This is a follow up post from previous thread :
I had my first appintment with my endocronologist yesterday. SHe started out by asking me why I was refered to her. I told her about my symptoms fatigue, muslce weakness, body fat increase, just feeling run down. SHe asked about my job and my lifestyle, I told her I work full time in a retail store, on my feet walking around all day lifting boxes and such. She asked about my diet, I told her what I eat. She asked about my sex life. The what she sais after all her questions surprised me. She said I am a canidate for TRT!
She went on to tell the the benifits of TRT, and the cons of it as well. But she suggested I try lifestyle and diet changes first as she said diet can influance test and shbg levels. She suggested I cut way way back on simple carbs. And exercize a bit more. Ok I'm willing to try those changes to see if it helps. I've never heard or read of diet being a big influence on test or shbg levels, but she is the doctor.
Now about her TRT program. She said there are several options for TRT, implants, injections and gels. SHe said here in hot humid Florida the gels tend not to work well, guys sweat the gel away. Most of her patients go with the injections. They start out injecting at the office and teaching patients how to self inject. She said patients usually start self injecting after a few months. They start the injections at every 2 weeks. She also said that getting insurance to cover TRT is almost immpossible, but even without insuirnace the injections would probably run $30 to $40 a month.
SO now I am going to try the diet and lifestyle changes she reccommended until I see her again in 4 months for more blood tests.
Ok so feedback on all this?
I had my first appintment with my endocronologist yesterday. SHe started out by asking me why I was refered to her. I told her about my symptoms fatigue, muslce weakness, body fat increase, just feeling run down. SHe asked about my job and my lifestyle, I told her I work full time in a retail store, on my feet walking around all day lifting boxes and such. She asked about my diet, I told her what I eat. She asked about my sex life. The what she sais after all her questions surprised me. She said I am a canidate for TRT!
She went on to tell the the benifits of TRT, and the cons of it as well. But she suggested I try lifestyle and diet changes first as she said diet can influance test and shbg levels. She suggested I cut way way back on simple carbs. And exercize a bit more. Ok I'm willing to try those changes to see if it helps. I've never heard or read of diet being a big influence on test or shbg levels, but she is the doctor.
Now about her TRT program. She said there are several options for TRT, implants, injections and gels. SHe said here in hot humid Florida the gels tend not to work well, guys sweat the gel away. Most of her patients go with the injections. They start out injecting at the office and teaching patients how to self inject. She said patients usually start self injecting after a few months. They start the injections at every 2 weeks. She also said that getting insurance to cover TRT is almost immpossible, but even without insuirnace the injections would probably run $30 to $40 a month.
SO now I am going to try the diet and lifestyle changes she reccommended until I see her again in 4 months for more blood tests.
Ok so feedback on all this?