interesting lab results following protocol change


Original protocol
test cyp - 50mg E3.5D
HCG 350iu E3.5D
Dhea 25mg daily
westhyroid 1.5gr daily

felt okay but still up and down during the week. Libido still lacking significantly. decided to go to daily HCG
injections same total amount. 100ui daily.

Labs six weeks later: (labcorp ranges)

Total Test went from 900's to 2000
Free T went from 29 - 33
E2 went from 29 to 35

My libido was great for first couple weeks, but then dropped of and erections went away. Decided to lower testosterone and go to daily test shots as well to try to bring E2 back down. I was very surprised that HCG had such a big effect on my test levels
new protocol:

test cyp - 12mg daily
HCG - 100iu dialy
dhea 25mg daily
westhyroid 1.5gr. daily

six week later labs: (labcorps)
test total - >1500
Free t - increased to 39
estradiol - dropped to 30

Erections came back better, libido still not great. I feel decent otherwise, but I am not comfortable with such high T levels. I am dropping Test cyp to 10mg daily to further lower E2. I have a consult in a couple weeks. My current energy levels are better so far with daily injections and like injecting a smaller amount. It feels good to get back in the gym and knockout some better workouts, but the lack of libido is killing marriage. still some fatigue issues, but we are working on thyroid issues as well.

Am I on the right track or chasing my tail?
never test HCT

does daily typically help HCT?
It seemed to help mine. I was donating blood every 8 weeks for over two years to keep my HCT in a good range. Since I started daily in February I haven't needed to donate blood at all.
HCG driving you so hard would indicate that your Secondary Hypogonadal, i.e., your Testes are fine and it was more likely your Hypogonadism was Pituitary related.
It's not your TT or FT that's too high it's because you changed the way your labs are measured. We have discussed this before. You were still injecting the same amount of HCG and Test into your body weekly, all that changed is when you take your labs! The difference being is, now when you do your labs your last injections were 24 hrs before whereas previously it was 3.5 days before. So although your total weekly amounts are the same the way you measure it has changed. Every person here who has gone to Daily injections has observed this. Doing daily injections means there is much less of a trough. All I'm saying is don't be alarmed by the higher numbers. Nothing wrong with lowering your dosages to accommodate this, just be sure you still feel the same and don't end up too low.
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LtChris.. are you a high SHBG guy doing daily injections? I have an interest in your results and how you feel. Would definitely check your Hematocrit
LTChris - When you get your consult with Justin ask him to run a prolactin panel. Low libido can be heavily influenced by even slightly elevated serum levels...he'll do this for just that reason.

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