My solution for high estrogen after years of troubleshooting


New Member
This is a bit wordy but I want to share what is working for me take get estrogen under control. I've been on TRT for over 6 years and estrogen has been my challenge. If you have battled this issue while on TRT, maybe this will work for you. And maybe I'm a slow learner and most of solving the problem in this way far faster than me. If so, I wish I talked to you long ago.

Doctors started me at 180-200mg test, taken once per week. My estrogen was up and down and up and down. So was my test. For too long I got myself into taking the AI at 1-3 mg a week. No way to live!! Several years ago I switched to daily sub-q injections. Now I'm at 6 days/week. I have continued to drop my test dose down and down and down. At times I have repeated blood tests up to 2 times/month to stay on top of this and make it better. I never wait more than 2 months to get a blood test. Maybe one day when I hit my level of near perfection I will do that. 2 months ago I felt better than I have in 25 years or maybe in my lifetime. That lasted a month and then faded but not as bad as in the past.

I go get my blood test and again my estrogen was too high (for me). It was only 5% above the upper end of the normal range. At that point my test was at 100 mg/week and hcg at 1500 iu. I was having the typical emotional and low sex drive issue but not as bad as in the past as I've been in this routine of lowering my test dose over time to better manage estrogen and with less and less AI. I skipped the test for a couple days and took an AI to drop the estrogen. I dropped the test to 95 mg and increased hcg to 1750 iu (for sex drive). Of course I knew this would increase estrogen but I want to improve the sex drive issues in concert with the estrogen. My estrogen jumped by 44%. This confirmed what I've been learning for the past 6 years of tracking these figures with blood tests spaced out no more than 2 months apart. Increase of HCG increases estrogen far more than increase in test. I took 2 mg AI and skipped test injections for 10 days.

At this point I'm at 82.5mg test/week and 1750 iu hcg. This is my lowest test dose ever and it is incredible that the dose if this low considering one doctor had me at 200mg a week a few years ago. The lower dose is making me feel far better. And the lower I can tolerate it the longer time passes when my estrogen starts to run out of control. I want to hit the mark where the estrogen always stays below the upper end of the normal range, but with no AI. I'm aware that at some point my test levels will drop to a point that causes more problems than a higher estrogen level but this hasn't happened for me yet. And this makes sense as the truth about test and estrogen is that your body is working to maintain an optimal ratio.

Here's what I'm doing and MY lessons learned that come to mind in no particular order:

- 1 test injection per week is not good because of the up and down.
- High estrogen cancels out any benefit of higher free test or even worse.
- HCG is great for sex issues but it pushes estrogen up more than test; if you increase hcg then decrease test dose.
- More test is not better - not at all!!! I want the lowest test dose possible to maintain my estrogen below the upper level of the normal range.
- I now watch my estrogen level far more than I'm watching test levels.
- If my estrogen rises too high, I will continue to decrease the dose of test.
- If you see your estrogen is too high in a blood test, it is important to skip your test dose for a number of days; if you only slightly decrease the test dose with no skipping it will still take forever for your estrogen to drop. Of course you can take an AI but if you don't skip the test for some days, the estrogen levels will quickly take off again because your test is too high.
- If you are having a problem, drop your weekly test dose by 20mg. Don't make my mistake of only dropping it by like 2.5mg at a time. It's easier to increase the dose than spending months decreasing and decreasing the dose to a point where you feel good or to recognize you dropped it too low and need to increase the dose again. You want to avoid the need to increase and decrease and increase and decrease.
- Don't just get blood tests when you feel bad; also get them when you feel good so you can better isolate your target free test, estrogen, and other important levels. Again, for me I'm paying 90% attention to estrogen because this has been my biggest problem.

I would never have achieved my current satisfaction level making adjustments every 3 or 6 months based on what a doctor tells me. Three different doctors can tell you 3 different things and you can spend years spinning your wheels. They also don't know how you feel and they don't know your levers to pull any more than you can learn them. I have been playing with this while religiously tracking the results in a spreadsheet for over 6 years. I have learned what works and what doesn't work for me. I believe I am nearly reaching my optimal levels to maintain a balance. I wish someone would have told me these things when I started. Of course it may not work for everyone. But it doesn't hurt to try it.

In my most recent meeting with the doctor who had me at 200mg/week, I told his what I'm doing. He says, yes this is the best way. I wish that was the advice 6 years ago. I'm curious to learn if others have taken this approach and what happened for you - good and bad.
I've also messed around with dosages over the years. Less testosterone definitely made me feel better. Libido is still not the greatest but way better than on 200mg a week. I do 100 mg a week now with 1/4 pill of exemestane.
I'll have to add you guys to my collection of anecdotes, where guys find less testosterone can be better.

At this point I'm at 82.5mg test/week and 1750 iu hcg. This is my lowest test dose ever and it is incredible that the dose [is] this low considering one doctor had me at 200mg a week a few years ago. ...
The T cypionate alone is still giving you more testosterone than the vast majority of men ever make naturally. It only seems low because so many guys are overdosing on injections.
I'll have to add you guys to my collection of anecdotes, where guys find less testosterone can be better.

The T cypionate alone is still giving you more testosterone than the vast majority of men ever make naturally. It only seems low because so many guys are overdosing on injections.
You can add mine if you want. I wish I would have seen these posts top and center long ago. A couple other points. I started on Cypionate in the US and switched to Enanthate over 4 years ago when I moved back to Europe. Based on my experience, the difference is totally noticeable. It's also worth pointing out that, in general, Europeans take far fewer drugs than Americans. When I showed up at my current doctor in Europe to discuss a couple non test related drugs I was taking, he asked me to give lower doses a try. My more is better mentality had me questioning him but I did it. He told me he practiced medicine in Canada and then returned home to Europe. He said dosing in the US and Canada is much higher than Europe. Another thing I have noted myself after living in Europe for about 12 years is that people here are far more reluctant to take medicine unless totally necessary. In the US we have the drug companies advertising directly to the consumers on tv like it's ice cream or something. Talk to your doctor about this or that drug. It will solve your problems. This doesn't happen in Europe. It is totally stupid that this happens in the US. It should not. More is better. No it's not. But anyway, his comments about dosing in general also helped convince me to look more closely at my test dosage. In my opinion, it's totally irresponsible for a doctor to start a patient on such a high dose of test, like 150-200mg once per week. They should be started lower and gradually increased if necessary, and based on frequent blood tests. Not doing this cost me years of getting it sorted out. It's far easier to adjust up than down and up and down once you create multiple side effects (other hormones, hematocrit, hemoglobin, etc) from too high of a dose.
In the US we have the drug companies advertising directly to the consumers on tv like it's ice cream or something.
That ice cream costs a fortune, we Americans get overcharged for medications. There’s an old cancer drug in the UK that’s been available for decades, which costs $200, here in the US, the same drug is $39,000!

The main difference between the UK (state funded) and US is private insurance, they commit fraud on a regular basis.
Talk to your doctor about this or that drug.
I’ll never forget the look on my doctors face where I inquired about a Cialis prescription. His facial expression change to that of excitement and was very willing to prescribe it.

He was very eager to prescribe it to me. I didn’t even have to argue or fight with him to get it.
That ice cream costs a fortune, we Americans get overcharged for medications. There’s an old cancer drug in the UK that’s been available for decades, which costs $200, here in the US, the same drug is $39,000!

The main difference between the UK (state funded) and US is private insurance, they commit fraud on a regular basis.

I’ll never forget the look on my doctors face where I inquired about a Cialis prescription. His facial expression change to that of excitement and was very willing to prescribe it.

He was very eager to prescribe it to me. I didn’t even have to argue or fight with him to get it.
I'm pretty sure the ice cream costs more in Europe than the US, or maybe that's what you're saying. $14.16 for 465ml of Ben & Jerry's.

As for my experience with healthcare outside the US, my best advice is to avoid the public if possible. The exception is from my experience is Switzerland because most is private, as is the insurance although all are required to maintain a minimum. I've dealt with public in the UK, France, and Italy. Like I said, this is based off my experience. You can be had in either system. In public you're paying in taxes which are 28% across board in Hungary (income/sales). For my residence permit, I was required to show proof of health insurance in the US. I'm paying cash for medications and paying outside the public system makes it well more expensive than the US. Anyway, you aren't getting trt treatment in most of Europe. I have found 2 doctors in Budapest who will do it and I looks long and hard. As for treating trt in Europe besides Hungary, I'm only aware of Greece and UK. In Greece you cannot even get hcg. If anyone knows other countries, PLEASE tell me.

I'm curious, who thinks that doctors in the US who send patients to places like Empower are paid some kind of commission? If so, is that based on the $$ value of drugs purchased or the number of patients? If $$, maybe that could account for overdosing. I have zero evidence of this but I wouldn't be surprised. Related, I'm spending half on Test at this point because I dropped myself from 200mg/week to 100. And get better results.

Same for me about Viagra. I was embarrassed to talk to a doctor for several years. Finally when I did he told me he has patients from like 24-80 years old. This solved most of this kind of problem.


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I'm curious, who thinks that doctors in the US who send patients to places like Empower are paid some kind of commission? If so, is that based on the $$ value of drugs purchased or the number of patients?
Interesting question. My experience with a very well renown doctor is that, yes, maybe, probably, perhaps. This is pure speculation as I have not even a shred of evidence, just the fact that he told me that "they (his practice) don't use regular pharmacies, just empower", and I wonder why.

Now, we could be cynical and think they are getting a kickback, or we could be trustful and empathetic and think they are doing it because in most cases he treats, insurance wouldn't cover the medications and regular pharmacies' prices are much more expensive than empower, so he's doing his patients a favor, additionally they also have more options with empower (such as Enclomiphene Citrate and Oxytocin) which are not available at Walgreen's or CVS.

Or we could be pragmatic and think there's a little bit of both. If I were a sales rep from a compounding pharmacy, my sales pitch would be:
- send us your patients
- you have more options
- we can compound anything (for example, Cypionate/Propionate mix, clomid 25 and 12.5 mg, Enclomiphene, T.Creams different strengths) so you can prescribe the right compound/dosage to your patients.
- our prices are better, and insurance rarely covers these products in males anyways
- we ship directly to the customer, more convenience than going to the pharmacy
- we provide better experience
- we'll also give you a 10% incentive fee ;-)

Usually regular people and neither saints nor devils and money frequently talks.

On the other hand, there's a different urologist I'm seeing that does the same thing and uses a different compounding pharmacy, but he's had no problem using empower when I asked him (for Enclomiphene Citrate), using Optum (for hCG, due to lower price) or even CVS for T.Cypionate. So every time I asked, he's sent the prescription to the pharmacy of my choice without hesitation, he just defaults to the compounding pharmacy of his choice.

If $$, maybe that could account for overdosing.
I'd rather think not. The mind is a powerful thing. ;-)
I'm not going to argue with someone who's invested time and careful analysis to arrive at a testosterone dose & protocol that produces good results. But, like anything else, what works for one might not work for someone else or even for the majority. IMO, those of us who don't respond likely have more going on in the neuroendocrine system, which requires trial and error.

I've never been 'dialed in' irrespective of dose, method of injection and frequency of injections. Back on T after months off of it, feeling lousy physically/mentally and seeing my TT at 68 ng/dL. Doing 34 mg, IM, Test E, MWF. I'll order labs at the 2 month mark, in August.

Even if we have knowledgeable doctors, for some of us, we have to become our own researchers as we try to determine what produces the most acceptable and satisfactory results.
Interesting thread about estrogen with not a single post showing bloodwork with sensitive estradiol.

Most guys wrongly assume these symptoms/issues are due to high estradiol. They are not.

Water retention.
Sensitive nipples.

PLEASE, I beg you guys to read all the previous work we have done on this subject. I have been so busy that I do not have time to monitor posts on this site for erroneous myth-feeding mantras about estradiol in men.

As a person who have lived in the Asia, Europe and the United States, I have clearly experienced how different most of the doctors approach to one particular health related issue in different geographical areas. This by itself doesn't make anyone's practice more precise and effective or less. As for the insurance, drug costs and all related medical expenses , I have never seen anywhere worse than the United States. What shines here (U.S.) is the availability and verity of procedures and even medications. In my opinion, this alone worths the higher costs of the medical procedures as well as the higher drug costs.
Yes, there are many medication advertisments on TV directly for the people but don't forget, firstly, none of those advertised medicices are available without a doctor prescription and secondly, this is the country routed in the open market and capitalism. Americans widely understand the meaning of it.
Lastly, if you are truly suffering from the low testosterone and you are willing to be seen by an expert (an Urologist who practices in hormone therapy) you are going to be given the right protocol with right amount of medications under regular supervisions (blood test, if needed ultrasound and etc) and that would help you for years and years. Self prescribing, wondering around to find medicines that you don't even know what they do. Seeking help from none professional people (even clinics) would results in short or long term issues without any doubts.
Don't forget, it's your doctor's job to translate your blood test result values for you, not you.
Good luck
This is a bit wordy but I want to share what is working for me take get estrogen under control. I've been on TRT for over 6 years and estrogen has been my challenge. If you have battled this issue while on TRT, maybe this will work for you. And maybe I'm a slow learner and most of solving the problem in this way far faster than me. If so, I wish I talked to you long ago.

Doctors started me at 180-200mg test, taken once per week. My estrogen was up and down and up and down. So was my test. For too long I got myself into taking the AI at 1-3 mg a week. No way to live!! Several years ago I switched to daily sub-q injections. Now I'm at 6 days/week. I have continued to drop my test dose down and down and down. At times I have repeated blood tests up to 2 times/month to stay on top of this and make it better. I never wait more than 2 months to get a blood test. Maybe one day when I hit my level of near perfection I will do that. 2 months ago I felt better than I have in 25 years or maybe in my lifetime. That lasted a month and then faded but not as bad as in the past.

I go get my blood test and again my estrogen was too high (for me). It was only 5% above the upper end of the normal range. At that point my test was at 100 mg/week and hcg at 1500 iu. I was having the typical emotional and low sex drive issue but not as bad as in the past as I've been in this routine of lowering my test dose over time to better manage estrogen and with less and less AI. I skipped the test for a couple days and took an AI to drop the estrogen. I dropped the test to 95 mg and increased hcg to 1750 iu (for sex drive). Of course I knew this would increase estrogen but I want to improve the sex drive issues in concert with the estrogen. My estrogen jumped by 44%. This confirmed what I've been learning for the past 6 years of tracking these figures with blood tests spaced out no more than 2 months apart. Increase of HCG increases estrogen far more than increase in test. I took 2 mg AI and skipped test injections for 10 days.

At this point I'm at 82.5mg test/week and 1750 iu hcg. This is my lowest test dose ever and it is incredible that the dose if this low considering one doctor had me at 200mg a week a few years ago. The lower dose is making me feel far better. And the lower I can tolerate it the longer time passes when my estrogen starts to run out of control. I want to hit the mark where the estrogen always stays below the upper end of the normal range, but with no AI. I'm aware that at some point my test levels will drop to a point that causes more problems than a higher estrogen level but this hasn't happened for me yet. And this makes sense as the truth about test and estrogen is that your body is working to maintain an optimal ratio.

Here's what I'm doing and MY lessons learned that come to mind in no particular order:

- 1 test injection per week is not good because of the up and down.
- High estrogen cancels out any benefit of higher free test or even worse.
- HCG is great for sex issues but it pushes estrogen up more than test; if you increase hcg then decrease test dose.
- More test is not better - not at all!!! I want the lowest test dose possible to maintain my estrogen below the upper level of the normal range.
- I now watch my estrogen level far more than I'm watching test levels.
- If my estrogen rises too high, I will continue to decrease the dose of test.
- If you see your estrogen is too high in a blood test, it is important to skip your test dose for a number of days; if you only slightly decrease the test dose with no skipping it will still take forever for your estrogen to drop. Of course you can take an AI but if you don't skip the test for some days, the estrogen levels will quickly take off again because your test is too high.
- If you are having a problem, drop your weekly test dose by 20mg. Don't make my mistake of only dropping it by like 2.5mg at a time. It's easier to increase the dose than spending months decreasing and decreasing the dose to a point where you feel good or to recognize you dropped it too low and need to increase the dose again. You want to avoid the need to increase and decrease and increase and decrease.
- Don't just get blood tests when you feel bad; also get them when you feel good so you can better isolate your target free test, estrogen, and other important levels. Again, for me I'm paying 90% attention to estrogen because this has been my biggest problem.

I would never have achieved my current satisfaction level making adjustments every 3 or 6 months based on what a doctor tells me. Three different doctors can tell you 3 different things and you can spend years spinning your wheels. They also don't know how you feel and they don't know your levers to pull any more than you can learn them. I have been playing with this while religiously tracking the results in a spreadsheet for over 6 years. I have learned what works and what doesn't work for me. I believe I am nearly reaching my optimal levels to maintain a balance. I wish someone would have told me these things when I started. Of course it may not work for everyone. But it doesn't hurt to try it.

In my most recent meeting with the doctor who had me at 200mg/week, I told his what I'm doing. He says, yes this is the best way. I wish that was the advice 6 years ago. I'm curious to learn if others have taken this approach and what happened for you - good and bad.
So thats why when i miss my dose a few days my erections come back strong?

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