Are your PTSD symptoms really a hormone imbalance?

Nelson Vergel

There are hundreds of thousands of people diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that are being treated with psychiatric medication and are not getting any better. They are dealing with insomnia, depression, anxiety, fatigue, decreased sex drive and substance abuse. Many of these patients that I have treated in my office are on multiple medications and are shells of their former selves. Their relationships are falling apart, they are having a difficult time holding a job and it feels like there is no hope in site. What is exciting about taking care of these patients is that in the majority of these cases no one has addressed the hormonal imbalances that accompany traumatic brain injury (TBI). The goal of this blog is to help patients and family members understand that when someone suffers a TBI, even small or what refer to as micro TBI’s (mTBI), that the brain loses its ability to manufacture and regulate hormones. As a results of reductions in human growth hormone, thyroid, DHEA, cortisol, testosterone and estradiol patients manifest all of the above symptoms. When these hormonal imbalances are corrected that start to heal the brain and many of their symptoms resolve very quickly.
I've directed a couple of my Brother Veterans to TRT, I don't think they've done it, but encouraged them to get a full panel, Thyroid, and so forth when I see them on a handful of pills. I have some PTSD but I don't mention it because it's not necessarily combat related, those it's service connected, and I do feel better in that way after getting on TRT. I was close to calling mental health care and such before I mentioned to my GP that I just didn't feel well, I avoided the dreaded "D" word, and asked about testing my Testosterone. It was low, of course. I'm much improved now. Not well, or healed, but its greatly diminished.
I've directed a couple of my Brother Veterans to TRT, I don't think they've done it, but encouraged them to get a full panel, Thyroid, and so forth when I see them on a handful of pills. I have some PTSD but I don't mention it because it's not necessarily combat related, those it's service connected, and I do feel better in that way after getting on TRT. I was close to calling mental health care and such before I mentioned to my GP that I just didn't feel well, I avoided the dreaded "D" word, and asked about testing my Testosterone. It was low, of course. I'm much improved now. Not well, or healed, but its greatly diminished.

I've done the same Vince, I don't know if any of them have pursued it though. Us Veterans are as stubborn as they come but when you're at the end of your rope, you gotta do something.
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I was at the end of my rope, and looking to fashion a noose out of it. I presented with all of the symptoms listed in Nelson's post. Alcohol became my substance of choice.

It was only once I raised my awareness of hormone imbalances that I mentioned I thought my history of head traumas on active duty was screwing with my hormones. I felt my symptoms suggested low T. The VA only tested TT. I suspect they only did so to "cross it off the list" of causes. When the results came back, they retested me since "this can't be right. We might have just caught you on a low day". When the second results came back "in range" their attitude was "See? Nothing to worry about there." They said my hormones were fine and wanted me to reconsider my stance against the slew of meds they wanted me to take.

My second result was 230 TT. I was 25 at the time.
I was at the end of my rope, and looking to fashion a noose out of it. I presented with all of the symptoms listed in Nelson's post. Alcohol became my substance of choice.

It was only once I raised my awareness of hormone imbalances that I mentioned I thought my history of head traumas on active duty was screwing with my hormones. I felt my symptoms suggested low T. The VA only tested TT. I suspect they only did so to "cross it off the list" of causes. When the results came back, they retested me since "this can't be right. We might have just caught you on a low day". When the second results came back "in range" their attitude was "See? Nothing to worry about there." They said my hormones were fine and wanted me to reconsider my stance against the slew of meds they wanted me to take.

My second result was 230 TT. I was 25 at the time.

That is awful, but not terribly surprising. I sure hope that you are getting better care now.
I was at the end of my rope, and looking to fashion a noose out of it. I presented with all of the symptoms listed in Nelson's post. Alcohol became my substance of choice.

It was only once I raised my awareness of hormone imbalances that I mentioned I thought my history of head traumas on active duty was screwing with my hormones. I felt my symptoms suggested low T. The VA only tested TT. I suspect they only did so to "cross it off the list" of causes. When the results came back, they retested me since "this can't be right. We might have just caught you on a low day". When the second results came back "in range" their attitude was "See? Nothing to worry about there." They said my hormones were fine and wanted me to reconsider my stance against the slew of meds they wanted me to take.

My second result was 230 TT. I was 25 at the time.

Those numbers are similar to where mine were at about the same age, mine were around 270. My VA doc put me on T injections instantly though, without looking for the possible real cause. Not sure which is more irresponsible to be honest.

The gallon of whiskey I was drinking each week wasn't helping the cause though, I'm certain of that.
I feel the same way about the irresponsibility of it. My first TRT physician put me on T straight away with only my free and total T lab values. I didn't know any better then and I was desperate.

I was a whiskey guy as well. I'd started drinking 2 years before to self-medicate and it was a nightly habit for me. When I flat out asked about T injections they told me I didn't want to do that. "They can cause cancer."

Since discovering this forum a couple of months ago, I've realized the quality of care I've been receiving from my current TRT physician hasn't been the greatest. Since joining excelmale, I've learned about other possible issues my labwork indicates that I'd like to get evaluated and treated by an expert. I'm in the process of getting linked up with Defy and am looking forward to suggested protocol adjustments.
That was my 2012 C5/C6 Fusion. Straight through the front of the neck.

Then in Dec 2014 I got this disgusting 6.5 inch cut. It turned out such a mess because they had an accident on the table and it was left open 9 hours. It was supposed to be 90 min. Incisions don't heal well when left open that long, It took months. All my friends called it the Mangina! Straight through the lower back and this one did some serious trauma to my nerves running through my sacrum. Half of my Genitals were numb for a month. It effected my ability to urinate and have a bowel movement. I've over those problems mostly and I never took any pain meds. I seriously toughed it out knowing pain meds only lead to another when the first one wears off.

I just want my back the lost muscle and strength. I've beat this for the most part but I know there are steroids that would help me get there. I'm now near 90 pounds less then 2012 and I have fought like hell every inch. My posting here is to show that these are very serious surgeries and can leave you far more diminished then you started.

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