Hypogonadism or Hypothyrodism or BOTH?? Nelson vergel read plz


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Im a 26 year old man who have suffered the last 4 years. It all started 4 years ago when i went off my anabolic steroids cycle as a bodybuilder, i had taken steroids for 2 years and totall 3 cycles

the cycles was as following

1. Testosterone cypionate 500 mg for 10 weeks, tamoxifen pct

2. Testosteron enanthate 750 mg 12 weeks aromasin pct

3. testosterone enanthate 500 mg week 1-12 and dianabol week 1-4 no pct

I didnt do pct last cycle cause my drugdealer was in jail and could not get any pct from others, anyway hormone levels should go back to normal after a while, but it didnt

months later i got following symptoms , these are in order of which came first, and the ones in big letters are the ones that is the worst for me and is having a most impact on my life

- low energy

-tired, sleepy, started sleeping right away when i came home and have no energy to do anything after work

-muscle recovery time increased ALOT, i could only train 2-3 times MAX a week, i was sore for 1.5 week after each workout. if i trained legs monday, i could not train legs again before friday the next week again, almost 2 weeks

- fat gain, especially around waist

- low sex drive and weaker erections

-excessive sweating, coldsweating


- eyebrow loss


-DIFFICULT CONCENTRATING and remember things

-depressed on and off

-had emotional outburst at work which i believe is from hormone imbalance

- low bloodpressure

- dizzy in the mornings

- and now recently started chronic migraine

my bloodtest the same year after my last cycle was only 3nmol but my free test was inside refrence range so doctors said i was normal. 1 year later it had creeped up to 7 nmol, which it has now been for 3 years. i believe 3 nmol was my testosterone right after cycle, then it went up , as it always will after some time off cycle, but it only came at 7 nmol. i felt and still feel horrible and my doctors wont help me since my free test is inside refrence range. my totall test was also barely inside ref range. in my country its 6.7-32 nmol refrence range.

i finally got to an endo and he also said my levels was ok, but maybe a little low, he gave me tostran gel which i felt alot better, i litterally felt that my brainfog went away the same day i took it. but it stopped working after a while and i had to apply it every morning which was not suitable for my life. my Total T at tostran gel was 13 nmol which still is low

a year went and i was about to give up, but then i got a appointment for the best doctor in my country, he is a expert in testosterone and male health, his name is DR.Ken pruvis. He was the best and i also noticed when i met him he was numero uno expert in his field, he knew it all. He put me on clomid 50 mg ED for a week, then EOD for 2 months.....i felt like a new human being, it was fantastic, i got my energy levels back, chronic migraine went away, brain fog completely gone, i became happy and got better mood, instead of crying and being depressed, felt smarter, my brain worked alot faster and i also noticed some body composition for the first time in for ever, my skin became tighter and my waist became smaller without changing diett. My totall T on clomid was 17.6 nmol. i also noticed increased sexdrive and a tiny winy strenght gain. the only thing that didnt improve was recovery time, i still couldnt train moore than 2-3 times a week and was sore 24/7.

after i quit my clomid therap all my symptoms came back, i took a blodtest 1.5 weeks after i stopped and my t levels was 10.6 so thats the highest natural testosterone i have had for many years without being on any drug. i felt like my old zombie alzheimers self .my doctor said since it has increased to 10.6 and the refrence range is 6.7-32 nmol and also my shbg is only 19 that he didnt have any medical reasons to give me nebido

now its 2 months later and im writing this. I Bought jeff cambells trt book, which was very interesting, and also Nelson vergels book which im reading now

im miserable, feel like shit and my sex life, social life and quality of life has gone down the gutter, i feel like it will never be the same again. My brainfog makes it hard to concentrate at work, my low metabolism and long recovery time makes me only train 2-3 times a week and still fat no matter waht i do, i have gained some strenght but its so so so slow, and absolutely no body composition change, only strenght.

so i have tought about going on self medicated trt, im tired of dealing with my no-knowledge doctors and i would rather do test rest of my life than this low quality life. I also cant get it legally throught doctors since they say 7 nmol and 10.6 nmol is okay, so i have to get it from the blackmarked, thats no big deal for me , i will just buy it from a legitimate source who sells to everyone, a guy i have bought from before, cause his stuff deffinetly works

but before i buy testosterone from the blackmarked i had to check my Thyroid levels, as many in my family have thyroid disorder and use syntroid. I have lost alot of eyebrow hair which makes me believe i also have hypothyroidsm. My tsh has been at 4 the last 3 years, somthimes under 4 and somthims over. my t4 and t3 levels are normall so they say i have subclinical hypothyroidsm

i just went to a young private doctor which is expensive but really cares about his customers. we have now taken several blodtest and also urine test to check abolutely everything in my body, but mainly thyroid, im still wating for the test results while im writing this

so these are my questions to you nelson vergel plz answer all of them and also give some additional information if u can

1. no matter what my thyroid levels will be im going trt, im still halfway your book , but i read jeff cambels trt guide and the ultimate trt dose is 100-200 mg cypionate or enantahte a week shots monday and thursday. also with 0.5 arimidex 1-3 times a week. Is this also your recomendations mr. Vergel ?

2. Im conserned about fertility. im 26 and i bet in like 10 years im going to have children, maybe less time. if i stat trt today and want children 10 years later, will i be infertile for the rest of my life ? or have difficult getting children ? or can i just go off and use either clomid, hcg og hmg to get my sperm up and running again ? alot of PRO top bodybuilders who have an extreme steroid abuse has children

3. If i also have hypothyroidsm and fix it with levothyroxine, do i have to upp my trt dosage ? i have heard that people who are on both thyroid and test have to upp their testosterone for the thyroid med to work 100 percent

4. Im still interested in fitness and strenght training, but nowhere near getting monstreus or 120 kg agains as i was. So do you or anyone here know if there is any health consequences of blasting and cruising testosterone ? for example using my lifetime 200 mg test a week, but then right before summer for example upping it to 600 mg a week for 3 months and then go down to 200 again, only doing this 1 time a year. will this damage my health in the long run ? i have seen studies that going 500 mg and over will negatively effect lipids and cholesterol, but it was not much and it was also normalized when stopping

5. if i actually fix my thyroid first is it possible my testosterone can increase ? and if it does, should i still go on trt if the testosteron increase is very small?

6. At what levels do you think men should do TRT? the refrence range is wide and diffrent everywhere. it seems that internationally its 300-1000 ng dl but in my country its 6.7-32 nmol which is 193-900 ng/dl. or should you just base it on symptoms and not levels ?

7. After talking with alot of ppl long time trt and fitness / bodybuilders who use and have used testosterone their whole life they say i have to aim at 800 ng/dl...is this the best range to aim at if i go TRT? the refrence range go to 1000 ng/dl and somethimes over. What is the hightst number you can aim for without it being to much and have negative impact on health ?

Bonus question

Can women smell men who have high testosterone ? this is a short funny story, when i was younger and on testosterone cycle, my 2nd cycle 750 mg a week i went to a Tan bed which is something young ppl use to get a darker skin. after i have used it for 20 minutes and was on my way home i was very sweaty for laying on the hot bed so i tok a taxi home to get a quick shower. the young female taxi driver seemed as she flirted with me, and asked what cologne i was using so she could buy it for her boyfriend. i was shocked and said that i was sweating ant i was stinking sweat, apparently she said i smelled nice. i have also heard other guys talk about this. is this true ? that women can sense high testosterone in sweat ?

Thank you so much for listening Nelson
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There's a lot to address in this post, but what I don't understand is if you saw a doctor who put you on clomid and it made you feel great, why didn't you stay on clomid? Not only did it work for you, but it would have kept you fertile indefinitely. I understand that you want to move on to the "real thing," but why don't you talk to the doctor who put you on clomid to begin with? I looked up his name and the only person who came up was a dentist in PA, US. What country are you from?
i have just got clomid again and i will start it friday, i asked him for this because im taking a very important School test, and clomid increases my brainpower and removes my brainfog.

Clomid is actualy more expensive then testosterone and also dont increase my teastosterone as much as the real thing. i have also read studies that clomids effect will stop after 2 years or some
Please keep in mind that we do not offer guideance on blasting and cruising testosterone as you asked about in point number four. We're strictly a health and therapeutic community.

As for your other concerns, can you post your blood work, with reference ranges, so that we can focus the discussion a bit better? Are you going to try and walk yourself through all this on your own, or do you have - or need - a good doctor? We can help with a referral if you need a top physician.
i have already posted refrence ranges. no , all my doctors in my country think testosterone is super dangerous so its very hard to get test from doctors
Bonus question

Can women smell men who have high testosterone ? this is a short funny story, when i was younger and on testosterone cycle, my 2nd cycle 750 mg a week i went to a Tan bed which is something young ppl use to get a darker skin. after i have used it for 20 minutes and was on my way home i was very sweaty for laying on the hot bed so i tok a taxi home to get a quick shower. the young female taxi driver seemed as she flirted with me, and asked what cologne i was using so she could buy it for her boyfriend. i was shocked and said that i was sweating ant i was stinking sweat, apparently she said i smelled nice. i have also heard other guys talk about this. is this true ? that women can sense high testosterone in sweat ?

Thank you so much for listening Nelson

The fact that she works and relies on tips probably had nothing to do with the flirting. (sarcasm)
If I wanted to remain fertile and I felt great on Clomid, I would stay on it instead of suppressing my HPTA with testosterone injections. You are actually lucky that you felt that way on Clomid. Your TT also went up pretty nicely. After reading your long email I can tell you want to be able to get muscled up since you mention blast and cruise. Why don't you blast with Testosterone and cruise with Clomid? However, ExcelMale is a forum to discuss TRT and not supraphysiologic doses of testosterone for muscle building purposes.
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