No feeling during ejaculation


I have no feeling during ejacuation , I have strong erections but I don’t have any real feeling in testies also seems like it doesn’t shoot out . Any thoughts am 56 last test was when 52 and total was 790 everything else in range SHBG 52
Haven't heard of such symptomatic.
Any medications? Recent changes in your life?
You could get a blood test and start from there.
Haven't heard of such symptomatic.
Any medications? Recent changes in your life?
You could get a blood test and start from there.
the only way I can explain it is the feeling you get when your young in your testicals that you need some that blue ball feeling i don't get that feeling though i have strong erections
I have no feeling during ejacuation , I have strong erections but I don’t have any real feeling in testies also seems like it doesn’t shoot out . Any thoughts am 56 last test was when 52 and total was 790 everything else in range SHBG 52
Testosterone deficiency isn’t defined by total testosterone, it is defined by the free testosterone.

Higher levels of SHBG will inflate the total testosterone making your situation look better than it really is even though the free testosterone can be deficient.

Free testosterone on the bottom 25 percentile, according to experts, this is considered hypogonadism.

Don’t expect mainstream doctors to understand any of this because testosterone deficiency is under treated and underdiagnosed due to a complete lack of training and knowledge.
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No TRT this started when I changed my diet to no carb though I have tons of energy and strong erections
This dietary change, most likely caused your SHBG to rise and your testosterone production to decrease. Basically, starvation leads to a rise SHBG through improvements in insulin sensitivity and a decrease in testosterone production.

You’ll see this in bodybuilders who are cutting, reducing caloric intake to get ripped.
Ya with a SHBG of 52, and total T of 790, u most likely have a very low free T level. When I was 27, and had low T symptoms, my total T was around 700, and free T kept coming back either at the bottom of the range, or a bit below the bottom of the range, and boy I felt it.

what’s ur diet look like? I know u said ur doing no carb, but what does ur calories consist of? Are u basically on carnivore? I definitely would continue on the whole no carb thing tho, due to it being the optimal diet for humans.

As far as ur test levels go, if u could get prescribed proviron, u might do well on a very low dose of it per day. Not sure if that would be an ideal long term strategy, but a small dose might be able to drop ur SHBG just enough to bring ur free T up, and possibly help with ur issue. Do u have any symptoms of low T?

unfortunately, we don’t even know if getting ur free T up would even help with ur issue. Just not ideal to have low free T levels in general. Have u had ur prolactin levels checked?

When did u switch to no carb?
Strong erections and a good libido are an indication that it's not likely a testosterone issue. I am assuming your libido is still good?

Ejaculation with no orgasmic sensation could be caused by many things. Alcohol consumption, certain medications, nerve damage, porn addiction and excessive masturbation and neurotransmitter imbalance. Of course there are other factors as well, but those are some key points to check. I am not saying you do, or do not have any of those factors, but that would be an initial checklist.

Take a look and inventory any new meds or supplements you have taken, especially anything that affects GABA and serotonin. Finasteride, or any kind of 5AR reducing supplements or drugs can have that effect as well (Beta Sitosterol / Saw Palmetto). Antihistamines have that effect on me as well. Benzos are also a serious orgasmic buzz kill, which is sad because they really can calm you down enough to feel like taking your time for a long slow sex session with your partner.

How long has this been going on? It's more than likely temporary, I have experienced these symptoms myself. As we age, things just go south occasionally, it's on and off for no apparent reason. I have found it's usually a lifestyle adjustment that needs to be made. For me, it's the fermented grape juice... I am a diehard wino. Cabernet is my Kryptonite. Too little, I am a sad, sad man... too much, I am a sad, sad man. But thats just me.

I went through this as a young man once, in my 20's. For the life of me I have no idea what caused it. It lasted a few months and was gone.

Short story long, I feel your pain. I too have had episodes like this. I have also had episodes of not being able to orgasm. It's maddening to say the least. I have never had erection issues (other than wine induced). I have found there are two distinct types of libido:

1. Natural libido that overcomes (no pun intended) any physical obstacles. The kind of "horny" you felt as a teenager. It's uncontrollable and just manifests itself in your overall being.

2. Emotional and intellectual libido is where you don't necessarily feel so horny, but you crave all of the things you are used to feeling. This happens a LOT as we age, also for other reasons. A lot of the complaints regarding TRT are focused on this subject. Where did my libido go? I still crave sex?? This makes a lot of men go completely off the rails. I have been a passenger on that train a few times myself.

Take inventory of any changes that have occurred of late, including emotional changes. Write them down. If something jumps out at you, amend it and give things some time to balance out. With respect to my fellow brothers in arms above, it's doubtful this is a nutritional issue. It could be hormonally related, but I am betting is more of a neurotransmitter issue. They tend to get sideways at times.
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Strong erections and a good libido are an indication that it's not likely a testosterone issue. I am assuming your libido is still good?

Ejaculation with no orgasmic sensation could be caused by many things. Alcohol consumption, certain medications, nerve damage, porn addiction and excessive masturbation and neurotransmitter imbalance. Of course there are other factors as well, but those are some key points to check. I am not saying you do, or do not have any of those factors, but that would be an initial checklist.

Take a look and inventory any new meds or supplements you have taken, especially anything that affects GABA and serotonin. Finasteride, or any kind of 5AR reducing supplements or drugs can have that effect as well (Beta Sitosterol / Saw Palmetto). Antihistamines have that effect on me as well. Benzos are also a serious orgasmic buzz kill, which is sad because they really can calm you down enough to feel like taking a long slow sex session with your partner.

How long has this been going on? It's more than likely temporary, I have experienced these symptoms myself. As we age, things just go south occasionally, it's on and off for no apparent reason. I have found it's usually a lifestyle adjustment that needs to be made. For me, it's the fermented grape juice... I am a diehard wino. Cabernet is my Kryptonite. Too little, I am a sad, sad man... too much, I am a sad, sad man. But thats just me.

I went through this as a young man once, in my 20's. For the life of me I have no idea what caused it. It lasted a few months and was gone.

Short story long, I feel your pain. I too have had episodes like this. I have also had episodes of not being able to orgasm. It's maddening to say the least. I have never had erection issues (other than wine induced). I have found there are two distinct types of libido:

1. Natural libido that overcomes (no pun intended) any physical obstacles. The kind of "horny" you felt as a teenager. It's uncontrollable and just manifests itself in your overall being.

2. Emotional and intellectual libido is where you don't necessarily feel so horny, but you crave all of the things you are used to feeling. This happens a LOT as we age, also for other reasons. A lot of the complaints regarding TRT are focused on this subject. Where did my libido go? I still crave sex?? This makes a lot of men go completely off the rails. I have been a passenger on that train a few times myself.

Take inventory of any changes that have occurred of late, including emotional changes. Write them down. If something jumps out at you, amend it and give things some time to balance out. With respect to my fellow brothers in arms above, it's doubtful this is a nutritional issue. It could be hormonally related, but I am betting is more of a neurotransmitter issue. They tend to get sideways at times.
What an amazing and informative response. Wish I could double like this
... Any thoughts am 56 last test was when 52 and total was 790 everything else in range SHBG 52
I agree with @BadassBlues and @Seagal. Commenters shouldn't be suggesting low free testosterone when they don't even bother to estimate it. With default albumin, your Vermeulen calculated free testosterone is 13.5 ng/dL. This is a robust midrange figure, which makes it unlikely that a lack of testosterone is contributing to your problem. It is plausible that your no-carb diet is a factor. It is restrictive and undoubtedly disrupted your nutrient profile and gut microbiome.
I agree with @BadassBlues and @Seagal. Commenters shouldn't be suggesting low free testosterone when they don't even bother to estimate free testosterone. With default albumin, your Vermeulen calculated free testosterone is 13.5 ng/dL. This is a robust midrange figure, which makes it unlikely that a lack of testosterone is contributing to your problem. It is plausible that your no-carb diet is a factor. It is restrictive and undoubtedly disrupted your nutrient profile and gut microbiome.
Glad you mentioned that, I stopped debating about carnivore... What we now know scientifically is that there is a brain-gut-microbiome connection. Nutrition especially malnutrition can very well disrupt neurotransmitter balance.
so many amazing responses here. i too noticed that orgasm sensation varies. while not low carb anymore, i had a bit higher libido and better orgasms on keto. in non TRT people low carb can tank both thyroid and testosterone. i feel like stress can definitely worsen sex. high cortisol. One item i recommend to look at is circadian rhythm/biology. artificial lights, especially at night are very destructive to our health. lack of sunlight etc. also, pls list all meds you are taking. pharma can play a huge role in this as well
so many amazing responses here. i too noticed that orgasm sensation varies. while not low carb anymore, i had a bit higher libido and better orgasms on keto. in non TRT people low carb can tank both thyroid and testosterone. i feel like stress can definitely worsen sex. high cortisol. One item i recommend to look at is circadian rhythm/biology. artificial lights, especially at night are very destructive to our health. lack of sunlight etc. also, pls list all meds you are taking. pharma can play a huge role in this as well
Jc, where have u seen low carb tank both thyroid and test levels?

I’ve heard Paul Saladino report that his thyroid levels were lower on no carb, not sure if he ever mentioned anything about his test levels. But then I’ve also heard Anthony Chaffee say that he almost always sees testosterone levels increase, with his clients that do carnivore. I can’t remember what he says about their thyroid levels. I want to say he see’s improvements in those too, with his clients.

I’d love to see labs done on a ton of people before and after carnivore specifically, not just low or no carb, and see if the majority of them see an improvement, or negative effect, when it comes to their hormone, specifically thyroid and test levels.

But jc where ur specifically getting this info from. Not saying ur wrong, jc what exactly ur basing ur statements on

And ur definitely correct about stress affecting sex. Stress literally negatively affects everything in the body, sex included. And too much blue light after dusk absolutely is destructive to the optimal functioning of the body. Too much blue light, in general, regardless of the time of day, is actually very bad for u. Just look at the negative effects it can have on the eyes over time. But the most harmful effect from blue light exposure, is most likely the negative effects it has on circadian rhythm/ sleep, like u mentioned. And couldn’t agree more that most people don’t get enough natural sunlight in their eyes and on their skin, on a regular basis. Very important for optimal health

“Constant exposure to blue light over time could damage retinal cells and cause vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration. It can also contribute to cataracts, eye cancer and growths on the clear covering over the white part of the eye”
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Jc, where have u seen low carb tank both thyroid and test levels?

I’ve heard Paul Saladino report that his thyroid levels were lower on no carb, not sure if he ever mentioned anything about his test levels. But then I’ve also heard Anthony Chaffee say that he almost always sees testosterone levels increase, with his clients that do carnivore. I can’t remember what he says about their thyroid levels. I want to say he see’s improvements in those too, with his clients.

I’d love to see labs done on a ton of people before and after carnivore specifically, not just low or no carb, and see if the majority of them see an improvement, or negative effect, when it comes to their hormone, specifically thyroid and test levels.

But jc where ur specifically getting this info from. Not saying ur wrong, jc what exactly ur basing ur statements on

And ur definitely correct about stress affecting sex. Stress literally negatively affects everything in the body, sex included. And too much blue light after dusk absolutely is destructive to the optimal functioning of the body. Too much blue light, in general, regardless of the time of day, is actually very bad for u. Just look at the negative effects it can have on the eyes over time. But the most harmful effect from blue light exposure, is most likely the negative effects it has on circadian rhythm/ sleep, like u mentioned. And couldn’t agree more that most people don’t get enough natural sunlight in their eyes and on their skin, on a regular basis. Very important for optimal health

“Constant exposure to blue light over time could damage retinal cells and cause vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration. It can also contribute to cataracts, eye cancer and growths on the clear covering over the white part of the eye”
my TSH was 2.5 on keto, now it is more like 1.5 (doing loose saladino diet). i tested once after a 48h fast and TSH went to 5. since i was already on TRT, no personal exp. with test, but heard I believe saladino? i believe for optimal Th functioning you need carbs/sunlight, i dont recall the source. i've done both diets (keto/saladino) on/off for months now, i have to say that for me, a red meat/fruit diet beats keto 10x. the energy levels are just much better, and as long as i dont add flour/starches i am not bloated and look pretty good, with weight loss progressing(down to 20% now). libido is great too, and i dont count calories/carbs, just try to limit fruit at night and generally food.
my TSH was 2.5 on keto, now it is more like 1.5 (doing loose saladino diet). i tested once after a 48h fast and TSH went to 5. since i was already on TRT, no personal exp. with test, but heard I believe saladino? i believe for optimal Th functioning you need carbs/sunlight, i dont recall the source. i've done both diets (keto/saladino) on/off for months now, i have to say that for me, a red meat/fruit diet beats keto 10x. the energy levels are just much better, and as long as i dont add flour/starches i am not bloated and look pretty good, with weight loss progressing(down to 20% now). libido is great too, and i dont count calories/carbs, just try to limit fruit at night and generally food.
Ya after doing some quick googling, it does seem like it’s common for people’s thyroid labs to go down, and tsh to possibly increase, on no carb. I’ve heard that thyroid receptors are more sensitive, on carnivore, and therefore don’t require as much thyroid hormones to get the job done, as a counter argument, which I don’t know if it’s true or not. I do think that the lower thyroid labs aren’t an issue for most people on carnivore, due to most people experiencing much higher energy levels, on carnivore, and zero issues with metabolism weight loss.

Don’t want to derail the thread, but want to quickly ask how mental function/ brain acuity was on keto, vs carnivore with fruit? Can u quickly mention any positives that u got on keto, that aren’t as good on carnivore with fruit? I’m always battling with wanting to go full carnivore, but don’t want to give up carbs, due to caring about gym performance and putting on muscle. So I actually love hearing anecdotes where people actually felt and functioned better doing carnivore, with some added carbs, from mostly benign sources, like fruit. Was just watching this vid last night where he mentions that he does better on carnivore, with around 150g of carbs per day, all fruit. Again, don’t want to derail the thread, so u can quickly answer these questions, if u don’t mind, and we can move on. TIA. Here’s the vid I just referenced, if anyone’s interested in checking it out

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Ya after doing some quick googling, it does seem like it’s common for people’s thyroid labs to go down, and tsh to possibly increase, on no carb. I’ve heard that thyroid receptors are more sensitive, on carnivore, and therefore don’t require as much thyroid hormones to get the job done, as a counter argument, which I don’t know if it’s true or not. I do think that the lower thyroid labs aren’t an issue for most people on carnivore, due to most people experiencing much higher energy levels, on carnivore, and zero issues with metabolism weight loss.

Don’t want to derail the thread, but want to quickly ask how mental function/ brain acuity was on keto, vs carnivore with fruit? Can u quickly mention any positives that u got on keto, that aren’t as good on carnivore with fruit? I’m always battling with wanting to go full carnivore, but don’t want to give up carbs, due to caring about gym performance and putting on muscle. So I actually love hearing anecdotes where people actually felt and functioned better doing carnivore, with some added carbs, from mostly benign sources, like fruit. Was just watching this vid last night where he mentions that he does better on carnivore, with around 150g of carbs per day, all fruit. Again, don’t want to derail the thread, so u can quickly answer these questions, if u don’t mind, and we can move on. TIA. Here’s the vid I just referenced, if anyone’s interested in checking it out

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if thyroid hormones do a better job why does tsh go up then, not sure you would think it would go down? have not seen good evince yet (openminded as always).
my gym performance tanked hard on pure keto. NOT worth it, huge losses, even after months no recovery. I see 0 good reasons to be on keto tbh outside of appetite control. maybe use it from time to time to lose couple lbs of weight?. i've seen some articles (no source) also claiming that fructose helps to regenerate beta cells in the pancreas. my fasting glucose went down on fruit as well. keto i always was around 100 and with fruit i am at 70 or so. what I found is that most keto folks defend their diet religiously. the human body is designed to consume natural carbs. what is interesting that I would still register ketones on gym days when eating 150g of carbs. around 0.7 or so. and guess what my blood ketones were on keto. 0.7, with 0 carbs. tldr i never felt good on keto, even when months in. and got tired of argument like eat more fat and drink more salt. added fruit/honey and problem solved. my fasting insulin is 5.1 currently. i challenged couple hardcore keto folks to post theirs in some forums, with no response. i bet its high.
Same age ,more or less ,and had this issue right out of the blue , all labs and TRT protocol good no changes . Weirded me out at the time and was getting srtessed when it happended maybe half dozen times.
ok i did the following which fixed it . For now. For what its worth: my sleep sorted with the help of melatonin 3 mg nocte
2.increased my Kegels to twice daily
3 got some nitrate strips and took a kale or beet juice every day to get salivary nitrates ie NO, to high level from normal.
4 reduced stress a lot by some lifestyle changes ie saying no, meditation , off non -educational social media, let 2 of my girlfriends go and just kept the essential low stress ones.
if thyroid hormones do a better job why does tsh go up then, not sure you would think it would go down? have not seen good evince yet (openminded as always).
my gym performance tanked hard on pure keto. NOT worth it, huge losses, even after months no recovery. I see 0 good reasons to be on keto tbh outside of appetite control. maybe use it from time to time to lose couple lbs of weight?. i've seen some articles (no source) also claiming that fructose helps to regenerate beta cells in the pancreas. my fasting glucose went down on fruit as well. keto i always was around 100 and with fruit i am at 70 or so. what I found is that most keto folks defend their diet religiously. the human body is designed to consume natural carbs. what is interesting that I would still register ketones on gym days when eating 150g of carbs. around 0.7 or so. and guess what my blood ketones were on keto. 0.7, with 0 carbs. tldr i never felt good on keto, even when months in. and got tired of argument like eat more fat and drink more salt. added fruit/honey and problem solved. my fasting insulin is 5.1 currently. i challenged couple hardcore keto folks to post theirs in some forums, with no response. i bet its high.
Awesome, thanks for all this! Very helpful! The main benefit I was hoping to get from carnivore, if I ever tried it, was the amazing mental clarity and energy that most people report on carnivore/ having the body and brain run off of ketones mainly, instead of glucose. Did u notice any improvements in those two areas while on keto?

That’s very interesting to hear that ur ketones are are still at the same level that they were while on keto. The two things that make me hesitant to put too much weight into ur experience on keto, vs now, is that keto and carnivore are two completely different things. While on keto, u can still eat a ton of processed/ inflammatory junk, vs carnivore that cuts out all that stuff, and just consists of healthy animal based foods. So I would imagine that most people doing keto don’t get to experience some of the benefits that people do on carnivore. The other thing is that while on keto, ur ketones were just above the lowest point where u would technically be in ketosis. So I wonder if u would have noticed bigger differences in mental clarity/ energy, on keto, if u got ur ketones up higher. Seems like people on carnivore have much higher ketone levels than u had, on average.

That’s a good point about TSH tho. I agree, if thyroid receptors were more sensitive, on carnivore, and required less circulating thyroid hormones to fullfill the bodies thyroid requirements, I would also assume that we wouldn’t see TSH increase, on no/ low carb. Again, good observation. An increase in TSH does indicate that the brain is asking for more circulating thyroid hormones. The weird thing is that most people that go carnivore report an increase in energy/ mental clarity, and usually are able to recomp their bodies very easily. Which would all indicate that their thyroids are working just fine. So not sure how much of a net negative it is to see thyroid labs sometimes drop a little, and see a bit of a rise in TSH, while doing no/ low carb. All very interesting stuff tho. The body is such a complicated, yet completely fascinating, machine

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