HCG to jump start the "boys" bc Wanting Kids in about 6 months?


New Member
In about 6 months my wife and I would like to get pregnant. I've been on TRT for about 6 months already, protocol of 200Test EW, along with .25 arimidex 3X per week. I had HCG prescribed in the beginning at 500IU 2X week, but I dropped it due elevated E2. I absolutely hate HCG, because it causes my nipples itch, and makes me retain an ungodly amount of water.

I am pretty certain that my "boys" have shut down due to the fact that 1)they are much smaller, and 2)I have run a cycle of a pretty strong androgenic steroid for an 8 week period.

1) If I run HCG with my TRT plan at 250IU M,W,F, is this enough to "jump start my boys" back up over the course of 6 months?
2) I have read that arimidex does very little to combat the increase in E2 caused by HCG. Is this accurate?
3) If arimidex does NOT combat E2 increase caused by HCG, would it be worth upping the arimidex dose anyway to rid my body of all E2 EXCEPT that caused by HCG - thereby lowering my total E2?
I was under the impression that when your fellas shrink up over a long period of time (5 months) that they have shut down and you are infertile.

How much is a sperm test going to run me? Will the ones you can buy at the store work? I am completely ignorant here....
you've got no idea if you're infertile. or Fertile. Have you been trying without success? Maybe it's her. But you're just making guesses. fair ASSUMPTION that the testes are dormant and not producing sperm, the only prudent thing is test first then address the result.
Like you I'm not a fan of HCG, feels like I'm just injecting water actually, so Id want a test to confirm.
Before you start manipulating your system with HCG and Anastozole, I would follow Vince Carter's advice and get a sperm count. You may well be infertile, but you may not be. It's worth the time and money to find out now. Under no circumstances do you want to rid your body of all E2 other than that produced as a result of HCG administration. The misery of suppressed estradiol is a fate you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Didn't you post some time ago about elevated e2 concerns?

Given the importance of this effort, why not speak to a doctor - either the doctor monitoring your TRT or a fertility specialist?
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Yah, it took me a while to get my E2 under control....but once I ditched the HCG its pretty easy. I hate that stuff with a passion, but at age 34 I want to make sure I'm not doing anything that affects my ability to have kids.

When you guys say sperm test, I googled it and several ones popped up. Is this something I can do with a kit bought at the store, or do I need to go see a dr?
Yah, it took me a while to get my E2 under control....but once I ditched the HCG its pretty easy. I hate that stuff with a passion, but at age 34 I want to make sure I'm not doing anything that affects my ability to have kids.

When you guys say sperm test, I googled it and several ones popped up. Is this something I can do with a kit bought at the store, or do I need to go see a dr?

Since a lot depends on what those test results reveal, I'd invest the money in a doctor's visit. I know fellows who did test with a drug-store kit, but they always wondered if it was accurate. They eventually wound up at a doctor's office.
1) If I run HCG with my TRT plan at 250IU M,W,F, is this enough to "jump start my boys" back up over the course of 6 months?

Doses under 500 IU three times per week plus TRT are the only ones tested in a study. Two ExcelMale members reported in the past that lower doses than 500 IU did not help them improve sperm count and quality. They successfully were able to get there with Dr Lipshultz' dose. By the way, Lipshultz did not give anastrozole to his TRT + HCG study patients.

Two Studies That Used HCG with Testosterone

2) I have read that arimidex does very little to combat the increase in E2 caused by HCG. Is this accurate?

Most guys do not need anastrozole even with 500 IU every other day plus TRT. The ones who "may" need it only use no more than 0.25 mg twice per week.

Does HCG promote excessive aromatization while on TRT?

3) If arimidex does NOT combat E2 increase caused by HCG, would it be worth upping the arimidex dose anyway to rid my body of all E2 EXCEPT that caused by HCG - thereby lowering my total E2?

I can tell you are a new member. You need to read this to know why lowering E2 too much can actually be bad for your sex drive.
Role of Estradiol in Men and Its Management

1) If I run HCG with my TRT plan at 250IU M,W,F, is this enough to "jump start my boys" back up over the course of 6 months?

Doses under 500 IU three times per week plus TRT are the only ones tested in a study. Two ExcelMale members reported in the past that lower doses than 500 IU did not help them improve sperm count and quality. They successfully were able to get there with Dr Lipshultz' dose. By the way, Lipshultz did not give anastrozole to his TRT + HCG study patients.

Two Studies That Used HCG with Testosterone

2) I have read that arimidex does very little to combat the increase in E2 caused by HCG. Is this accurate?

Most guys do not need anastrozole even with 500 IU every other day plus TRT. The ones who "may" need it only use no more than 0.25 mg twice per week.

Does HCG promote excessive aromatization while on TRT?

3) If arimidex does NOT combat E2 increase caused by HCG, would it be worth upping the arimidex dose anyway to rid my body of all E2 EXCEPT that caused by HCG - thereby lowering my total E2?

I can tell you are a new member. You need to read this to know why lowering E2 too much can actually be bad for your sex drive.
Role of Estradiol in Men and Its Management

Spot on as always!!
1) If I run HCG with my TRT plan at 250IU M,W,F, is this enough to "jump start my boys" back up over the course of 6 months?

Doses under 500 IU three times per week plus TRT are the only ones tested in a study. Two ExcelMale members reported in the past that lower doses than 500 IU did not help them improve sperm count and quality. They successfully were able to get there with Dr Lipshultz' dose. By the way, Lipshultz did not give anastrozole to his TRT + HCG study patients.

Two Studies That Used HCG with Testosterone

2) I have read that arimidex does very little to combat the increase in E2 caused by HCG. Is this accurate?

Most guys do not need anastrozole even with 500 IU every other day plus TRT. The ones who "may" need it only use no more than 0.25 mg twice per week.

Does HCG promote excessive aromatization while on TRT?

3) If arimidex does NOT combat E2 increase caused by HCG, would it be worth upping the arimidex dose anyway to rid my body of all E2 EXCEPT that caused by HCG - thereby lowering my total E2?

I can tell you are a new member. You need to read this to know why lowering E2 too much can actually be bad for your sex drive.
Role of Estradiol in Men and Its Management

Thanks for the articles. I start seeing negative side affects from low e2 when my blood levels get under 15. When my E2 gets too low, I feel similar as to when it gets too high (no energy, dead **** etc..). The only way I can really tell a difference is when it gets out of whack and its too high, I look puffier bc of all the water retention. When its too low I look normal but have the symptoms.

I've actually gotten really good at keeping it in a range that feels good to me through trial and error (I've probably had it tested 15 times since I started TRT 6 months ago). Above 15 and under 50 I feel pretty good....and I keep it there pretty easily with .25 adex 3X per week.

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