Question about Mediterranean diet and nelson vergel diet

the diseaster and the reason of why all r still fat and gaining weight in spite of having tons of diets and on top of them the calorie restriction diet is the thing WE WANT LOSE WEIGHT FAST!!!

and proof of what I'm saying go ask any one who wants lose weight he or she will say give me the fastest method to make me lose weight...

even these who go to gym and reach personal trainers or diet center ALWAYS ASK THE SAME QUESTION CAN I HAVE THE FASTEST WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT?

even diet centers and diet companies who promot monthly membership they always in thier ads repeat same thing WITH US EAT DELICIOUS FOOD AND LOSE WEIGHT FAST!!

and most of them calorie restriction diet and others go to keto diet

the problem here the fast weight lose to body is good and bad...when our bodies lose weight fast it give alarm to our bodies that there r famine..the body don't know u r the body will work against you ...that what extreme diet guru do the fix that problem they do cheat days..or the week called calories at maintenance to get back metabolism the good thing about weight loss is health improvement..but the side effect of fast weight lose is not easy

so the last here for me as I tried and I readed and I searched best way to lose weight on the slowest method that is the easy and safest way and healthiest that my idea and I'm not forcing anyone to agree with me.....but that person who disagree with me later when he try he know what i was meaning..
Sir... how long one can count calories? Even big calorie restriction gurus I don't want mention thier names here they say WE SHOULD do week or so to maintenance level from calorie intake to be sure we don't damage our metabolism !! If our bodies meant to keep count calories why we MUST do that week? Isn't this way healthy way to live?? And why when I cut calories I lose my libido? Right now I'm doing 100 grams carb a say with high fat and protein intake... I'm on diet since 2017 and weight go up and dowen coz of misleading information out there...I will never skip meals any more and I will never count calories because all that is temporarily..and now I ask u as u promot calorie restriction diet why u by ur self and many of calorie restriction people won't see thier abs?? Isn't u guys shall lose ur half pound a week as u cutting 500 calories a day??if its not work for u how it will work for me?
Perhaps some of the messaging here may be lost in translation. English is not your primary language I assume?

Please correct me if I am mistaken, but you asked questions regarding weight loss on the Mediterranean Diet. The Mediterranean Diet is not really what one would consider a weight loss diet, it is more of a nutritional choice for people looking to benefit from the health and longevity demonstrated by the indigenous people of that region from living that lifestyle.

The Mediterranean diet is more of a healthy-eating lifestyle than a restrictive diet. It emphasizes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and regularly includes fish, nuts, and other foods with healthy fats. At the same time, it limits processed foods, excessive red meats, and refined grains like white bread. The Mediterranean diet also recognizes the often undervalued health benefit of eating more mindfully. When we eat without distractions and make the meal more of an event, we tend to be more in tune with our hunger cues and how the food tastes, leading to consuming fewer calories than when we eat while distracted1.

While there’s usually no need to count calories or track macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbs) on the Mediterranean diet, I can provide you with some sample calorie breakdowns for reference:

  1. Sample Day on the Mediterranean Diet (1,200 calories):
    • Calories: 1,209
    • Protein: 73 g
    • Carbohydrates: 123 g
    • Fiber: 31 g
    • Fat: 53 g
    • Sodium: 1,412 mg
Regardless of what diet you decide to follow, caloric deficit is the only way to lose weight, that is just a fact. You mention diet Guru's, yes sir... there are many who will tell you what you should eat and how to live. You can choose to follow them, or do your own research and find what works for you.

There are some very smart people here who are happy to help you. It might be a good idea not to bite those who are trying to do so...;)
So in a day how many grams of carbs a day u eat? Sir...fruits and table sugar in blood they r SAME the good thing in fruits it contains vitamins and minerals as well anti oxidation in body they do the same...I hope to know how many grams of carbs from fruits u take a day?
since i track myfitnesspal ....yesterday was 178g carbs, 165g protein, 114 fat.
they do the same sort of....but not really. look at this study for ex. on honey
1:1 study honey vs artificial glucose/fructose. clearly not the same results.
Calm dowen... I'm here talking with experience that make paid alot from mistakes and random studies and words won't affect me...u can read my reply up ...and who said I want over eat olive and catbs? Most books of Mediterranean diet ask to go easy on carbs..I dont know if there others who say the opposite and that why I posted my question here....u know how many person stalled thier weight every time they lower thier calories and at end they give up and balloon up again?? I tried fasting wich it's not far from calories restriction and resulting I gained alot of weight...imagine this days I have my three meals and eating 100 grams of carbs a day and weight is going down but SLOW
after trying a lot of diets, i lost weight only on 2. a) caloric restriction, tracking + mild deficit (my maintenance is 3300cal, i would eat 2500 or so). b) pure carnivore.
i would be definitely in a restriction on b) too, it is just close to impossible to overeat on that diet and I just naturally was in a deficit.
a pure carnivore + fruit (saladino) diet is a good maintenance diet and it will be very hard to gain fat on this. but for weight loss you need to cut somewhere, and once you reach target BF% you can loosen up a bit (but never go back to old ways of eating).
my personal plan right now is carnivore + fruit, with 2400cal max (700cal deficit), and once I get to 18% BF or so (now 27), i will simply add those 700cal in forms of fruit/honey/maple syrup and stay on this type of eating forever
Perhaps some of the messaging here may be lost in translation. English is not your primary language I assume?

Please correct me if I am mistaken, but you asked questions regarding weight loss on the Mediterranean Diet. The Mediterranean Diet is not really what one would consider a weight loss diet, it is more of a nutritional choice for people looking to benefit from the health and longevity demonstrated by the indigenous people of that region from living that lifestyle.

The Mediterranean diet is more of a healthy-eating lifestyle than a restrictive diet. It emphasizes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and regularly includes fish, nuts, and other foods with healthy fats. At the same time, it limits processed foods, excessive red meats, and refined grains like white bread. The Mediterranean diet also recognizes the often undervalued health benefit of eating more mindfully. When we eat without distractions and make the meal more of an event, we tend to be more in tune with our hunger cues and how the food tastes, leading to consuming fewer calories than when we eat while distracted1.

While there’s usually no need to count calories or track macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbs) on the Mediterranean diet, I can provide you with some sample calorie breakdowns for reference:

  1. Sample Day on the Mediterranean Diet (1,200 calories):
    • Calories: 1,209
    • Protein: 73 g
    • Carbohydrates: 123 g
    • Fiber: 31 g
    • Fat: 53 g
    • Sodium: 1,412 mg
Regardless of what diet you decide to follow, caloric deficit is the only way to lose weight, that is just a fact. You mention diet Guru's, yes sir... there are many who will tell you what you should eat and how to live. You can choose to follow them, or do your own research and find what works for you.

There are some very smart people here who are happy to help you. It might be a good idea not to bite those who are trying to do so...;)
No don't worry If u bite people for me I don't bite people ...I know how to talk and how to respect people before I come here so don't worry...the fact every one is free to do what they like ..there r people who belive in fasting and living on water every one is free
So as I'm big man at body weight 220 lbs u want me eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life and my libido crush and my hormones will be out of order ...but here u against what calories redirected diet guru's..they say u SHOULD HAVE WEEK OFF AT MAINTENANCE LEVEL OF CALORIES to be sure ur metabolsim not be damaged so I listen to random person on forum or calorie restriction guru that even u fellow? Well I'm here to not to convince u to wich diet you chose or wich diet you belive in...every one have his own choice ..I'm man I care about my health I want be sure my hormones r ok and I get my (morning wood) and I want be sure that my body function very well..I dont have time to waste on crash diets that even no one will fellow it for long term
To be very honest, I don't care what diet you follow or how many calories you consume. You asked a question, I took the time to give you an answer. Considering your attitude and mindset, that will be the last time I do so.
To be very honest, I don't care what diet you follow or how many calories you consume. You asked a question, I took the time to give you an answer. Considering your attitude and mindset, that will be the last time I do so.
Lol no pls give me time and care I beg u..well it be much better if u take that path..and don't really care if u like attitude and mindest ..the people who read can see I was polite and my question was clear ..u started with word ( bite) tell ur self that words...

Ok don't be sad I will living on 1000 calorie a day and I will leave all girls and even my job I will leave so I be the calorie restriction man
Sir... how long one can count calories? Even big calorie restriction gurus I don't want mention thier names here they say WE SHOULD do week or so to maintenance level from calorie intake to be sure we don't damage our metabolism !! If our bodies meant to keep count calories why we MUST do that week? Isn't this way healthy way to live?? And why when I cut calories I lose my libido? Right now I'm doing 100 grams carb a say with high fat and protein intake... I'm on diet since 2017 and weight go up and dowen coz of misleading information out there...I will never skip meals any more and I will never count calories because all that is temporarily..and now I ask u as u promot calorie restriction diet why u by ur self and many of calorie restriction people won't see thier abs?? Isn't u guys shall lose ur half pound a week as u cutting 500 calories a day??if its not work for u how it will work for me?
there is a lot of BS info out there I agree. i also agree that forever calorie counting is bad. you don't need to count anything, as long as you are in a deficit, you will loose BF%. now obviously this will get harder as lower you get, but if your goal is 2% you have mental health problems. I don't know what my exact goal is, but prob in the 15-20% range.
i think that temporary tracking is good. once your reach a reasonable goal, start with a diet where you naturally will eat what you need. thats where cutting processed foods comes in, as those foods will mess your satiety signals and destroy your metabolism as well (think doritos/snickers). for maintenance both mediterranean and carnivore/fruit seem like a good approach without the need to track
after trying a lot of diets, i lost weight only on 2. a) caloric restriction, tracking + mild deficit (my maintenance is 3300cal, i would eat 2500 or so). b) pure carnivore.
i would be definitely in a restriction on b) too, it is just close to impossible to overeat on that diet and I just naturally was in a deficit.
This is what I was talking about before. The "all carb" side of the spectrum can be very effective for weight loss also. Ever heard of the potato diet? All you eat are potatoes, which are nutritionally well-rounded enough that you can survive a very long time on potatoes alone. No one can eat enough plain potatoes to gain weight as they are very filling, satiating, and not very palatable without added fat. Rapid weight loss is virtually guaranteed.

That's how you do it without counting calories: pure carnivore or pure carbs. Get comfortable with cronometer if you want to lose weight on a normal / mixed diet.

Someone mentioned they had to count calories on keto. Keto can include highly palatable foods that override satiation signals, including dairy (particularly cheese) and all manner of processed foods and artificially sweetened foods. You need to avoid all of that if you want effortless weight loss on keto.
This is what I was talking about before. The "all carb" side of the spectrum can be very effective for weight loss also. Ever heard of the potato diet? All you eat are potatoes, which are nutritionally well-rounded enough that you can survive a very long time on potatoes alone. No one can eat enough plain potatoes to gain weight as they are very filling, satiating, and not very palatable without added fat. Rapid weight loss is virtually guaranteed.

That's how you do it without counting calories: pure carnivore or pure carbs. Get comfortable with cronometer if you want to lose weight on a normal / mixed diet.

Someone mentioned they had to count calories on keto. Keto can include highly palatable foods that override satiation signals, including dairy (particularly cheese) and all manner of processed foods and artificially sweetened foods. You need to avoid all of that if you want effortless weight loss on keto.
totally. i failed on keto for that reason, cause of the belief system that you will just loose weight. not true. i would eat think like cheeses, keto treats (junk) etc. the key is, to have enough protein to avoid muscle wasting, which needs to be prevented as much as possible on any diet. but it is doable, on my last calorie counting sprint, i lost 9lbs fat and gained 1.5lbs lean mass in 3 months based on a DEXA scan. no doubt TRT helps here
totally. i failed on keto for that reason, cause of the belief system that you will just loose weight. not true. i would eat think like cheeses, keto treats (junk) etc. the key is, to have enough protein to avoid muscle wasting, which needs to be prevented as much as possible on any diet. but it is doable, on my last calorie counting sprint, i lost 9lbs fat and gained 1.5lbs lean mass in 3 months based on a DEXA scan. no doubt TRT helps here
Yes but how the leanest people on world was not counting calories?

From arnold schwarzenegger
to ronnie coleman

Jay cutler

Robby robison

Rich piana

gunter schlierkamp

Mike matarazzo

Craig titus

Ric drasin said most body builders in golden era with low carb and no counting calories..

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And there atheletes who dont count calories

Chris froom

Mike pigg

Philip Maffeton

Mark allen

Stu mittleman

And tons others

you are free to belive in whatever you want I'm not forcing any one to change their idea and for me I have my way I don't want crush my libido with calorie restriction..let the weight go dowen slowly BUT surly...
totally. i failed on keto for that reason, cause of the belief system that you will just loose weight. not true. i would eat think like cheeses, keto treats (junk) etc. the key is, to have enough protein to avoid muscle wasting, which needs to be prevented as much as possible on any diet. but it is doable, on my last calorie counting sprint, i lost 9lbs fat and gained 1.5lbs lean mass in 3 months based on a DEXA scan. no doubt TRT helps here
Ok as u expert in Low calorie diet...I tried one week 2500 calories diet and I went for date with girl...I can't get up to do the action... so what I do ?
Yes but how the leanest people on world was not counting calories?
You just listed a bunch of bodybuilders. Ok, if you spend 4+ hours in the gym every day and you take a gram of androgens per week, you too can stay lean without counting calories on a standard diet.
This is what I was talking about before. The "all carb" side of the spectrum can be very effective for weight loss also. Ever heard of the potato diet? All you eat are potatoes, which are nutritionally well-rounded enough that you can survive a very long time on potatoes alone. No one can eat enough plain potatoes to gain weight as they are very filling, satiating, and not very palatable without added fat. Rapid weight loss is virtually guaranteed.

That's how you do it without counting calories: pure carnivore or pure carbs. Get comfortable with cronometer if you want to lose weight on a normal / mixed diet.

Someone mentioned they had to count calories on keto. Keto can include highly palatable foods that override satiation signals, including dairy (particularly cheese) and all manner of processed foods and artificially sweetened foods. You need to avoid all of that if you want effortless weight loss on keto.
Well said sir I did before low calorie 2500 as I saw they say all calories r I went McDonald's and I have most calories from there then I hit noodles then hunger start hit at night so hard and all my calories allowances finish...I woke up next day very weak with no morning wood as I was having before...the random erections have become much less ....

so they keep telling us eat whatever u want but u must be on calorie restriction but if the food r from junk sources hunger will hit us so hard and spoil we get back from starting point calories r diffrent and they act differently in our bodies..its like we moving in circle
Well said sir I did before low calorie 2500 as I saw they say all calories r I went McDonald's and I have most calories from there then I hit noodles then hunger start hit at night so hard and all my calories allowances finish...I woke up next day very weak with no morning wood as I was having before...the random erections have become much less ....

so they keep telling us eat whatever u want but u must be on calorie restriction but if the food r from junk sources hunger will hit us so hard and spoil we get back from starting point calories r diffrent and they act differently in our bodies..its like we moving in circle
are you indian? your english is so bad, reading through your posts I get a sense talking to india based technical support.
A typical mixed diet with significant amounts of carbs and fat together.
Ohhh nice... from today I will count calories I will live on 1000 calorie a day so I be super lean lol

The problem most of u who comment negative way u carry alot of body fat And yet u push to other calorie restriction diet...if its not clear ur body fat And make u reach 2% how u want it work to others?

If medicine that can't cure u how u expect it cure others?
The problem most of u who comment negative way u carry alot of body fat And yet u push to other calorie restriction diet...if its not clear ur body fat And make u reach 2% how u want it work to others?

If medicine that can't cure u how u expect it cure others?
No one is pushing anyone to a calorie restriction diet. You asked if there was a way to lose weight without counting calories, and we've talked about plenty of ways you can do that. Possibly your English reading comprehension is not strong enough to understand the options we discussed.

I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to eating to stay lean. Here's what I looked like a couple weeks ago with 57 pg/ml free T (a sad hypogonadal value) on my meat and fruit diet:

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