Anabolic Doc video on how he manages side effects of TRT


Well-Known Member
Interesting one from Dr O. He basically walks through his side effect management regimen.

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He’s a little hard to follow as the doc can sometimes be but from what I was able to make out he takes
100mg Cyp every 5-6 days
Metformin 750mg at night
Telmisartan 30mg am 10mg pm
Nebivolol 10mg am and pm
Rosuvastatin 10mg
Repatha (didn’t catch dosage)
Vascepa 1000mg
I was skipping around so I may have missed it but pretty sure he takes 5mg Tadalafil daily as well.
His nadir tt is 656.

Worth a watch. He also talks about other medications as well. It’s interesting. Love the doc, even though he can be a little hard to follow. I think he needs a host to interview him for his videos.
lol. Doubtful. I have a face for radio.

It’s not a criticism of him per se. He seems like he’s so excited to get his info out that he tends to double back and kind of loses his train of thought.
I enjoy listening to him when I want to research a particular "supplement." But, he is tough to follow at times. His side effect profiles are always geared to "elite" bodybuilders (his clients), and I'm sure, their extreme dosing although he rarely mentions dosages.
There too many meds that most people don’t need.
I agree. If you need to stack multiple BP meds to control your BP on TRT you are probably taking too much testosterone. Stacking multiple cholesterol meds is going all in on a theory of atherosclerosis that seems to be growing weaker and weaker as time passes. And metformin looks unlikely to do anything beneficial for non-diabetics that exercise.
He's a smart doctor, but his "better living through chemistry" approach assumes perfect knowledge. The unintended adverse actions of some of those meds--and the combinations-- certainly suggest additional unknown risk. He doesn't take them, but he mentioned Calcium Channel Blockers. My understanding is there is no all-cause mortality benefit from taking them. In fact, the converse is true.
He is so aggressive on reducing LDL--straight Pharma marketing. Was it Malcolm Kendrick who had the fire truck analogy? Just because you see a fire truck when a structure is on fire doesn't mean reducing fire trucks reduce fires. I thought the Repatha trials ran into the same "higher-all-cause-mortality-in-the-treatment-arm" problem that we saw with, uh, other pharma products. See here, for example, Evolocumab’s Long-Term Mortality Risk Unclear Due to Shortened Follow-Up of FOURIER - American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs
I agree. If you need to stack multiple BP meds to control your BP on TRT you are probably taking too much testosterone. Stacking multiple cholesterol meds is going all in on a theory of atherosclerosis that seems to be growing weaker and weaker as time passes. And metformin looks unlikely to do anything beneficial for non-diabetics that exercise.
I don’t think taking too much testosterone is necessarily the issue. Don’t think he takes much test at all. Plus, I take quite a bit of androgens, probably double what he takes, and my BP is always in a really good range. Let food be thy medicine! lol. Anyone taking multiple BP meds just doesn’t understand how the human body works, and how to treat underlining causes to problems. He’s a medical doctor. All he knows is how to treat the body with bandaids. Unless I need surgery, the last person I would ever listen to, in regards to health, is a medical doctor. So as far as a medical doctor goes, I would assume they would have the mind set of “if one bandaid isn’t working, throw another bandaid on top!” lol. And don’t even get me started on statins and lowering cholesterol
I don’t think taking too much testosterone is necessarily the issue. Don’t think he takes much test at all. Plus, I take quite a bit of androgens, probably double what he takes, and my BP is always in a really good range.
You might be right in his case. My comment assumes a baseline BP that is normal and it is only elevated by TRT. Maybe his BP is high regardless.
You might be right in his case. My comment assumes a baseline BP that is normal and it is only elevated by TRT. Maybe his BP is high regardless.
He’s clearly a high energy go go go guy, so I can definitely see his BP being high no matter what he fckn does lol. But in all seriousness, he could easily get his BP within range without any meds, simply following a diet that’s conducive to having a healthy BP, as well as reducing stress, optimizing sleep, which he might already be optimizing, not sure. And then the other main thing to have a healthy BP without meds is to exercise regularly. Which I already know he does

just such a joke, imo, and legit comical, that a doctor that has spent most of his career focusing on the cardiovascular system is on BP meds. Like if that doesn’t sum up how much of a joke the medical system is, idk what does
Like if that doesn’t sum up how much of a joke the medical system is, idk what does
I recall a conversation with a co-worker, the wife’s husband who had type 2 diabetes that had a mini-stroke, put on 9 different meds in the hospital. The wife said not once did the doctors talk about his diet, which was the typical western diet, carbs/grains/pasta!

If the doctors give out correct nutritional advice, no need for some or all of the medications. That would be no different than your car dealership saying you don’t need service right now, and when the time comes, you can do it cheaper if you do it yourself.
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I saw a quote in a book once where a doctor said something to the effect of “if you are taking insulin so you can keep eating pastries you are out of your mind”….I don’t know much about this doc, but it looks like he’s taking way too many pills to manage side effects of too much anabolic substances….I wonder if we re getting the truth about what and how much he’s takes.
I saw a quote in a book once where a doctor said something to the effect of “if you are taking insulin so you can keep eating pastries you are out of your mind”….I don’t know much about this doc, but it looks like he’s taking way too many pills to manage side effects of too much anabolic substances….I wonder if we re getting the truth about what and how much he’s takes.
Yeah I think he's been called out before for looking like he runs more than the 140 mg a week he talks about.
I saw a quote in a book once where a doctor said something to the effect of “if you are taking insulin so you can keep eating pastries you are out of your mind”….I don’t know much about this doc, but it looks like he’s taking way too many pills to manage side effects of too much anabolic substances….I wonder if we re getting the truth about what and how much he’s takes.
Ya which is why I can’t help but laugh when he recently put out a vid on “how I maintain perfect health, and you can too!” This guys is on multiple BP meds and I think multiple statins as well, he’s literally the last guy I would ever take health advice from. The two worst medications for ur health are statins and stomach acid inhibitors. Again, this guy makes me chuckle whenever I hear him thinking that he’s the epitome of perfect health. It’s a fact that anything health related taught in medical schools are at least 10-15 years behind current knowledge. Plus, anything health related taught in medical school has a corrupt agenda behind it. They’re simply just training them how to diagnose and prescribe meds, aka creating licensed drug dealers to increase profits for big pharma. I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I’ve been in the medical field for around 20 years now, and I promise that this is how the medical system operates, and it starts with training doctors in med school. And this guy is a true doctor through and through. All about meds to “maintain health” and not trying to learn how to maintain proper health in any other ways other than what he was taught in medical school. I’m sure he has some understanding of how to improve health through diet and exercise and optimizing sleep, etc., but I guarantee if he put out a vid on his views on ”optimal nutrition“ I would laugh at it harder than any other video he’s ever put out. He’s clearly scared sh*tless of cholesterol and saturated fat, which already tells me the majority of what I need to know in regards to what he thinks is healthy, vs unhealthy, when it comes to nutrition

Gonna watch this vid simply to see how out of touch with reality he is. My curiosity won’t let me not watch it lol

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Just took my BP at work. No meds whatsoever. Total androgens aren’t the end all be all when it comes to BP. And mind u, I’m on 100mg of deca/ week as well. Which from what we’ve all heard, should be increasing by BP quite a bit. The end all be all, when it comes to BP, is simply taking care of ur body. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, minimizing stress, and optimizing sleep. I also drink 2 liters of mineral water per day, and put Celtic salt and liquid magnesium chloride in each bottle as soon as I open them. I know for a fact the extra Celtic salt, minerals in the water, and magnesium that I drink throughout the day helps keep my BP in a healthy range. Never underestimate the amazing things that simply being properly hydrated can do, in regards to optimal health. BP in my right arm is on the left. BP in my left arm is on the right


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And then I took my BP again a minute later in my left. Wanted to see if my systolic BP would be closer to what it was in my right arm. Obv don’t want too much of a disparity between BP readings from one arm to the other


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23 minutes into this anabolic doc vid and it’s pretty much what I thought. A lot of meds to regulate things. And from what I’ve gathered so far, seems like he advocates for the DASH diet, which is pretty much the exact way that I figured he would be eating. There’s literally no amount of money on the planet that could get me to eat this diet on a daily basis indefinitely. And I mean that whole heartedly. Diet lowers Bp huh? Well other than the sugar sweetened beverages and sweets, my diet mostly consists of the things it says to limit. And my BP is lower than the anabolic doc’s is, without meds, while he needs 2 BP meds simply to keep his around the 120/80 range. Be ur own doctor people! Don’t believe what someone tells u simply because they have an M.D. after their name. The correct info is out there. Do the research for urself. 10 hours of nutrition research is more than most doctors ever get in medical school. Never forget that. Want to understand nutrition and the root causes of disease? Do more than 10 hours of nutrition research. There, u’ve done it. U have the same knowledge as a medical doctor has, or more, as far as nutrition and treating the root cause of disease goes. Congratulations! Lol


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I saw a quote in a book once where a doctor said something to the effect of “if you are taking insulin so you can keep eating pastries you are out of your mind”….I don’t know much about this doc, but it looks like he’s taking way too many pills to manage side effects of too much anabolic substances….I wonder if we re getting the truth about what and how much he’s takes.
I feel like I do believe him, as far as how much test he takes goes. I could be wrong, but my gut says he’s being honest with that

I just think he has no clue how to eat properly, which is why he has to take the BP meds that he does. Eating the way he does for as long as he has will wreak havoc on the body overtime. And eating according to the DASH diet is probably a “healthy” way of eating he adopted after he quit doing steroids and powerlifting. Who knows what crap he was eating throughout the years he was doing steroid cycles and powerlifting. I also don’t know how much stress he has. He seems like a really happy guy. So his stress levels could in fact be fairly low. But then again he seems like a really high strung guy, that’s always working towards something and a guy that probably needs to be doing a million things at once everyday. So he in fact could be very stressed, day to day. Tough to tell. And he doesn’t come off like a guy that sleeps all that well, or for all that long each night lol. All these things are more likely to be causing him to need so much medical intervention, day to day, than his anabolics, imo. But if he is taking more than what he says, and/ or more compounds, obv that would contribute to him needing to take so many meds everyday, like u said.
I was his patient for a couple months on theanabolicdocapp. Talked with him few times during man2man meetings. Hes a cool guy and I enjoyed my time with him and got all the required BP medication info. He is running 100mg Test Cyp E5D. And yes he takes tons of meds with some I don't agree either but its his choice and i'm cool with that. He fears LDL badly and anything above 120/80 BP as well. I think he knows his shit as a MD and does a great job with the meds and helping men around the world. Before offering any meds he always preaches the natural ways like diet, exercise l, sleep and if that doesn't help he introduces meds. Hes a very hyper-active guy like I am as well and always talks the importance of controlling racing heart/rhr for such people and likes to use Bystolic/Nebivolol if nothing else helps. I think it was mentioned in this thread before as well.

I have a lot to say about BP and RHR management and done some posts about it some time ago incase anyone is interested. For me when I was having 130s and higher upon waking no form of magnesium helped. The more I took it the worse I felt. Also no supplemental potassium as well. So all that was ditched. Right now using 66% reduced sodium LOSALT with potassium chloride and it works. After talking with the Anabolic Doc I decided to ditch my original protocol of E3.5D and just go with E5D or even E6D if I forget which is rare. So I ditched the old injection protocol, jumped on the 100mg E5D and everything started falling in the way I want it. Also I think key is that I ditched my Sustanon250 made by Aspen I had bought from pharmacy and introduced Pharma grade Testosterone Enanthate from India "Testviron". Also I started eating a lot of carbs as was feeling like crap eating Carnivore only. That WOE is def not for me but has its place when needed to manage gut symptoms as for me. Maybe for an average guy which I'm not. Lots of muscle, 20 years of training, absolutely different training, hard cardio sessions, big daily activities, etc etc. so anyway long story short my BP dipped below the pre TRT baseline levels and never ever seen before. Pretty much this BP every day in the morning fasted BUT if sleep was not that good my BP reacts to it, so sleep is crucial IME. I could go on and on but don't want to derail the thread and just want to say that everyone is different and what someone does, eats, takes to feel great, have low BP, etc etc, might absolutely wreck another person. I always was a proponent of high salt intake and guess what its been not good for me even though I'm an animal once training. So now keeping my salt intake upto 2500mg sodium per day has been working great and I feel even better on even lower salt FWIW. To help me see the overall picture/context of how much salt I was consuming per day I used Chronometer and noticed that I intake a lot more salt then I need to because of the foods that I eat which have salt in them. So if you need 5g salt and eat say some bit processed foods on the daily there can easily be that you are consuming even 10g of salt instead of 5g/day. Without tracking you won't know shit. Thats why data rulez. I also started running some supps and made a post about them as well. So as the saying goes-

If you can measure it- you can improve it ;)

Best regards,


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