6:30 AM until I ate something. Then it wouldn't really work for an erection for me, maybe only 25%, but it still would be VERY effective in giving me a pretty huge headache (from the generic Viagra), a totally stuffy nose, and make me feel like laying on the couch for the next six hours. That's why I'm headed for Tri-mix. Viagra, for me, is a fully full of side effects, Levitra quite a bit less so, and Cialis not bad at all. But Cialis doesn't get me totally hard unless I add in some generic Levitra. It's a pain in the ass, I'm sorry to say.

I find the same thing with generic viagra. No headaches, just not a great response unless I have a completely empty stomach.

Cialis should work at 20 to 30 mg. Trimix sounds like a lot of planning is required.
If your having side effects you can't tolerate the dose is probably too high. If your taking such a dose your getting a huge headache that would be counterproductive I would think.
If your having side effects you can't tolerate the dose is probably too high. If your taking such a dose your getting a huge headache that would be counterproductive I would think.

When I first started using Cialis, it did cause my back to hurt and gave me a runny nose. Overtime all the bad symptoms gradually went away, I'm happy I continued using it.
Cialis should work at 20 to 30 mg. Trimix sounds like a lot of planning is required.

Actually, for me the opposite is true. Cialis takes at least an hour at higher doses to do anything at all, and a larger dose not only would make me feel like crap, it wouldn't totally get the job done unless I also took Levitra, making me feel more like crap. Trimix on the other hand, from what I understand since I haven't actually used it, works in just a few minutes. So, much less planning is required. I do get along with daily 5mg Cialis, so I am going to continue to take it.

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