Confirmation on What to Expect


New Member
Hello All,

I just joined. I'm 65 years old but look much younger.....been working out for 40years and try to eat healthy. I'm the same weight as when I was 30. I've had a very healthy libido, then at 52, I started experiencing slight erectile issues. 10mg Cialis took care of that. Then at 60, Cialis just wasn't working that well anymore. At around age 59 my Total T level was around 400-500 and my Free T level was around 70. I tried all the natural supplements to increase T level but none seem to really work. About a year ago, I started seeking advise from a MD trained in Naturopathic medicine. At about that time, pleasurable sensations seemed to have vanished. In April of this year, my T level dropped to an all time low of 200 with free levels at about 35.

I was put on Testosterone creme. After about 6 months, results were not good. My T level went up a bit then dropped again. About 9 weeks ago, he started me on weekly 100mg injections (Testosterone Cypionate). I just received my first lab result since starting injections: Total T was 858 and Free T was 135. Estradiol was at 42. All in all very promising. However, in the 9 weeks I've been on this regiment, I've only noticed slight sporadic libido improvement. Erections improved slightly, but this past week, I seem to have gone back libido and erectile function dropped even with 20mg cialis. Also, I have not noticed any improvement in pleasurable sensations.

I would think at these testosterone levels, I should be feeling more sex drive with much improved erectile function. I've read the archived article on result expectations and I seem to be not falling within the norm of expected results.

I spoke with my doctor this morning and he seem to think it may take some time at this level before my body starts showing positive results. Anyone experienced similarities to my situation?

I look forward to your responses.
Do you know if your E2 was done with the ultra sensitive test? If so, your number is fine, if it was the regular test, it may be too low as typically the regular test overstates levels in men to the point where it is a useless test. Are you on just T, or T with HCG? Any AI? If your E2 goes too low, the symptoms are no libido and ED that Cialis and Viagra cannot help, among other things.

I feel your pain as my libido never came back to what it was from age 12 until age 45 or so for me, either. It seems like if TRT 'worked' it would come back, but now that I have been on TRT for 5 years I know its never that simple. Most of us need to use PDE5 inhibitors or TriMix for ED and while some of us have a high libido, but for many of us, not so much.

Did your doc test for SHBG or DHT and anything else? When was the test done in relation to your weekly shot?
Do you know if your E2 was done with the ultra sensitive test? If so, your number is fine, if it was the regular test, it may be too low as typically the regular test overstates levels in men to the point where it is a useless test. Are you on just T, or T with HCG? Any AI? If your E2 goes too low, the symptoms are no libido and ED that Cialis and Viagra cannot help, among other things.

I feel your pain as my libido never came back to what it was from age 12 until age 45 or so for me, either. It seems like if TRT 'worked' it would come back, but now that I have been on TRT for 5 years I know its never that simple. Most of us need to use PDE5 inhibitors or TriMix for ED and while some of us have a high libido, but for many of us, not so much.

Did your doc test for SHBG or DHT and anything else? When was the test done in relation to your weekly shot?

Hello Ero and thanks for sharing. We did not check my SHBG and DHT this time, but it was ok previously and he did concur that the Estradiol was done with the ultra sensitive method. His comment was my estrogen could even be a bit higher citing the same thing you said about libido tied to a healthy estrogen level. He said, as I continue with my TRT, the levels should naturally go up a bit.

For me, it 's the big 3 that's affected: libido, erectile function and pleasurable sensations. He just prescribed Oxytocin (spelling?) for me to take 30 minutes before sexual relations. He said this will increase libido. He wanted to hold off on the HCG to see how my T levels will level off with my current dosage, as the HCG tend to increase T levels.

Did you notice any improvement in libido and pleasurable sensations with HCG? What are your current T levels (total and free) after 5 years on TRT? Thx.
EDHSJAL, is hcg part of protocol, if not you should consider it.
In this video Dr Justin Saya from explains how human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is used in testosterone replacement for men.

Thanks for chiming in Vince... Yes I've seen that video. I first got introduced to the potential positive impact on libido and erectile function from Nelson's video. Thanks Nelson! I was just wondering if others experienced similar results. The few medical write ups I've seen so far talked about HCG Keeping the testes active to negate shrinkage but didn't say anything about helping with libido and erectile function.
Do you know if your E2 was done with the ultra sensitive test? If so, your number is fine, if it was the regular test, it may be too low as typically the regular test overstates levels in men to the point where it is a useless test. Are you on just T, or T with HCG? Any AI? If your E2 goes too low, the symptoms are no libido and ED that Cialis and Viagra cannot help, among other things.

I feel your pain as my libido never came back to what it was from age 12 until age 45 or so for me, either. It seems like if TRT 'worked' it would come back, but now that I have been on TRT for 5 years I know its never that simple. Most of us need to use PDE5 inhibitors or TriMix for ED and while some of us have a high libido, but for many of us, not so much.

Did your doc test for SHBG or DHT and anything else? When was the test done in relation to your weekly shot?

Hello Ero, Thanks for your quick reply. Don't know what happened to my response to your comments from last night. So I'll respond again:

I believe my Estradiol test was the ultra sensitive one. He said my estradiol could even be a bit higher and continued injections will naturally raise the level.

He wants to keep me on just the T injections first to see where my level will stabilize before adding to the mix. He said HCG will increase my T level also. In the meantime he will prescribe oxytocin to take orally 30 minutes before sex as this is suppose to increase libido also.
ERO, thanks for your response. I had replied twice, but am getting a message that the moderator had to approve my note before it is shown.... Must be because I'm new....but it appears I'm able to reply via the second message from Vince.
ERO, thanks for your response. I had replied twice, but am getting a message that the moderator had to approve my note before it is shown.... Must be because I'm new....but it appears I'm able to reply via the second message from Vince.

You're right it is because you're new :) Nelson ( I believe ) has said that hcg gave him back his libido and helps with penis sensitity.
Interesting read about penile sensitivity issues

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