Dealing With Hct, Hgb, RBC Challenges


New Member
Hi my name is Scott, I've recently have been diagnosed as high hemoglobin hematocrit and red blood cells I've had every kind of test done and I'll come back negative so the only assumption is is maybe that I'm sleep apnea or maybe dehydrated. My doctor wanted me to get for phlebotomy is done at 500 cc's which for me I thought was a little aggressive since I'm only 5 5 + 155 lb and age 47. I've been trying to find out information on what I could take naturally to lower my hematocrit and hemoglobin levels needless to say it's very hard to find. So any help out there would be grateful I've since started taking kids chewable aspirin 81 mg every other day and drinking a lot of fluids to rehydrate me and hoping that that will do it certainly has helped I can feel much much better lately. So any information out there as to what I can do to try to do this myself as far as dropping it by myself my numbers are 53.8 I have anxiety disorder and so it's very difficult to sit here and think about giving that much blood. Also I want to know what foods I can eat as opposed to the foods I cannot mostly I eat with tortillas meat from the deli such as chicken and turkey and fat-free cheese used to drink a lot of orange juice put in my sure if I'm supposed to do that so anybody out there that can help me this new guy that's been newly diagnosed as high hematocrit level but with no diagnosis I certainly would like for someone to try to help me
Phlebotomies are regularly prescribed for situations such as you present with. If there was a way to achieve the same results in another fashion, men would be lining up to do so. I presume all potentially serious conditions that may be causing this have been ruled out?
High hematicrit

Phlebotomies are regularly prescribed for situations such as you present with. If there was a way to achieve the same results in another fashion, men would be lining up to do so. I presume all potentially serious conditions that may be causing this have been ruled out?
all the tests that they ran yes have been ruled out
High hematicrit

A large portion of the regular members here donate blood frequently. It's pretty normal stuff, and it will get those values in check for you.

Phlebotomies are regularly prescribed for situations such as you present with. If there was a way to achieve the same results in another fashion, men would be lining up to do so. I presume all potentially serious conditions that may be causing this have been ruled out?
well I'm barely knew it all this so how do we make this comment where one can see it I don't know how I guess
Blood donation is *almost* the price to play in the TRT pool. Though something is possible to help manage and that is Grapefruit, or supplement with GrapeFruit Seed Extract everyday. Some of us are having a positive experience with managing HCT/HGB/RBC with Grapefruit.
Oh okay my bad I guess I was thinking no one could see this. So anyway with no diagnosis at this point in time what should I do at this point? I'm going for a second opinion from a new doctor this Friday October 13th. Yeah I know bad day I may change it all together. But is there medication that can treat this I mean if you really are squeamish to such a thing as bloodletting. I just guess I'm looking for some reassurance things that are easing my mind better than what is going on right now. The doctor said they wanted to take 500 cc's out of me for 4 weeks and I just think that's a bit over aggressive really and I'd rather do maybe 200 CC's instead if I have to do it at all. What foods do I eat and what do I not eat I'm getting conflicting reports on the internet about that. Do I eat meat such as red meat chicken turkey I'm saying I've been told I don't I know you don't want to take anything with iron in it which knocks out most Breads and crackers I know leafy green vegetables you're not supposed to eat hello kind of not giving you a whole lot of choices to eat any help on that Insight would certainly be appreciative. And medications some medications actually caused this to let me know what your thoughts are
Oh okay my bad I guess I was thinking no one could see this. So anyway with no diagnosis at this point in time what should I do at this point? I'm going for a second opinion from a new doctor this Friday October 13th. Yeah I know bad day I may change it all together. But is there medication that can treat this I mean if you really are squeamish to such a thing as bloodletting. I just guess I'm looking for some reassurance things that are easing my mind better than what is going on right now. The doctor said they wanted to take 500 cc's out of me for 4 weeks and I just think that's a bit over aggressive really and I'd rather do maybe 200 CC's instead if I have to do it at all. What foods do I eat and what do I not eat I'm getting conflicting reports on the internet about that. Do I eat meat such as red meat chicken turkey I'm saying I've been told I don't I know you don't want to take anything with iron in it which knocks out most Breads and crackers I know leafy green vegetables you're not supposed to eat hello kind of not giving you a whole lot of choices to eat any help on that Insight would certainly be appreciative. And medications some medications actually caused this to let me know what your thoughts are

Pin amswer to your question, there is no medication that when taken lowers Hct, Hgb, and RBC. Has your doctor explained the risks of elevated levels of these blood components? Will you be consulting a hematologist on the 13th?
I have already seen a hematologist or oncologist like I said tests were all ran and all came back negative for polycythemia vera and and several other things now I'm going to get a second opinion from yet again another doctor I was told that they were medications out there but maybe would not like to prescribe them because of side effects not quite sure what side effects that is but there we go. I imagine that with thick blood you could have strokes blood clots heart attacks and what not so if that is the case yes I understand that already. I'm basically what I've been doing is taking 81 mg of children's chewable aspirin almost every other day and staying very well hydrated and taking daily walks and so far seems to be working I have low blood sugar sometimes so I can tell the difference when I used to put my finger the blood was really dark red and thick when come out of my finger at all now I do it and it's bright red and I can poke myself and test myself and then squeeze my finger 5 minutes later and blood still comes out so things are getting better for what I'm doing right now so I'm just trying to find ways to sit here and lower my hematocrit levels on a natural basis at least gives me some opportunity to maybe do this without having to do phlebotomy I hear people all the time say they've done it and so I'm trying to.
I have already seen a hematologist or oncologist like I said tests were all ran and all came back negative for polycythemia vera and and several other things now I'm going to get a second opinion from yet again another doctor I was told that they were medications out there but maybe would not like to prescribe them because of side effects not quite sure what side effects that is but there we go. I imagine that with thick blood you could have strokes blood clots heart attacks and what not so if that is the case yes I understand that already. I'm basically what I've been doing is taking 81 mg of children's chewable aspirin almost every other day and staying very well hydrated and taking daily walks and so far seems to be working I have low blood sugar sometimes so I can tell the difference when I used to put my finger the blood was really dark red and thick when come out of my finger at all now I do it and it's bright red and I can poke myself and test myself and then squeeze my finger 5 minutes later and blood still comes out so things are getting better for what I'm doing right now so I'm just trying to find ways to sit here and lower my hematocrit levels on a natural basis at least gives me some opportunity to maybe do this without having to do phlebotomy I hear people all the time say they've done it and so I'm trying to.

Do you a history with anxiety? Diagnosed or not?
Yes i do why?

Because it's obvious and most always presents as a real barrier on this forum which is about TRT but sidetracks the guys that suffer with it. You see right here in 7're all over the place with paragraphs about how you can't do this and can't do that and the most obvious trait for anxiety sufferers is that they don't listen and go right on and on and on with whatever they're fixated on.
Ok.well im a bit set back by that statement, and i dont know what to say or i have said,i have many situations in my life and i do what i need to.But at the same time certain things i have bigger challenges with,and anxiety is one of them,now this issue with hematicrit thing is now my biggest one and im just trying to get advice,info,suggestions, from all out thier dealing with not one who luke the ideal thier is nothing that can be done,but rather here,thiers allways hope,and things out thier that may help.
Some members that have been on TRT for a few years, their HCT will became stable and stay at good levels. It appears my have, I been on TRT for three years or it may be from starting daily injections of T.
Im not on trt and nver have been

500 cc of blood is the standard. You should not be concerned.

Have you had a sleep study done?

Do you smoke (anything)?

There is nothing you can do naturally to decrease your hematocrit beyond 1-2 points (hydration). A CPAP machine may do so if you are found to have apnea.
Hi Scott. Giving blood is easy. I would not do it in the past since I was not much for needles or blood and have my fair share of anxiety, but I had to give blood to lower my iron. Your doctor is giving good advice. Let them you know you have anxiety and it is your first time and they will be very understanding and walk you through the process and explain everything. You can also watch videos on youtube so you know what will happen. The anxiety about it can be caused by not knowing what is going to happen so by knowing the process, you will have less anxiety about it.
I give that amount every two months and people with really high iron give 1 unit (500 cc) every WEEK. When you give blood, the liquid will be replaced within a couple hours to 1 day. And within ~ 2-3 weeks you will replace the red blood cells. Your body has more than enough blood to give that much. Although not required, I like to drink water about 1 bottle, before I go in and a light meal about 1 hour before. And then have another bottle with some snacks after. It is really easy. In two days you will not know you gave blood and I even go to the gym the next day - but they say not too.
The place I go has TV's or Ipad to watch. Or you can listen to music. At the Dr office, the nurse sat with me the entire time - not sure why. You will likely feel better after you give blood because your blood will be thinned out a bit. Eventually, when your numbers come down you might be able to give blood at a donation center and help save people's lives with your donated blood.
Some people have high hematocrit - no worries. It is easy to treat and much easier / no drugs to take compared to other issues. When saw all the people at the oncologist with much more serious diagnosis than what I have, it put life in a different perspective.
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