T Levels and various Injection Protocol


New Member

After speaking with Gene, he thought it would be good for the benefit of the EXCELMALE community to discuss my situation in hopes that others may share their thoughts.

My current protocol is 150mg Test C per week(started this dose last week).

Protocol History:
Booster dose 200mg-One time only.

100mg for approx. 6 weeks and then increased to 120mg for the remainder until 1 week ago..

Bottom line is that its been over 3 months and my Total T has only increased from 419 to 450.

As mentioned to Gene and Nelson, this is very frustrating but my current provider is only willing to increase the dose in small increments.

It was mentioned that I may be a Hyper-Excreter patient which basically means that I process and metabolize T faster than most others.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the same type of situation as listed above?

Thoughts, questions...fire away.

Believe it or not, many men cannot reach total T levels over 500 ng/dL with testosterone doses under 150-200 mg per week. I am one of them and have met many in the past. You are not alone.

Your doctor either wants you to keep coming back to charge you more office visits or thinks testosterone is like amphetamine LOL A dose increase of 20 mg at a time is just not justified knowing your current response. The first 6-8 weeks of TRT can easily tell a doctor what dose you need, assuming that you are complying with the dose amount and frequency.

Does the doc test for total and free T every time he/she increases the dose by 20 mg per week? That will take you at least two to three months to get to 200 mg assuming that he/she waits a month in between testing.

I am sure you have good reasons why you stay with the doctor (insurance, location, a friend)

Yes...he takes blood every 5-6 weeks to gauge both free and total T. My insurance is very good but I have no loyalty to any doctor. I think I'll have a candid yet professional conversation with him on Friday.
It looks like he's a hyper-metabolizer as there really is no other explanation other than the drug not being potent enough which is highly unlikely.

Small 20 mg dose increases will take forever as Nelson noted.

Going to 200 mg and testing in 6 weeks would be what I would insist on...not something that's going to take months!

I'm going to bring this up on Friday at my visit.

I may be wrong but I believe that various Low T clinics(to include my own) have a certain dose protocol that they follow which allows only a max dose increase.

Have you heard of this?
After Friday's doc visit, he was not willing to increase the dose right now. He is going to stick with 150mg for another 5 weeks and then retest. While I'm not happy, I'll just hold out and see what happens. From what I gather, Low T center is very strict on dose increases and follows a strict protocol. I'm hesitant to switch docs as my insurance covers the vast majority of my TRT costs.
After Friday's doc visit, he was not willing to increase the dose right now. He is going to stick with 150mg for another 5 weeks and then retest. While I'm not happy, I'll just hold out and see what happens. From what I gather, Low T center is very strict on dose increases and follows a strict protocol. I'm hesitant to switch docs as my insurance covers the vast majority of my TRT costs.

Okay, so what happens when your serum levels are the same 5 weeks from now???

I asked that question and his answer was that we would increase the dose once again.

i would expect another 30 mg increase...thats my guess anyway.

I asked that question and his answer was that we would increase the dose once again.

i would expect another 30 mg increase...thats my guess anyway.

Let's see what happens in 5 weeks.

If serum levels are the same I would ask for not only the increase in dosage BUT to increase your injection frequency to once E3D.

This is what most hyperexcretors have to do to keep serum levels stabilized week over week.
Tomorrow is my meeting with the doc. We will do in house blood work and then review. Its been 5 weeks at 150mg and I haven't noticed any significant change in my overall feeling. Last visit total T was 450....I seriously doubt that my levels have risen much since the last blood work. I'm hoping and fairly certain that my dose can/will be adjusted...the key is how much he is willing to adjust. I would like to go up to 200mg but I doubt he will go much higher than 180mg. Whatever the result, I'll have to stick with it for another 5-6 weeks. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
With Test it is always best to adjust slow and easy, higher is not always better, there is a fine line between good for you and too much with greater side effects.

We will be interested to hear on your lab results.

What labs will they be doing?

Just basic testing for Total and Free T..PSA..ETC.

Its been almost 5 months since I started TRT...Total T has only risen modestly.
Just finished with labs...very interesting

Total T 586
Free T 17.1
SHBG 17.6

The Doc mentioned that my SHBG is hurting me and he is not willing to increase the dose right now(150mg weekly) as my Free T is looking good.

Any thoughts?

How do you feel? That really is what matters. Yes, your free T as a percentage of total is pretty nice. Some guys feel great at your total T levels,

I feel ok but would like to see how I would feel at a higher dose. Can you speak to the SHBG level he mentioned? Doesn't my higher SHBG level hurt my Free T?
Your sex hormone binding globulin is fine and obviously not grabbing more T than it should. Free T is usually 2-2.5 percent of total T. Yours is 3 percent.
Just finished with labs...very interesting

Total T 586
Free T 17.1
SHBG 17.6

The Doc mentioned that my SHBG is hurting me and he is not willing to increase the dose right now(150mg weekly) as my Free T is looking good.

Any thoughts?

I don't know what these labs mean without the reference range.

Can you edit your post and add in the lab reference range for each assay?


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