.25 mg is a very very low dose for Cabergoline when you consider that individuals with Prolactin producing Adenoma's take 6 to 8 mg daily.
What we don't know is what Pacman's baseline Prolactin levels were before he started. If base line was low to start with then yes it could be tanking his serum levels and as a result getting these negative side effects.
It's not a secret that Cabergoline increases libido...that's just a fact. And many Doctors, with the likes of Dr. Eugene Shippen, use it successfully for their men with low libido.
I have been using .25 mg twice weekly for a couple of years now and my libido screams and orgasm intensity is teeth clenching.
My advise is to get Prolactin levels tested to see if this may be the cause.
Anything else said here is just speculation.