New Member- Testosterone Results


New Member
Hello all,

I recently had a blood test performed at the VA and here are my results:
% Free Testosterone= 3.13%
Testosterone (FR)= 10.99ng/dl
Testosterone Total= 351
Blood drawn at 1030am

I am a 25 year old active male, Marine Corps veteran.

symptoms include:
reduced libido
lack of energy
decrease in strength and performance
decrease in muscle mass
loss of enjoyment
cant sleep at all or sleep all day depending on the day
constantly tired and fatigued throughout every day

I am very interested in hearing opinions on whether or not you think this is low T.
I am within the new 2017 reference range of 264-916 but from what I have searched concludes that <400 is Low T in most cases if you have the symptoms.

Received my blood results last night, In contact with my PCP, waiting for response.

Any input is greatly appreciated.

ABSOLUTE BASO 0.05 K/uL 0.00-0.20
ABSOLUTE EOSIN 0.24 K/uL 0.00-0.50
ABSOLUTE LYMPH COUNT 2.24 K/cmm 1.50-4.00
ABSOLUTE MONO COUNT 0.82 K/uL 0.30-0.90
BASOPHIL % 0.7 % 0.0-2.0
EOSINOPHIL % 3.2 % 0.0-7.0
LYMPH % 30.0 % 19.6-52.7
MONO % 11.0 % 3.4-10.0
NEUTROPHIL % 54.7 % 40.0-74.0

HCT 40.8 % 42.0-52.0
HGB 13.9 g/dL 14.0-18.0
MCH 30.3 27.0-35.0
MCHC 34.1 g/dL 31.5-36.5
MCV 88.9 fL 80.0-94.0
MPV 9.7 fL 7.2-11.1
PLT 239 K/cmm 140-440
RBC 4.59 M/uL 4.70-6.10
RDW 12.3 % 11.5-14.5
WBC 7.5 K/cmm 5.0-10.0

TSH (LAB) 3.34 IU/mL 0.35-5.50

ALBUMIN 4.3 g/dL 3.6-5.0
ALT 63 IU/mL 13-69
AST 43 IU/L 15-46
DIR. BILIRUBIN 0.4 mg/dL 0.0-0.4
PROTEIN TOTAL 7.3 g/dL 6.5-8.0
TOT. BILIRUBIN 0.4 mg/dL 0.1-1.0
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Welcome to Excelmale. You're certainly hypogonadal, but the testing - to date - is incomplete. You need to obtain both LH and FSH, to determine if this is a primary or secondary issue, SHBG, a full thyroid workup - you had a TSH run (and it is edging up a bit), ft3, ft4, rt3, and both thyroid antibody panels, a PSA, DHT, DHEA, and a lipid profile. It would be hasty to start any sort of treatment without these results as they offer essential information to guide you and your doctor. you are very young to be looking at TRT - all the more reason to dig deeper. History of head injury? Either during or prior to your service in the Corps? Testicular injury? Might, even at your age, sleep apnea be an issue? History of steroid use or any other health/medication issues?
No head injury, no testicular injury, no sleep apnea, no steroid use.
I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. No medication was taken a month prior to these tests.
Here are the new blood results.

Fsh 1.1 (1.5-12.4)
lh 4.3 (1.7-8.6)
prolactin 13.6 (4.0-15.2)
psa 0.92 (0.00-4.00)
tsh 2.76 (0.35-5.50)
ft3 5.0 (2.8-5.3)
ft4 1.66 (0.93-1.71)

testosterone 251 (264-916)

blood drawn at 8:30am
Here are the new blood results.

Fsh 1.1 (1.5-12.4)
lh 4.3 (1.7-8.6)
prolactin 13.6 (4.0-15.2)
psa 0.92 (0.00-4.00)
tsh 2.76 (0.35-5.50)
ft3 5.0 (2.8-5.3)
ft4 1.66 (0.93-1.71)

testosterone 251 (264-916)

blood drawn at 8:30am

Did you draw these on your own, or were they VA labs? I ask, because you're clearly hypogonadal, and the VA has a terrible reputation here with running patients in circles when it comes to treating them. On top of which, you are under 30; very young to be dealing with these issues.

What discussions have you and your doctors had?
Yes, VA labs. no discussions with my PCP at all.. keep dealing with his nurse.
He put in the order for another blood draw for TT and FreeT for tomorrow morning.
Welcome to Excelmale. You're certainly hypogonadal, but the testing - to date - is incomplete. You need to obtain both LH and FSH, to determine if this is a primary or secondary issue, SHBG, a full thyroid workup - you had a TSH run (and it is edging up a bit), ft3, ft4, rt3, and both thyroid antibody panels, a PSA, DHT, DHEA, and a lipid profile. It would be hasty to start any sort of treatment without these results as they offer essential information to guide you and your doctor. you are very young to be looking at TRT - all the more reason to dig deeper. History of head injury? Either during or prior to your service in the Corps? Testicular injury? Might, even at your age, sleep apnea be an issue? History of steroid use or any other health/medication issues?

Don't forget the labs Coastwatcher suggested above. Your TSH being over 2 indicates a problem somewhere and without antibodies and RT3 you just won't know. Most MD's incl the VA will ignore this because it's in range while real hormone experts know something isn't right.
Don't forget the labs Coastwatcher suggested above. Your TSH being over 2 indicates a problem somewhere and without antibodies and RT3 you just won't know. Most MD's incl the VA will ignore this because it's in range while real hormone experts know something isn't right.

I have requested those multiple times already but will call and try again.
With me not having contact with my PCP I am highly unlikely to receive any input until after my new tests come back which will be another week at least. So far from my blood tests; what am I looking at as far as concerns, treatments, risks, etc.?Anything at all will help me get a better understanding of what I am working with.
You will get good advice from others on this board who are very knowledgeable on this topic. I am just throwing other ideas out there. BTW, thank for your service to our country.
1. Here is a helpful web site having to do with GAD. I have had anxiety issues so you are not alone. Getting your T level up may help with your GAD.
2. Any PTSD issues or could anxiety cause this?
3. Any drug use that could cause this? You would not be the first person to use cannabis or other substances to self treat GAD
4. How is your diet and all your vitamin / mineral levels? I had too much iron and it causes similar symptoms, but you are most likely too young for that issue.

Best of luck !
Getting treatment in a timely manner, with a good protocol, at a young age, covered by existing medical is not going to happen. Not saying it's never happened, but that person should have bought a lotto ticket.

Hopefully you have the means to cover $100-$200/mo. Go straight to a known good source of treatment. Defy on here seems to be a good choice. You can ask around for others as well.

I couldn't imagine waiting around if symptoms are as bad as mine had gotten. I went to an endo who was a total jackass. I read up online and found out how common that was. I went straight to a clinic and just paid up while I learned. I recommend it.
Getting treatment in a timely manner, with a good protocol, at a young age, covered by existing medical is not going to happen. Not saying it's never happened, but that person should have bought a lotto ticket.

Hopefully you have the means to cover $100-$200/mo. Go straight to a known good source of treatment. Defy on here seems to be a good choice. You can ask around for others as well.

I couldn't imagine waiting around if symptoms are as bad as mine had gotten. I went to an endo who was a total jackass. I read up online and found out how common that was. I went straight to a clinic and just paid up while I learned. I recommend it.

This captures the experience of so many. Should this be the case? Shouldn't doctors, most/all doctors, have a better understanding of male androgens and how to manage cases of deficiency? Yes and yes. But that's not the case. The time spent on this topic in medical school and residency is minimal, my doctor explained to me, and it shows. The average member here at EM, after a little time, has a better foundational understanding of testosterone treatment protocols than the average doctor. It's shameful.
Getting treatment in a timely manner, with a good protocol, at a young age, covered by existing medical is not going to happen. Not saying it’s never happened, but that person should have bought a lotto ticket.

Hopefully you have the means to cover $100-$200/mo. Go straight to a known good source of treatment. Defy on here seems to be a good choice. You can ask around for others as well.

I couldn’t imagine waiting around if symptoms are as bad as mine had gotten. I went to an endo who was a total jackass. I read up online and found out how common that was. I went straight to a clinic and just paid up while I learned. I recommend it.

I feel like a hollow shell. Life has gone down hill. Losing my mind.
I feel like a hollow shell. Life has gone down hill. Losing my mind.

It may not help you in the moment, but you aren't alone. So many have found that obtaining treatment is hard...very hard. It happened to me, it happened to lots of members. Let me ask a critical question - can you afford out-of-network care? It may not be as expensive as you fear.
I feel like a hollow shell. Life has gone down hill. Losing my mind.

No idea what your financial situation is, but spend the money as soon as you find a competent clinic or doc. Educate yourself to move things along quicker. I've been there. I think I can relate. Take Cost out of the equation and get better. Then look at cutting the cost later if needed.

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