Dealing With Hct, Hgb, RBC Challenges

Well that is a whole lot to digest 500 cc's though even though the referring Doctor Who referred me to the oncologist she even said that she thought it was too aggressive for me and I do too still I don't know I'm going to have anxiety problems because I have an anxiety disorder no matter I sit here and understand it or I don't understand it I watch a video or I don't watch the video it's all not going to help me either way because I have anxiety that bad you know I don't know that I can do with this I really don't I do want to get feeling better but you know I don't know what to say I've asked the other doctor from the oncologist I went to the first time that if I do this and get blood would I be okay and never have to do this again and he said yeah there's a possibility so is there a possibility you know all my test came back negative and it's really nothing going on I mean outside of could be dehydrated taking steps to deal with that now could be sleep apnea I don't know haven't been able to talk to the doctor about that yet soon as I get to is going to be in November 7th and that's just a consultation to see if he thinks I need is sleep apnea test or not so at this point I don't know but I'm on a lot of medications to a lot of things about me that you guys don't know but I haven't said yet so having said all that what are you not supposed to eat is there a list of things like certain meets certain vegetable certain fruits I mean that's one of my biggest issues too I have no freaking clue what I can eat and what I'm not supposed to I know I'm not supposed to eat anything rich in iron which I try not to eat anything in Iron Butt everything you eat iron in it just like sodium is in everything you eat most of it so any help would be greatly appreciated as well
Let's carefully review what has been established. Your hematocrit and hemoglobin, along with your red blood cell counts are elevated and you have been prescribed a phlebotomy - the order is to draw 500 cc worth. You are concerned that due to your height and weight that 500 cc is too much for your system to handle and want to know what alternative approaches may work.

The elevated lab results that you have need to be addressed. The consequences of not addressing them are potentially serious. It is certainly in your best interest to lower those counts. Your system can more than handle that amount of blood being drawn, it is the standard blood draw used in countless donations day in and day out. My neighbour, a young Asian woman under 5 feet and weighing less than 100 pounds, has given blood like clockwork for a number of years and recently was recognized as one of Toronto's most loyal supporters of Canadian Blood Services. Your body will respond to the donation without a hitch.

Absent a more specific diagnosis, that could lead to correcting the underlying disorder, there's no other way to reliably lower your blood counts. I know you aren't on TRT, but many of us here who are donate regularly because of the same issues you are dealing with, the same high numbers. If there was another way, if it could e achieved through a strict diet, for example, many would choose to follow that route. It can't be done.

In the post above from Saul, you received very good advice and guidance. A frank discussion about the anxiety you are dealing with, and exposure to the process through YouTube, might go a long way to helping you see this in a different perspective.

I wish we could offer you an alternative, but we can't.
First I will tell you my glucose is 147 which is hi cuz it's only supposed to be reference range of 65 to 105 the glucose is high because I took glucose tablets that can be dealt with the BUN test 21 that's high don't know why it is but reference range is between 7 and 17 the anyway red blood cell count is 5.78 reference range for .20 - 6.10 hemoglobin is 17.9 the actual test reference range 14.0 - 18.0 + 53.8 which is high for me reference range 37.0 - 52.0 platelets or 252 reference range 150 to a 450 everything else is normal my hemoglobin or skews me my glucose rather it was 147 reference range of 65 to 105 but that's high because I took glucose tablets the BUN test is 21 that's a little high reference range is anywhere from 7 to 17 so when it comes to all that everything seems to be fine I had the MPL 515 mutation analysis test came back negative the c a l r e t i c u l i n mutation analysis also came back negative the jak2 v617f mutation analysis also negative the jak2 v617f analysis also came back negative the npl 515 Carl and Jack to Exxon 12 mutation analysis also negative jak2 v617f mutation analysis also again as I restated negative so as you can see all these tests came back negative the only thing that I can sit here and see it to be at this point in time would possibly be sleep apnea or dehydration so like I said in the meantime I have been doing everything I can between drinking Pedialyte coconut water and water like it's going out of style so that's what I've been trying to do so anything you can tell me outside of that would certainly be of help
I wish there was something that we could tell you. If you can correct an underlying condition, that, in and of itself, MAY address the elevated numbers. But it's not prudent to wait while the diagnostic testing and consultations are playing out. The only, consistent, way to lower Hgb, Hct, and RBC is through a phlebotomy. I wish I could give you another answer.
Well first of all I never said I wasn't doing it I simply said I don't want to do it if there's another way out of it but as I heard so much lately and so many times on here there's no hope for that so I will do it but from everything that I've explained what else could there be does anyone have any explanation as to what the cause would be if everything I mentioned came back negative
Hi my name is Scott, I've recently have been diagnosed as high hemoglobin hematocrit and red blood cells..... snip...
I certainly would like for someone to try to help me

Hi Scott, I feel your pain man. I live at 6000ft above sealevel and play hard at 8000ft... a lot.
My hemoglobin hematocrit and red blood cells are always at the top of the scale. I have to give/donate blood every two months just to stay in range.


Let me tell you thick blood sucks. Donating 500cc is a piece of cake and you will feel better right away.

hth we are rooting for you.

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