3 day sex party, some ED. Report on trying out various compounds.


New Member
45 year old male here. I'd like to post my trials and tribulations with libido issues and some sporadic ED issues.
I started T supplementation about 18 months ago for low libido. As an example, I fondly recall that in my early 30's I could have sex 3 times in a 24 hour period fairly regularly. I'd get spontaneous erections at various times throughout the day. That hasn't been the case for a few years, and my libido decreased to the point where I only wanted sex a couple of times a week. (For the record my long term girlfriend is smoking hot and has a very high sex drive.)
I went to see a doc about starting T.
My doc started me on 80 mg IM once per week, and after a while I changed it to 100 mg IM once per week on my own. My doc had me take anastrozole 1 mg once per week.
After reading the forum on ********, I decided to change my T dosing to twice per week, so I changed to 50 mg SQ twice per week.
I have no health issues, and lift weights several times per week, and I'm in great shape for my age, or in fact any age. (No dad bod here.) I don't do any cardio, all weights and bodyweight training.
My libido and performance has certainly improved but weren't ideal and nothing like in my 30's.
About 6 months ago, my doc had me increase my Anastrozole 1 mg per week to 1 mg twice per week after my estradiol came back slightly elevated at 34. Normal is supposed to be <29 pg/ml per Quest labs.

My libido which got much better in the first few months on T, seemed to get even worse, and after reading the ******** group, and many of Nelson's posts, I recently cut back to Anastrozole 1mg per week. When I brought this up with my doc at a visit last month, she agreed that it was worth a try to improve my libido and performance.

Now to the field report:
Of note, my girlfriend and I are swingers so every few months we engage in sex parties.

Even with the T supplementation and with Cialis, there have been a couple of occasions where I couldn't perform. It was never with my girlfriend, only with another girl, so there must be a big psychological component at work here.

We were going to a 3 day swinger event so I was working to prepare myself for the festivities.
This is what I did:
For a couple of weeks prior I started Gene Devine's nitric oxide stack with some modifications.
The following 3 times per day:
L-arginine 1.5 grams
Beet root 605 mg
L-Citrulline 1.5 grams

NOW Brand Testojack 100 - 4 capsules once or twice per day. I did this for the Tongkat Ali which I have read can sexual performance.

I started the 5 mg Cialis three times per day as in Gene's stack about 4 or 5 days prior to the big event. I have 20 mg tablets so I either cut them in half and bite off half of that, or try to take a nibble off that I estimate to be a quarter. It is probably closer to a third than a quarter.
I have tablets from some place in India. To be honest with you I don't remember how I first ordered from them so I don't even know the source. They call me on my cell every month or so for a re-order and say they are "Canadian Pharmacy" which is obviously generic.. Sometimes I wonder if the pills are counterfeit or low potency because sometimes they seem to help, and sometimes not at all.

I also took PT-141 from a peptide research company. I tried it a couple of times, once I did 1mg SQ and it did absolutely nothing. I tried 1.5 mg SQ the day I left for the swinger event, hoping it would help since I've read some people report the effects last for 2 to 3 days. It did nothing.

So here's my field report from my swinger party.
At this point my chemical stack is L-arginine and Citrulline 3 times per day, and Cialis 5 - 10 g 3 times per day, and Testojack100 4 capsules once per day.
Day 1:
Drank too much alcohol during the day and crashed early in the evening.

Day 2:
Kept my alcohol intake during the day moderate, just a few beers.
Interestingly that day I woke up with the most intense morning wood I've had in a long time. I had sex with my GF but didn't come since I wanted saved it for later.
Did marginally well in a mid afternoon sex session with 2 other couples. Performed OK but not great. Got soft after a while with the second woman. I wasn't nearly as hard as I was in the morning.
Much later that day, around 3 in the morning, did great in a sex session with 1 other couple.

Day 3:
Again I kept my alcohol intake at a minimum. I only had a few hours of sleep since we were going on with that other couple until past 4AM and I didn’t eat well, so I was hungry and a bit tired.
In an afternoon session with another couple, I was completely flat. Could not get it up. Got kind of semirigid a couple of times but not enough to perform. Mind you, I am 3 days into the stack and taking 5 - 10 mg Cialis three times per day now.
I decide I really need to eat and get some sleep. I get some food and take 3 mg of melatonin, and some 5-HTP and take a several hour nap.
When I wake up, it’s around 9 or 10 PM and the last night of the party. I take 1.5 grams of Phenibut. I only recently learned of Phenibut. I’ll leave you to do your own research on it. I’ve seen it described as having many different effects. Some say it helps with social anxiety. Some say it is a muscle relaxant and Russian athletes use it. Some say it gives them the most intense orgasms, kind of like Ecstasy without the E-**** (impotence.)
I also take one pill of Caber, a prolactin inhibitor. Some claim it reduces refractory time. I couldn’t perform on my last session which was about 12 hours since my prior one and I figured it was worth a try. I bought it in the past because I wanted to see if I could keep going after having an orgasm with zero refractory time like some people claim. To be honest, the one or two times I tried I went to sleep after my orgasm so I don’t know if I could have gone again LOL!

I have a few drinks that night and never really feel much horniness. Another couple really wants to **** and I’m like “meh. I’m kind of tired.” I wasn’t really feeling that horny, didn’t have any spontaneous wood, and I certainly was worried I wouldn’t be able to perform again. I end up back in our room with just my girlfriend and as we get into bed I sport the hardest spontaneous wood I’ve had in a long time and we have a great session.

I tried a modified version of Gene Devine’s stack which was working during the week giving me good morning wood. In the future i plan to get Longjack 200 which has horny goat weed which is in Gene’s stack, and also Maca root which I think he commented about in another thread.

Nelson is right that too much Aromatase inhibitors can kill libido. I got worse when my doc increased my Anastrozole and then I got much better when I went down from 1 mg twice per week to 1 mg once per week.

PT-141 1mg and 1.5 mg SQ have done nothing for me. I felt some flushing after taking it so I think the product is legit. I'm going to try 2 mg.

Someone on the forum here mentioned that 20 mg Cialis does nothing for them, and splitting the dose into 5 mgs is better. I have to play with my dosing. I’m also thinking of adding Viagra right before any festivities. Anyone stack Viagra and Cialis?

I personally wonder if Melatonin has an effect on erections. My best morning woods recently happen when I take melatonin the night before to help sleep. In my recent escapades, the best wood I had was one day first thing in the morning but another time at 3AM when I took melatonin around 6PM.

Phenibut 1.5 mg may have helped and I need to experiment with it some more.

As everyone knows, the psychological component is probably more important than anything else, unless you are injecting tri-mix or bi-mix. I need to learn some mind tricks to get in the mood more reliably.

Speaking of bi-mix or tri-mix, does anyone use those while traveling? I wouldn’t mind trying them, but how do you use it discreetly? It’s not like you can carry a refrigerated syringe in your pocket and if you need wood, excuse yourself to the bathroom and inject.

Going to try Caber, if I can get some more. It’s expensive, and the source I used is no longer available.

I'm eager to hear of other things people have tried other than just Cialis because that alone doesn't do the trick for me 100% of the time.
modernist, thanks for the good story. I'm not a swinger, I'm a one woman man but I do use testosterone and cialis and if I do not release all of my semen, I can last for hours and I do (now) have the best sex of my life but once I fully release "I'm done".
You're taking a significant dose of Anastrozole. Even if you needed it, 1mg per week is a lot (to say nothing of the fact that you were taking 2mg/week for a period of time). You have possibly suppressed your estradiol level to a point that it is wreaking havoc with your sexual performance.
If I were to take action on anything you said, I'd stop anastrozole for at least ten days and let it clear from your system. You were taking an overdose of it and your estrogen was likely suppressed so far youll need a little time for it come back up. As you're finding, E2 too low, and there's nothing that's going to help you get it up.
When I had to reverse an overdose it was at about 10 days that I started having some night sweats which seem to me to be my first symptom of high E2. What I did was start over @ .25mg once a week and keep a diary of how I was feeling. I ended up, for me, on .20mg 3x week. I may need to tweak just a bit more but this is a small changes over time kind of pursuit.
I'm using 5mg twice day of Cialis with very good results.

For someone who has marathon sex and needs to be a stud in sex parties, stop guessing and use Trimix.

There are several ways to do it discretely.

You can preload the syringe and carry it in pens like this one.


Here is a great cooler for travel


I would also get on hCG for improve horniness. Keep the nitric oxide combo. If you use Trimix, do not take Cialis with it since it increases the risk of priaprism.
Thanks for all the responses. When I first started down the road of T replacement, I thought "I have to keep my E2 low" because of so many guys locally on steroids that I know that end up with gynecomastia. I was so worried about that.
I'll back off and tweak my Anastrozole dosage.

Nelson, my doc doesn't seem to know anything about hCG for libido, or if she does she didn't bring it up at my last visit. She offered it only instead of T replacement as a way of elevating my T levels. I don't care about fertility or testicular size.
What are common doses of hCG for libido enhancement?

Also regarding Trimix, my understanding was that you should use it only 3 times per week. What if you're at an event when you want to perform at multiple sessions over several days? It seems that Trimix wouldn't be an option in that situation.
Trimix is your answer as I think a big part of your issues are in your head.

You can jam with your gf but have troubles with others from time to time.

With all the drugs and supplements you are taking and the constant thought that you have to perform is killing your libido and erections

Trimix will overcome all of that; trust me.

You can take a dose to last 90 minutes or even more if you'd like!

It's easy to travel with as Nelson points out.

I have used it 3 days in a row with no problems whatsoever; even twice in one day....just don't make a habit of it.

Trust me my friend, this is the real shit and will make you a porn start because even after an orgasm you are still hard as a rock and can out last anyone!!!
After you get Tri-mix and figure out your dose you can tweak the amount you inject up or down for longer or shorter erections. Of course you don't want an erection over 4 hours at one time, and yes I have injected twice in one day a couple of times. Believe me you will be the stud at the party. As Gene said Tri-mix is your answer.
After you get Tri-mix and figure out your dose you can tweak the amount you inject up or down for longer or shorter erections. Of course you don't want an erection over 4 hours at one time, and yes I have injected twice in one day a couple of times. Believe me you will be the stud at the party. As Gene said Tri-mix is your answer.

I think this drug was a gift from God for men...kid you not!

And the fact that it's 100% effective makes it even better.

I just love the stuff and have friends who don't even have ED use it for the unbelievable staying power and multi orgasms.
Thanks for all the responses. When I first started down the road of T replacement, I thought "I have to keep my E2 low" because of so many guys locally on steroids that I know that end up with gynecomastia. I was so worried about that.
I'll back off and tweak my Anastrozole dosage.

Nelson, my doc doesn't seem to know anything about hCG for libido, or if she does she didn't bring it up at my last visit. She offered it only instead of T replacement as a way of elevating my T levels. I don't care about fertility or testicular size.
What are common doses of hCG for libido enhancement?

Also regarding Trimix, my understanding was that you should use it only 3 times per week. What if you're at an event when you want to perform at multiple sessions over several days? It seems that Trimix wouldn't be an option in that situation.

Hey, modernist - thanks for sharing the story - the more info the better for others to learn by!

1. I also made the mistake of too much Anastrozole - I can confirm low E2 is sure fire libido killer for me at least. Some people (me) are ultra-sensitive to it. My low dose of .25mg twice a week made my E2 immeasurable after 2-4 weeks of it. I quit it immediately and it took me a month or more to get back to "normal" for me.

2. After reading these forums (and reading Dr. Crisler's book) about all the benefits of hCG, I asked my doc about adding hCG and he was very open to it and I've had great results (625 units twice a week). I can tell it restored a lot of my natural T production (and libido). I also do my T shots sub-q twice a week and I feel like I have a super smooth T level all week - no ups or downs. Maybe it's just me, but it gave me back a lot more control of orgasm and being able to last a lot longer - probably too long sometimes for my wife who does not have your wife's libido :). There are other posts on here about hCG doses and injection frequency - Dr. Crisler's book is a good starting point for more info on that also.
Thanks again for the responses on Trimix. Upon reading generic medical sites, they all said you should only take it once very few days so I didn't think it would be good for me in these party situations where I need to perform a couple of times per day. It's great to know that others have used it more than once per day.
I also wonder if my Cialis was high quality. As I stated in my post, I got it from some website that I can't remember and I don't always have a great effect with it.
I'll ask my doc for a real prescription for Cialis and also for Tri-mix.
I'm going to do more research on hCG supplementation. Testicle size and fertility aren't issues for me and I'm already taking T, so I don't need it for that.
Anyone else have experience with hCG and libido, without worrying about the T production?
HcG has never had a tangible benefit to me, tried a number of protocols and scheduling and all I can say on it is that it's kept my testes alive but no benefit to libido/drive, etc etc
Is this cooler ok for travel ? It's practical and activates only with water ? Does it keep HCG cold enough or we need packs that must be frozen ? http://medicool.com/diabetes/diabetes_travel_frio.php

This one from Nelson's post needs to be frozen before use http://www.medicool.com/diabetes/diabetes_travel_insulprot.php


I am going to buy the first one to see if it is any good. I have the second one. It is good and it cools for one day. However, you need to refreeze the inside container for your trip back home!

Thanks for the head's up.

Here is what people on amazon are saying:

FRIO Insulin Cooling Wallet Large
I'm another who is super sensitive to Arimidex. 0.125 twice a week left not a single drop of seum E2 upon testing.

One thing--make sure your doc is testing E2 with the "sensitive" test. It is more accurate because the standard assay over estimates the numbers due to cross-interference.

I'd be really interested to see a sensitive E2 pulled to see where you really are...
I know this is an old post and I am not the expert on here. But it seems to me there is a very large psychological component here. He seems to be wanting to perform very well and he is putting a lot of undue pressure on himself. Then when he gets alone with his girl he magically has wood. Not a big leap to see that he is maybe concerned about how he compares to the other guys.

Also that seems like a lot of stuff to try all at once. Some of being from possibly questionable sources. How about a little detox and try one thing at a time so you can see what works.

Of course maybe all you need is trimix.

Just my .02
Anyone agree with my assesment? Seems like you got a whole lot of stuff going on all at once. To really determine anything.

Testosterone treatment.
Different Stacks
ED medication from a dubious source
Psychological component
Complexity of a swinger environment
Diet issues
Sleep issues
Alcohol issues
Possible dosage control issues
Your relationship with your woman
Other drugs sprinkled in
All added to the most complex physiology of the human body.

My head was swimming just trying to keep up with everything. Give yourself a break man. Ease up on all the exogenous inputs for a while. Maybe spend some time with your woman. And add in just one thing at a time if you think you need it. And see how it works. Then if it looks good. Then try it in the fluid environment of a sex party.

Basically if there is an issues only when in the swinging environment. I think its unlikely that an exogenous input is going to eradicate the issue.

But hey what do I know? I am just trying to offer my two cents.

I have never been a swinger and don't really know much about it. How does your girl feel about all of this?

Good luck.
Anyone agree with my assesment? Seems like you got a whole lot of stuff going on all at once. To really determine anything.

Testosterone treatment.
Different Stacks
ED medication from a dubious source
Psychological component
Complexity of a swinger environment
Diet issues
Sleep issues
Alcohol issues
Possible dosage control issues
Your relationship with your woman
Other drugs sprinkled in
All added to the most complex physiology of the human body.

My head was swimming just trying to keep up with everything. Give yourself a break man. Ease up on all the exogenous inputs for a while. Maybe spend some time with your woman. And add in just one thing at a time if you think you need it. And see how it works. Then if it looks good. Then try it in the fluid environment of a sex party.

Basically if there is an issues only when in the swinging environment. I think its unlikely that an exogenous input is going to eradicate the issue.

But hey what do I know? I am just trying to offer my two cents.

I have never been a swinger and don't really know much about it. How does your girl feel about all of this?

Good luck.
Sorry to sound like a stalker.. I saw you had great success with clomid in posts from 2017.. Wondering if you are ongoing with clomid and how your TRT journey currently stacks?

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