Estradiol Tanked! Serious Erectile Dysfunction...Your Help Much Appreciated


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Hi Guys,

I think I may have been overdoing the Aromotase Inhibitor...Started having serious Erection went and got Blood Work done last week. Results showed Estradiol undetectable ("<19"). I started on .5mg twice a week. then tapered down to about .25 mg twice a week. I have been totally off for a week. Went and looked at old blood tests around the time with my erections were fine. Estradiol in the time frame was about 40 mg.

QUESTION: How long will it take to get my estradiol back up? ive been off for about a week and no real erection improvement (but mood and focus may be a little better). I post on another forum said he had the same problem and had been off AI for 35 days and now improvement. Another guy said it took him 7 months to recover! WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR EXPERIENCE?

Thank You! And Good Luck!
It can take up to a few weeks to get back once it is tanked like that. 7 months is on the the extreme high-end. If I had to guess, I'd say 3-6 weeks, although it varies person to person.
You'll start to recover right away. Typical advice I used having read it elsewhere was too go with no AI for 10 days minimum and then reevaluate, based on symptoms, like your ED issue. You should not take an AI because of a number on a test or as though it goes hand-in-hand with TRT. If you do reintroduce an AI, the Vodka method is not the hassle you perceive it to be. When you can't get it <.25mg through normal channels, it's you're only option.
ero/vince/vincecarter/coastwatcher: thanx much for ur responses!

vince: thats half the doc did not test my estradiol before TRT (in the process of getting new doc). GUYS MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR PRE-TRT ESTRADIOL LEVELS CHECKED!

vince carter: looks like you're right about AI not neccessarily going hand in hand with TRT. I know a lot of docs now are recommending only starting an AI if and when estradiol spikes. i'm starting to think they are right. looks like i may be one of those cases who doesn't need an AI or needs VERY LITTLE. besides if you can avoid another drug thats all goodness right?

coastwatcher: unfortunately the answer is no. current doc didnt even MENTION ultrasensitive!

on a positive note: seems like starting yesterday the erections are coming back around after being off of the AI for about 9 days. my unit doesn't feel like a slinky for most of the day now!
The idea that everyone needs an AI, that it simply is a cost of being on TRT, is ridiculous. But think about this for a moment, your E2 wasn't measured prior to the start of treatment, an AI was prescribed and crashed your estradiol level, and the incorrect estradiol assay was ordered. Why do you trust this doctor?
For me personally, I had a tanked level of 5 and went up to about 37 on the sensitive test in about 5 weeks. Libido was crap for a while, started some noctornal wood, but that was it. After around week 4 I saw noticeable improvements, started using cialis at 5 mgs daily and I'm doing very well.
quick update: erections appreciably better today. slinky unit almost totally gone now. sensitivity coming back too! now i am noticing tanking my estradiol reduced my penis sensitivity too! GUYS: HAVE A SERIOUS CONVERSATION WITH YOUR DOC BEFORE GOING ON AN AI!

coastwatcher: exactly right sir! that's why im looking for a new doc...this one doesn't even know about the fundamentals of trt! can you recommend a good doc in san diego? or one who treats remotely?

pureblood: thank you for the data points. glad ur doing better now. the improvements i mentioned above came after being off the AI for 10 I said above, a post from a guy on another forum with a similar issue said he had been off AI for 35 days and no improvement. Another guy said it took him 7 months to recover! One of the responders to that thread said it takes about as much time to untank and it took you to tank.
quick update: erections appreciably better today. slinky unit almost totally gone now. sensitivity coming back too! now i am noticing tanking my estradiol reduced my penis sensitivity too! GUYS: HAVE A SERIOUS CONVERSATION WITH YOUR DOC BEFORE GOING ON AN AI!

coastwatcher: exactly right sir! that's why im looking for a new doc...this one doesn't even know about the fundamentals of trt! can you recommend a good doc in san diego? or one who treats remotely?

pureblood: thank you for the data points. glad ur doing better now. the improvements i mentioned above came after being off the AI for 10 I said above, a post from a guy on another forum with a similar issue said he had been off AI for 35 days and no improvement. Another guy said it took him 7 months to recover! One of the responders to that thread said it takes about as much time to untank and it took you to tank.

If you're considering remote support,
I've never been on an AI, I know that a lot of TRT doctors prescribed with testosterone. I think they treat all patients the same, one-size-fit-all mentality. Another problem is a lot of patients never question their doctors.
Yep, we trusted our doctor's to know how to treat our symptoms but I learned the hard way as many of us did
on this forum they MD'S are not taught and trained in Med school on how to properly and effectively treat low testosterone and all the other male hormones that are needed to be in balance. Dr. Shippen, Dr. Morganthaler and Dr. Chrisler, authors of great Testosterone replacement therapy books all stated they were not taught this in Med school. If the AMA or FDA do not have established medical guidelines for MD's to follow, then they do not know how to treat it.

That is why Dr. Saya and Dr Chrisler at Defy are so important and needed by males and especially aging males today.
Yep, we trusted our doctor's to know how to treat our symptoms but I learned the hard way as many of us did
on this forum they MD'S are not taught and trained in Med school on how to properly and effectively treat low testosterone and all the other male hormones that are needed to be in balance. Dr. Shippen, Dr. Morganthaler and Dr. Chrisler, authors of great Testosterone replacement therapy books all stated they were not taught this in Med school. If the AMA or FDA do not have established medical guidelines for MD's to follow, then they do not know how to treat it.

That is why Dr. Saya and Dr Chrisler at Defy are so important and needed by males and especially aging males today.

100% agree - Also the drug manufacturers share some blame. When I first started TRT I got name brand Test Cyp from one of the Big Pharma companies and on the box it literally had words to the effect of, "Dosing: 1ml every 10-14 days." So then you get a Doc that is not trained in TRT and he sees that on the box or on the Big Pharma web site and there you go - the classic '1 shot every 2 weeks' protocol that leaves everyone feeling simply awful.

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