3 month TRT lab results

Since your Albumin serum (ALB) plays a major roll in Free T.
When ones TT is above average and the SHGB is in a good range why do we always seem to recommend increasing the T injection and not look else where like reducing Albumin? Since Albumin is made in the liver maybe there's a issue with the liver?

Since your Albumin serum (ALB) plays a major roll in Free T.
When ones TT is above average and the SHGB is in a good range why do we always seem to recommend increasing the T injection and not look else where like reducing Albumin? Since Albumin is made in the liver maybe there's a issue with the liver?


As I have not listed ALB I wonder why you would jump to the comclusion there is something wrong with the liver ...

ALB 4.6 with range 3.5-5.5 smack in the middle
Since your Albumin serum (ALB) plays a major roll in Free T.
When ones TT is above average and the SHGB is in a good range why do we always seem to recommend increasing the T injection and not look else where like reducing Albumin? Since Albumin is made in the liver maybe there's a issue with the liver?


When I plug in my numbers I get 21.7 as the FT number .... which shows that the 14.7 from the lab is lower than one would expect.

But beside the technicalities (when to measure / inject) what is the consensus? As I don't feel significantly better a) increase T dosage or b) just give it more time or c) declare it a "doesn't work" and start PCT ... I tend to say a) as I'm not getting any younger
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I assume you have been on your protocol for 3 months. If this is the case I would increase your testosterone as it's obvious you are low. I tend to go at changes slowly which is why I suggested a 15mg increase per week (5mg more added to each shot). What ever you do be consistent at it and wait the 6 weeks to get labs. Also try to get your shots sorted out so that you can get labs on your trough morning. This also means taking your HCG shots with your test shots. Are you aware you can put HCG and testosterone together in to one syringe and inject it that way? It's very helpful. Nelson has a video on this. Just search for it. I was hesitant on this but once I tried it I found it meant less shots in my body and that's just peachy.
As I have not listed ALB I wonder why you would jump to the comclusion there is something wrong with the liver ...

ALB 4.6 with range 3.5-5.5 smack in the middle

I wasn't jumping to a conclusion I was trying to figure out why your Free T is so low with such a high TT and good SHGB. Since ALB plays a major role I brought that up.
I look forward to seeing if you can talk your doc into a T injection increase with your current blood test.
I wasn't jumping to a conclusion I was trying to figure out why your Free T is so low with such a high TT and good SHGB. Since ALB plays a major role I brought that up.
I look forward to seeing if you can talk your doc into a T injection increase with your current blood test.

Sorry if I came over strong (English is my 2nd language). Still learning (a lot) around TRT and therefore body functions/interactions.
In around 2 weeks I know what my doc thinks about this ....
I assume you have been on your protocol for 3 months. If this is the case I would increase your testosterone as it's obvious you are low. I tend to go at changes slowly which is why I suggested a 15mg increase per week (5mg more added to each shot). What ever you do be consistent at it and wait the 6 weeks to get labs. Also try to get your shots sorted out so that you can get labs on your trough morning. This also means taking your HCG shots with your test shots. Are you aware you can put HCG and testosterone together in to one syringe and inject it that way? It's very helpful. Nelson has a video on this. Just search for it. I was hesitant on this but once I tried it I found it meant less shots in my body and that's just peachy.

I saw the video but I wanted to avoid 2 things in the beginning 1) make it complicated (real or imagined) with mixing them and 2) injecting me twice the same day. And somewhere I read that HCG the day before T was recommended by Dr Crysler (think it was him).
The injection scheme will be changed eventually once I figured out logistics (HCG days worked best on the chosen days as then I can keep it in the office as these are the days I am usually not travelling - wanted to avoid taking it with me as it seems to be very delicate).
Sorry if I came over strong (English is my 2nd language). Still learning (a lot) around TRT and therefore body functions/interactions.
In around 2 weeks I know what my doc thinks about this ....

No offense taken blitzen we are all just a bunch of guys trying to help each other out.
I assume you have been on your protocol for 3 months. If this is the case I would increase your testosterone as it's obvious you are low. I tend to go at changes slowly which is why I suggested a 15mg increase per week (5mg more added to each shot). What ever you do be consistent at it and wait the 6 weeks to get labs. Also try to get your shots sorted out so that you can get labs on your trough morning. This also means taking your HCG shots with your test shots. Are you aware you can put HCG and testosterone together in to one syringe and inject it that way? It's very helpful. Nelson has a video on this. Just search for it. I was hesitant on this but once I tried it I found it meant less shots in my body and that's just peachy.

FWIW, the Dr Mclain that posts on this site has put up a video where he doesn't suggest doing that and he mentions he has seen Nelsons video showing that as well.

I'm not currently doing HCG so don't have a dog in the hunt, just posting what I heard Dr Mclain talk about.
One thing is for sure it works fine. I did it the old way for years and finally I tried putting them together and because it works and is 1/2 the injections I'm pleased. I can't seem to find that video?
I am also doing both together. 30iu's HCG then .25 Tcyp. M/W/F I love the fact I am not wasting any T since the HCG flushes the needle.
I did seperate injections for about a week. My belly felt like a pin cushion.
Thanks for the video Lee, however most of this is evidenced based. We know what works because we try it. I believe Rand has it wrong on this issue because it works for everyone here doing it. And lets face it most of the expertise TRT docs have is because of evidenced base efforts of forum members everywhere. This in my opinion is very helpful for MD's. I load my syringe with Test/HCG/Semorelin/GHRP-2 and do a shallow IM injection and it works fine. There isn't anything to debate really.
I would stop the arimidex as Vince mentioned. Higher estrogen levels could really help you. Estrogen is very important for vasodilation and bone health. It also increases certain neurotransmitters.
Dropping the Arimidex? My E seems to be in the range and I always read of the magic 22 for E (which I'm above already)

I always believe when someone first start trt, they should not be on an AI. After having having labs and establishing a estradiol base, that's when you would have to consider going on one. I'm happy that I was able to find a good doctor and never used an AI.
Dropping the Arimidex? My E seems to be in the range and I always read of the magic 22 for E (which I'm above already)

Furthermore as an example, an E reading of 20 with 400 testosterone is not the same as 20 for E with an 1000 reading for testosterone. Ratio is important.

There is no magic 22 for E. I don't know who made that up.
Furthermore as an example, an E reading of 20 with 400 testosterone is not the same as 20 for E with an 1000 reading for testosterone. Ratio is important.

There is no magic 22 for E. I don't know who made that up.

That I know they push that on the TNation forum which is a real handful of a forum to say the least.
Furthermore as an example, an E reading of 20 with 400 testosterone is not the same as 20 for E with an 1000 reading for testosterone. Ratio is important.

There is no magic 22 for E. I don't know who made that up.

While ratio is important (I would assume) absolute values are important too. Let say a 50 E / T 1000 works well for a person that same can probably not be said for 100/2000 (user not TRT) or 6/250 (in need of TRT)
And it might vary by person too as the effects negative/positive materialize differently.
I have water retention before my shots but as soon as I shot the T and take the AI it is gone by the morning (yes Water Retention can be caused by T but wouldn't it be higher the next day then)
Not saying AI need to be used but reluctant to go for the experiment (and gyno is not swell) and the discount lab tests I could do without doctor involvement won't work here in NJ and I could now change and check after a while what happens but try to "listen to my body" until the next draw in 6 month

T 308 > 915 / 264-916 > at the top
Free T 9.9 > 14.2 / 6.8-21.5 > middle of the range
E sensitive 19 > 27.1 / 8-35 > 70% of top

That the E is not top of the range I can understand (due to AI) but why isn't FT so mediocre? And now we came back to ratio decrease from 3.2% to 1.55% .......

Tuesday I cave a call with Defy and hopefully will know more .......

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