Trying to figure things out!


New Member
Hi, at the time I had this blood test, I had no energy, tired even after a nights sleep, no libido at all. My numbers were.
46 years old.
11.20am blood sample.
Test 14.1nmol/L
Free androgen index level 30.7 %
Oestradiol (serum) 145
SHBG 46nmol/L
Cortisol (serum) 295nmol/L
Are these out of whack?, because the endocrinologist said they are all ok.
I noticed on the paperwork that the Oestradiol top range was 146nmol/L, with this being relatively high and my test being on the low side, also my SHBG being on the higher scale, is it likely this being the cause of my symptoms?..he did note that my cortisol was on the lower end of the scale, but the scale he was working off was between 119nmol/L to 618nmol/L, I found this being a bit odd because it's almost bang in the middle and my T is on the low side, E2 high side, SHBG high side and he didn't mention that. I then went back to my GP to ask him about it, he said everything's normal and want to send me to a sexual DF clinic, i asked if he would be willing to carry on blood tests until i try to sort it out myself but he wasn't willing to do so. So iam left guessing, I've been taking 250mg test enth a week for the past 3 weeks, I have more energy but no libido and I think my E2 has shot up.
Welcome to Excelmale. Your self-treatment, however, isn't wise. You're exceeding the typical, weekly dose of testosterone that's typically prescribed for patients starting a TRT protocol and you've gotten way ahead of yourself. Were your LH and FSH levels captured to determine if you might be dealing with primary or secondary hypogonadism? If not, those levels may now be obscured due to exogenous testosterone being in your system. What about your thyroid? TSH, ft3, ft4, rt3? Tell us where you live and we'll see if we can refer you to a capable doctor.
Thanks for thyroid stimulating was 1.20mU/L...LH 3.5iu/L...FSH 4.0 iu/L, I don't know what ft3 ft4 rt3 are and if they even checked it, I carnt find anything on the paperwork regarding it, I live in spennymoor, County durham...I was thinking about lowering the test to 120mg a week, any advice is much appreciated..cheers
Your way over the limit for weekly doses, 200mg is the upper limit for weekly dose. Your pre-TRT labs indicate that your SHBG is likely binding up most of your free testosterone, I've seen guys with sky high natural T levels with SHBG near the top of the range being symptomatic and doctors saying your normal, doctors in your country are a big problem! Labs ranges are important, numbers are meaningless without them.
Also do you think I could stop the test and boost my own up if the SBHG is dealt with, because I do have a fair bit of body fat to get rid of which will help with estrogen, Iam starting to think I may of been a bit hasty about jumping on the test..
Do you think the SHBG was the problem?
Naturally high SHBG always sucks because it limits your Free T and Free T is what makes you feel better. But you can't just keep raising your T injections without blood tests to monitor your E2 and Prolactin unless you want to start crying at the drop of a hat and grow man boobs.

The discountlabs website has fantastic info on what blood tests you need and what lvls you should try for.

Best of luck on your journey.

PS it is very improtant to figure out if you are dealing with primary or secondary hypogonadism.
He never tested for prolactin, and my e2 has definitely risen, I have zero libido, my GP is an idiot, he has referred me to a sexual disfunction there any natural way to bring down SBHG, I know dim suppose to bring e2 down..sick as a dog
No, TRT is the only way to manage high SHBG. Your problem is getting doctors in your country to understand this, most are complete idiots.
He never tested for prolactin, and my e2 has definitely risen, I have zero libido, my GP is an idiot, he has referred me to a sexual disfunction there any natural way to bring down SBHG, I know dim suppose to bring e2 down..sick as a dog

Guys with high SBHG have it much harder getting TRT to work.
Usually AI (Aromatase inhibitors) and HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) are needed and lots of blood tests.

If your GP is no help why do you think the sexual disfunction clinic won't help? DO they not write prescriptions?
Go in well educated and without an attitude and you could be surprised.
Guys with high SBHG have it much harder getting TRT to work.
Usually AI (Aromatase inhibitors) and HCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) are needed and lots of blood tests.

If your GP is no help why do you think the sexual disfunction clinic won't help? DO they not write prescriptions?
Go in well educated and without an attitude and you could be surprised.

Iam sure he wrote prolactin on the blood sample packaging, but there was no mention on the paperwork, I will ring the hospital today, I've only used 3 of the 250mg vials up to now, I've been on that dose before for months trying to sort out my libido to no avail, are you sure AI's and HCG are the only way to go?. If so, I will ask at the SD clinic, because the doctor told me that he's a ex GP so I may get some sense, If not I will have to go private.
Iam sure he wrote prolactin on the blood sample packaging, but there was no mention on the paperwork, I will ring the hospital today, I've only used 3 of the 250mg vials up to now, I've been on that dose before for months trying to sort out my libido to no avail, are you sure AI's and HCG are the only way to go?. If so, I will ask at the SD clinic, because the doctor told me that he's a ex GP so I may get some sense, If not I will have to go private.

I have only been on my TRT journey for the last 10 months. I am still learning. I don't know if there are other ways. I know my SHBG is not high but I am a E2 making machine, 62 without an AI, so my doc has me on both AI and HCG. Getting my E2 this low allowed me to double my T dose.


What AI and dose are you taking?. Because I seem to be an estrogen factory to, I was on test last year trying to sort myself out, but came off it because I was very busy, big mistake because with dwindling test, I had awful smyptoms, I found out when I had a blood test, my estrogen was 72, even being off everything mine is 39, I've just ordered some DIM to try and lower my estrogen, I have some letrozole but without a doctors help I'll probably end up crashing and there's even worse side effects doing that..

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