Experience With Primobolan?


New Member
Hi Nelson - Do you have any experience with Primobolan Depot? I was wondering if this is a good substitute for Deca. My research shows that it is a bit weaker than Deca, but safer overall and the gains are clean and sustainable. I'm on TRT 175mg/week and I am wishing to rehab my joints and add a little more size. Thinking of running 200mg/week of Primobolan Depot in addition to my testosterone.
200mg od primo is not an effective dose, most bodybuilders dose between 600-800mg per week, and considering it's not that strong of a steroid 200mg would be a complete waste. Plus it's liver toxic even with the injectable version. Plus Primo is not a gainer, it's a cutter, mostly used to maintain.
Primobolan is not 17 alpha alkylated like Winstrol, so it does not affect liver enzymes.

Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)

Stand corrected then, since it's popular as an oral too I may have been thinking along those lines

But did pull this from your link:

"This steroid does have some resistance to hepatic breakdown, however, and liver toxicity, failure, and death was reported in one elderly patient receiving oral methenolone acetate.584 Although unlikely, hepatotoxicity cannot be completely excluded, especially with very high oral doses.

© 2016 Anabolic.org. Read more Anabolic Steroids & Substance Info at: http://www.anabolic.org/primobolan-methenolone-acetate/"
Thanks for Response

Thanks for your response Maxadvance and Nelson. I was referring to the injectable Priombolan Depot (non liver toxic) at a low dose 200/mg week. Not looking for body builder results. I mostly desire the joint relief that Nelson mentioned in another post that details a low dose deca/test stack. Any added lean muscle mass would be appreciated though.

I was hoping Nelson might have some experience with Primobolan Depot as opposed to Deca since it seems to be a mildly safer steroid with a lesser impact on estrogen levels. Thanks again guys.

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