Hawthorn berry. My BP was running around 150/95 and up, read about Hawthorn berry and started taking about 3 grams a day (divided into 3 doses) a couple months ago. Dilates blood vessels including the coronary arteries, and gets more blood flow to the actual heart muscles. Took my BP at home last week Monday Wednesday and Friday and it averages 130/75. My Dr. is impressed at the numbers, I feel better already, and I KNOW my circulation is much better simply because the last couple winters my toes stayed freezing cold ALL the time. This winter the weather is much colder and my toes haven't been cold at all like they were.
I do take 20mg a day of Lisinopril, but a couple years of that made almost no difference until I started taking the Hawthorn. Garlic is good also for BP and other things. Changing my diet, and adding 3 grams a day of fish oils made a huge difference in my Cholesterol levels. Dr. prescribed me a statin (of course) when they tested my total cholesterol at 283. I never took the first pill. 3 months later I went back in for the test and the doc asked me "are you taking the statin?" I says nope, not the first one. "Well, have you changed your diet?" YES I HAVE! And I described my changes, he says "OK we'll see what the difference is from 3 months ago and go from there" When the results came back he called and left me a voice mail saying "you just keep doing what you are doing and we'll check again in another three months." My new total cholesterol count was like 242, I know he wants it below 200 but I also know he was surprised to see that much of a drop in that amount of time without his "miracle of modern medicine" statins.